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Go ahead, run~(hunter perspective)


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(prey/hunter short story, I wrote from the other perspective also because why the frickity frackity not?)


Go ahead, run

Hunter's perspective

Excuse me, what did you say? You dare speak to me in such a way? Have you forgotten to whom you belong? Do I have to teach you again, ***d to listen to your pathetic needy screams as I drag you along? 

Wind rushing, within those calm eyes a silent storm is raging. A fierce grip, loosened by desperate squirming, relinquished as a thrill of electricity shot through a heightened nervous system. The fleeing figure, stumbling away through a backdoor out into the supposed sanctity of the moonlit forest near their secluded cabin. The scent of excitement roasting like wild fire in the air, the night was just beginning. 

Go on then, run, run for your life if you dare

Pursuit, the insanity of the frightened prey was complexly mirrored by the calm determination of the hunter. There was no rush, there was no panic, only a sense of impending absolute victory. With every light well thought out step, echoing sounds of the other drew the hunter closer. A wild beast with a fresh scent, unrivalled by the natural terrain that tried to impede them. Ever closer they drew. Somewhere just ahead, the crashing of the other seemed to cease. There truly was no rush. The prey would not escape. It had rendered itself into a hole from which there was no escape. Let them run, they have no idea what they are doing. Foolish little one.
 Coming closer, excitement building. Pushing aside branches, silently, almost lazily, ears pricked, steel eyes focused ahead. Where are you my little one, you have fallen silent, no more running ay? The sounds of heavy panting from somewhere just ahead. Within the encompassing trees, the hunter lurked, circling unseen. Watching silently, thrilled as the prey twitched on the floor, having had exhausted itself. Desire grew threatening to take over, the hunger that would not be satisfied with this nights activity alone. The others slim body, out there on the ground, wracked with every gasping breath, sweat perspiring on their lithe scantily clad frame. I know what you want, but I won't give it to you, I will wait and watch you suffer. Yearning for me will be your punishment in this moment.
 Heavy eyes lifted in the hunters direction, something else had merged with the panting sounds, their own desire, distorting their vocal chords. Can you sense that I'm near you? Do you realise now how futile this was? You can never escape me. Now exiting the hidden world, revealing their perfect well dressed frame in the clearing, ignoring the cold stones that were now all around. Approaching the fallen, trapped prey, taking great care to control their own excitement riddled breathing, they did not want the other to see their excitement, only their anger and mock disappointment would be visible. In order to extract every shred of *** and *** from within those exhausted yet beautifully stricken eyes. A handful of sweat drenched hair in their strong hand, yanking them back off of the floor, as if they weighed next to nothing. Eyes boring into the others, overwhelming dominance causing the prey to whimper at it's situation. But there wasn't just *** in that sound, there was a desire too. A deep longing for the other, being driven wild by their scent.
 You thought I would chase you, give you the thrill you long for, we didn't agree to that my pet. How dare you run from me? Harder the grip tightens, extracting a yelp, without my permission?



Boop, done , hope y'all enjoyed -bows- any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, thank you for reading my musings~


  • 1 month later...
An intetresting style. I get a strong sense of rhythm of a chase.
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