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How to connect with the “one”


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I have been a member for a while and whilst I have met some great people online and made some great contacts, I am yet to meet someone with whom I can develop something meaningful. 

I am a paradox and do not fit well in one box or the other. I am also not particularly good at writing “killer ads”. Having said that, I am genuine, loyal and honest.

I do know that patience is a virtue, so that I try to have :-)

I am finding that a very rarely get responses to my messages, maybe because the other party have a very clear idea of what they want, and I am obviously not it. No problem, but where is the patience.

I am also finding that people respond back with kik IDs or immediately suggest to go to e-mail. My view on this is that if someone is genuine, then they will take the time to get to know the other person first. Trust takes time to build.

As I stated, I am patient and I am still having fun - but does anyone have a suggestion on how to move this along?



I think a lot of people don't fit in particular boxes...   but, ad-writing, it's one of those things you can learn and refine over time there are a LOT of resources about writing good ads, what to included, what to avoid, etc.  of course, the golden rule is that, sadly, even the best ads do not guarantee a reply.

I'd always be wary about someone wanting to take things off-site too quickly.  I think it's true once a little rapport is built then it can be much handier to have instant contact - but among anything else I'd be wary on who you're giving frankly personal info too.

I think a tip I'd give is - not to spread yourself TOO wide - but do have hands in different pots.  I'm active on here and other networks, including Twitter, I also frequent munches and fetish events.  


I agree with what's been said. I this is your only fetish interest site then accept it's going to be a slower process. Don't rush to message outside of this site and build a conversation. You'll know quick enough if somebody is genuine.

It's the other parties choice if they want to respond or not to a message. It would be nice if people used the not "interested button" a bit more but you can't *** people to do that. 

Don't let the search become all consuming as that will only make you sound a bit desperate.

28 minutes ago, Littlefellow said:

Don't let the search become all consuming as that will only make you sound a bit desperate.

Thank you for this. Rest assured, I am not, since I do know from experience that things happen when they are supposed to. I still find the process intersting, hence, this post

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