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Solo Knife Play?

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I have been interested in knife play a lot. I write stories about it a lot but I'm scared to trust someone like that so I was wondering can I do solo knife play? What dangers do I need to look for? What type of knife do I use? Do i buy like a bdsm knife?
You can buy dummy knives to practice with & you can buy unsharpened knives but you could also just try buying some cheap knives, that aren't sharpened very well & rub the edge off with course sandpaper or a file to blunten it so it won't cut, this way it makes it safer to start exploring & experimenting, especially with a partner, till you are comfortable with them & built up trust to use a sharpened blade
  • 3 months later...

I’m into knife play with other guys. Safe fake ones or adrenaline pumping real ones

  • 4 months later...

with what ever you choose to try this with know your limits and your body. dont ever think ok well thisisnt so bad i can try more unless your sure you havent gone to far. if there is ever any doubt stop, its better to be safe thsn sorry


I would start with something as a butter knife and then when your ready to move up maybe a dull real knife for when you really want to try things. If you pm me I'd like to talk more about the topic and maybe help you when you do it solo and make sure you don't hurt yourself.

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