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Knowing your body


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Hi not sure if I can put this on here.


There's a thing on the forum asking would we get sexual health testing if we got asked for 1 by our partner / play mate.

Got me thinking.  Why should we wait for a new partner ect to ask. Shouldn't we all get tested yearly for our own sake.


But please go get regular smear tests. They save lives.  Peoplecwith female genitals. Sorry I don't know how else to say it so I include none binary people or people who have female genitals but are male trans but still have lady parts. I'm trying not go offend any one.



Also don't forget to check for lumps or bubs humans. No mater what you are male, female, none binary ect. Or if you brusses  easy . It can be nothing but can be something.


I'm saying these things as a person who as suffered with cancer 1s and cancer cells just starting 2 appear the 2nd time and both were fount by smear tests. 

Men please check your balls an even your breasts to see if there's lumps as well as women. Men can get breast cancer also. 


Sorry if iv offended any 1







I'm not sure why anyone would be offended @charms. I think its a good reminder to us all no matter how we identify. Timely too now that many services (in the UK) are available again as we're coming out of the pandemic.
No matter how it's worded, the good intentions of your message are plain to see

I would say context applies

Taking care of your own health is very important - and that includes and extends to sexual health

Even if being tested wasn't a requirement for what I do; I would probably get tested every 3 months because I play regularly - although in a lot of low risk settings

But if you are playing with multiple partners, sharing toys (or using a toy which has been used on others) or even if you with just one partner who does a lot of play..... even visiting dungeons, it's low risk but an environment where there has been a lot of body fluids shed (and while most places obviously have good cleaning - don't put too much faith in everything) so, yeah - context applies - and what might be good for people varies from person to person.

Certainly someone having regular unprotected sex is higher risk than someone who does occasional casual play 


I have a sexual health test either when a sexual relationship ends or before a new one starts, other than that if I'm not sexually active there seems little point in doing it more often..but you're absolutely right, we shouldn't need to wait to be asked..I think the Aids epidemic in the 80s drilled that point home, for me anyway, scary times to live through.

I'm less sensible when it comes to smear tests and mammograms though, a couple of bad experiences have put me off..and I'm not sure I'd get treated if I tested positive having seen the devastating way it affected friends and family..I suppose in similar ways to cancer itself.

2 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

I'm not sure why anyone would be offended @charms. I think its a good reminder to us all no matter how we identify. Timely too now that many services (in the UK) are available again as we're coming out of the pandemic.
No matter how it's worded, the good intentions of your message are plain to see

Thank you so much. I have problems wording things an it does not help being dyslexic.



Charms, no one should be offended by your comments. You are simply trying to look out for others, which is admirable in this day and age.
Testing is so easy - and relatively anonymous these days .. postal kits are available, they are quick - and easy to do, and the results are obtainable by text message often within a couple of days, so none of us have a valid excuse not to get tested really.

I also test frequently - because I use different venues for my sessions - and sometimes new partners. I too have a process of getting tested when I stop seeing someone, and before I take on someone new - and although the venues I use are all spotless, one can’t always be sure on a microscopic level. Being tested gives me an added layer of protection, and extra security.

Regarding Cancer, we should ALL be taking that seriously. Regular checks save lives, whether they are self checks, or screening.

We waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on missed appointments per year. Not attending one is not acceptable - if you have an issue, then making a complaint, being heard and following through is.

Just my personal opinion, obviously, but our NHS is already overstretched…. So let’s not make life more difficult for those who are actively saving lives.
Honestly I feel like this is a difficult subject especially for women because women naturally can get urinary infections, yeast infections, etc and it cant be helped. Their bodies just contract them and men don't. Women can test positive on any sort of test like that but it doesn't necessarily mean they have an STD and I feel they kinda get judged on it quickly. So no matter how frequently you get tested most people will need an understanding partner or play partner when getting tested instead of just expecting someone to be clean. Testing also costs *** and not everybody has that luxury so if you want someone to get tested then I feel like if they cant afford it you should definitely be willing to if you're trying to make the effort to play with them. If someone tests positive I also feel you should be willing to wait for them to be able to get clean because with antibiotics in most cases you will be clean within 7-14 days
6 minutes ago, Celestial-Succubus said:
Honestly I feel like this is a difficult subject especially for women because women naturally can get urinary infections, yeast infections, etc and it cant be helped. Their bodies just contract them and men don't. Women can test positive on any sort of test like that but it doesn't necessarily mean they have an STD and I feel they kinda get judged on it quickly. So no matter how frequently you get tested most people will need an understanding partner or play partner when getting tested instead of just expecting someone to be clean. Testing also costs *** and not everybody has that luxury so if you want someone to get tested then I feel like if they cant afford it you should definitely be willing to if you're trying to make the effort to play with them. If someone tests positive I also feel you should be willing to wait for them to be able to get clean because with antibiotics in most cases you will be clean within 7-14 days

Actually, UTI's can be prevented in a number of ways, some are certainly predisposed to them but there are management techniques
Also, perhaps we could stop talking about sexual health in terms of 'clean'. When we do so (i'm not suggesting you are) we're suggesting that those with ill sexual health are 'dirty'. We don't make that assumption/link when someone has a chest infection.

19 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Also, perhaps we could stop talking about sexual health in terms of 'clean'.

Yep - absolutely.

Especially as, two trenches

1) False negatives (or false positives)

2) Incubation period.   My next test is on Monday.  If everything comes back negative that doesn't mean I'm "clean" - because some STI's have 7 days incubation and some 3 months.  

and that's alongside of course that it creates stigma.  

On 5/16/2022 at 8:19 PM, MzJax said:

I have a sexual health test either when a sexual relationship ends or before a new one starts, other than that if I'm not sexually active there seems little point in doing it more often..but you're absolutely right, we shouldn't need to wait to be asked..I think the Aids epidemic in the 80s drilled that point home, for me anyway, scary times to live through.

I'm less sensible when it comes to smear tests and mammograms though, a couple of bad experiences have put me off..and I'm not sure I'd get treated if I tested positive having seen the devastating way it affected friends and family..I suppose in similar ways to cancer itself.

But cervical cancer can be beaten though.

So can cancer of the womb. 

Yes it's dam scary and having your lady bits prodded an pocked isn't comfortable. 


Trust me I went threw them weekly . But I'm alive an kicking.




I agree women can get utis and even fresh and another 1 that actually means your to clean an removing the body's natural chemicals.


I get  all 3 qnd no I'm not sleeping around. In fact my Dr says I clean myself  way to much in my lady areas. (Thanks to childhood truma)


But way to much fizzy pop can causes me to get a uti.


And antibiotics an certain meds can give you thrus as well. As I'm on a cocktail of meds I'm careful. 


When I sufferd from gallstones I constantly had utis.  Something with the chemical balance in my body.


But as my Dr said a few weeks ago I'm weird my body doesn't react to things  the way it's supposed to me.


I said thank you on calling me wierd


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