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First vibrator experience

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After some deliberation with my family, I was able to order my first vibrator. I wanted just a small remote one but the one that came was actually a lot bigger then I expected. It’s width was roughly the same as the palm of my hand.
First thing I wanted to do was make sure it worked. Keeping it in the palm of my hand and with some consulting of the instructions, I figured out how to turn it on. It’s first setting was quick but slight. The next was faster. The next two were pulsing on and off at different speeds. After that was one that stayed at each speed for roughly a second, from slow to high. The last was one that started slow and gradually got faster. I decided I liked that one best.
Satisfied with the results, I decided it was best to have it off while putting it in but since this was my first time doing anything like this and due it’s large size, it wouldn’t stay in without being held there. It hurt a little trying to but hurt more afterwards. I later decided that perhaps I should just use something to try and secure it at the entrance until a got more used to it. So, later that night, I positioned it where I wanted then tied my legs from that point down to my knees, thinking that would be enough to keep it in place.
To ensure I didn’t cry out and startle my family, I tied a gag between my teeth.
After turning it on, I left it on each setting for a short while (except for the super fast one) while staying on my preferred setting for a few minutes. It moved downwards slightly but didn’t dislodge. I then turned onto my side to see if it would still stay in that position. It became slightly dislodge but not enough to really stop the feeling. I tried the same with moving onto my front. Here it become much more dislodged and I could only feel it a little. All this was enough to keep me stimulated but no where near enough to bring me to the edge.
Turning it off again, I decided on one last attempt.
After untying my legs, I used another to make a crotch rope, making sure it completely cover the vibrator, then re-tied my legs.
This time I started on my front and left it in the fast setting for a while before once again going through the other settings. To begin with, it didn’t move but after some squirming it once more began to slightly shift down and dislodge.

I’m sorry, I seem to have made this out to sound like some inappropriate science experiment 😅
Wow that sounds hot, I'm curious about the deliberation with your family.. did they help you choose it? Did they watch? I need to know the full story! 😂
I kinda had to ask them since it was gonna be delivered to there house and after I did, they insisted I look a certain place to find one. And went through all the things I would need to do to clean and maintain etc.
But not they didn’t watch. They actually told me they never wanted to see it
Wow it's nice of them to help you out with all that! Do you want to Pm me so we can talk more? I'm out of icebreakers 😅
Is there a reason why you don't want to hold it in place with your hand..where you can move it around and hit the perfect spot?
One of the purposes for getting one was to see if I could experiment with it in bondage. Can’t hold it in place of hands are tied somewhere else
Got it.. try something like "the egg" or other internal vibe.
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