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A collar for Heather......(part one)


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She sat on the train, scared to make eye contact with any of the other
passengers, convinced her eyes would betray her secret. She held her mac close to her chest, convinced the buttons would suddenly burst, or a sudden gust from an opening door would *** it open, she was being silly, she knew that, but the nerves...she'd never felt so anxious in her life. She checked her heels for the thousandth time, 4" black patent leather stiletto, that was the instruction, black seamed hold ups, a butt plug and nothing else..no watch, or other jewellery allowed, hair down, no make-up, no perfume, no bag, every instruction had been followed to the letter. 

The gentle rocking of the train soon had her drifting off into a reverie she'd played out a dozen different ways, each worrying and arousing at the same time, she was after all, only on this train because of her misbehaviour. Tears filled her eyes, she daren't let them spill and arrive with her ***shot eyes giving her away. For the 1000th time she wondered why had she let Miss Anita down? What was wrong with her? It was about time she answered herself truthfully, Miss Anita was a lovely lady, and that was the problem, she needed to be made to feel physically, what she felt in her head, and sadly Miss Anita wasn't capable of that, but never, never in a million years did she think she'd be passed on like, well, like property. The tears threatened again.. 'be careful what you wish for' flashed through her mind like a neon sign on the blink.. 

The train jerked to a stop and Heather realised immediately what that meant, the butterflies raced from her stomach into her throat...she could hardly breathe...trying to gulp, licking her lips in search of a little moisture. Fuck! This is it...If i get off this train there's no going back. She stood, looked towards the door, and strode forward head held high, twitching her buttocks to keep the plug in safe and snug.. 

It wasn't easy to maintain this false sense of confidence as the platform cleared, she felt exposed as she stood waiting for a complete stranger she had never met. The time seemed to drag, the station clock hands barely seeming to move, 5 minutes turned to 10, 10 to 20..and all the time her mind was poking at her mercilessly, 'ugly, old, useless, used, She sees what i am, and doesn't want me' , this time she couldn't stop the tears, and it didn't matter did it? she had been abandoned at this train station like the baggage she knew she was..as the tears fell she sat down, wishing she had a tissue, her nose was beginning to drip too, she sniffed hard and went to wipe her nose on her sleeve, "Don't you dare embarrass me, stop that nonsense immediately!" As she looked up she was handed a tissue, "Blow, wipe, and then stand." 

Heather did as she was told, and then, for some reason she couldn't fathom, even days later when she came to play the meeting over in her head, tried to pass the used tissue back. "Thank you sooo much you fucking bimbo..what do I want that for? Keep it", she went to put it in her
pocket, "you may carry it in your mouth".

"Follow me".
They left the platform and began to walk at quite a pace, Heathers high heels along with the plug causing her to shuffle a little, the Domme, and that's all she knew about the brunette walking in front of her, was striding in her own heels adding to the feelings of inadequacy which had began
on the platform, the shoes were beginning to pinch too, she'd had to get new ones, patent leather always looked trashy to her eye, she felt awkward buying them so had got them online, she was paying for that now. They walked for perhaps twenty minutes, and then abruptly stopped. The Domme entered a doorway and gestured for Heather to follow, they entered a large room, with huge bay windows and a lovely tall ceiling, a wonderfully ornate period house.

"Wait here" she said after she had closed the door behind them. "Remove your coat, there's a chair in the corner, put the coat on that and come back to this spot and wait for my return", She gestured to a small white cross taped onto the wooden floor, She then turned and left the room. 

Heather did as instructed, removed her mac, folded it and put it on the chair and returned to the spot, and then she didn't know what to do, should she stand, kneel...prostrate herself? Tears threatened for the third time in an hour, what should she do, what would Miss Anita want?. She would expect her to sit on her heels, but Miss Anita had passed her on, this one was a stickler, that was obvious, she gave precise instruction..yet
She hadn't told her what to do, this was a test Heather reasoned, she knelt, leaned forward and put her head and hands on the floor prostrating herself, she could hear a clock ticking, but had no idea of how much time had passed..her knees were numb from the wooden floor, her feet were agony, sore and achy, starting to cramp, she was naked, ***, scared, and so wet she could feel her pussy dripping.. 

Heather held that position for two hours though she didn't know it, she didn't hear the door open, nor the heels approaching her until the sudden realisation made her physically jump as all of her senses were hit simultaneously...

There were others here, a wave of *** hit her, she recognised her own vulnerability for what it was, what it could be. A chair had been placed for the Mistress to sit on, and She did, dismissing the servant with a wave of her hand. 

"Sit" Heather was confused, was she to sit on the floor? It must have shown on her face, "Get the chair your coat is on", She almost tutted, "And remove that tissue". 

"Now, If your sitting comfortably" She raised an eyebrow "Tell me why you're here," Heather was sat, as if interviewing for a job, sitting
in the chair with her legs crossed, stiletto heels and stockings showing off her shapely legs. "To please you Ma'am, " she said. "And?" "To be used, Ma'am." 

"My name is Valerie, you may call me either Miss Vee, or Mistress. Do you understand?" 
"Yes Mistress"

She rose swiftly and took the two steps to close the space between them, her hand taking hold of the nervous girls hair and pulling her to her feet before forcing her to her knees..."And?" She repeated.. "i need to be humiliated Mistress" "And what does that make you?" "It makes me a dirty slut, Mistress," she whispered. Miss Vee let go of her hair and returned to her seat. 

She sat for a while watching her, her loose hair already beginning to become tousled, a blush still holding onto her cheeks, her lip quivering under the gaze..she really was very pretty. Valerie fleetingly wondered if she'd be so attractive when her faced puffed up from crying..

"Tell me.." 
"i need You Miss, Please show me what i am..i want it so bad. Please let me show you how i can please you Mistress. Please hurt me, i need it, Please hurt me Please, Ma'am, Please treat me like a slut, Please let me crawl for you, i need to drink your piss Miss, Please Miss use me i beg you"

"That's enough!" Standing again and taking hold of her chin, Valerie was squeezing just a little and enjoying that tiny flicker of arousal in her eyes. Anita was right, this girl had spirit buried beneath her lust.

"What does Madam Anita call you?" She asked, though of course She already knew. "She uses my name Miss Vee". Heather immediately felt the glare, closely followed by the slap, as She asked again, "What does Madam Anita call you?" 
"Heather Mistress".

"Two things you need to remember. First of all I hate repeating myself, and secondly, your new name is skank.." 
"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress." 

"Dirty skanks belong on their hands and knees, they eat from the floor, they piss on the floor, they lick up their mess and they are grateful for every bit of attention their owners give them.." 
"Yes, Mistress." 

Valerie spat in her face. Smiling as the skank flinched, and flushed deeply at the unexpected spittle, a small gasp escaped her lips and the Domme was unable to stop herself from touching the wetness..a wave of desire and arousal sweeping through Her..it had been a long time since She'd had a new girl to play with, this was going to be fun.. 

"What do you say skank?" 
"Thank you Mistress," she answered hoarsely, feeling the spit run down her cheek, and the rush of heat to her pussy.

"Clean." she licked at the fingers greedily, took them in her mouth and sucked at them, trying to show how much this meant to her. 

"Stand", as Heather stood, she saw the collar for the first time. "This skank is your consent..if you choose to wear it, you belong to Me, you will be My property, I will decide what limits, if any, you will have whilst in My service..you may be dismissed at any time if you fail to comply...do you understand?" 
"Yes Mistress" 

"Good., you may of course, decline to wear My collar. If you do, you will be safely escorted off the premises, to the station and provided with a ticket home..no hard feelings...no consequences" 

She placed the collar on the chair. "Take as long as you need skank". She turned to leave. "Mistress Please will you put it on for me?"

No ceremony, no witnesses, just like that a simple decision and the world was spinning a hundred times faster than ever before..
"Thank you Mistress". 

The beginning of this story made me tear up. How sad am I in a drop lol. Lovely Story though. Xx
3 hours ago, Vickie said:

The beginning of this story made me tear up. How sad am I in a drop lol. Lovely Story though. Xx

Awww I'm sorry ((((hugs))))

2 hours ago, Rumble said:

Wow MzJax good writing 

Thank you Rumble x

1 hour ago, Oreo78 said:

I love it!!

😁 Thank you

7 hours ago, MzJax said:

Awww I'm sorry ((((hugs))))

Aw don’t be sorry just at the time I felt for her. So sign of a brilliant story. Xx

Posted (edited)

@Vickie duh, penny drops, I thought you meant you were in drop and my story made it worse..

Thank you, that's incredibly flattering x

Edited by MzJax
5 minutes ago, MzJax said:

@Vickie duh, penny drops, I thought you meant you were in drop and my story made it worse..

Thank you, that's incredibly flattering x

No hun. Could just feel her emotions after the train journey then stood on the platform waiting... xx


@MzJax I very much enjoy your words... do not stop.... give us more....

3 hours ago, Butterfly4U said:

@MzJax I very much enjoy your words... do not stop.... give us more....

Thank you, don't worry, I'm on it 😉


Such a brilliantly well written story!

I do hope you continue to write more, I very much look forward to reading your next piece! 😊😊

10 hours ago, SirRob999 said:

Such a brilliantly well written story!

I do hope you continue to write more, I very much look forward to reading your next piece! 😊😊

Thank you, I've been pleasantly surprised how well it's been received, I almost didn't post it, I'm glad I did. 😊


Even though the D/s aspects in the story don’t line up with my own, it doesn’t need to for me to appreciate the beauty, vulnerability and skill of your writing.  

On 7/13/2019 at 6:05 PM, MirandaGrey said:

Even though the D/s aspects in the story don’t line up with my own, it doesn’t need to for me to appreciate the beauty, vulnerability and skill of your writing.  

Thank you, that's incredibly gratifying to hear.

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