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A Femdom story Pt.1/6

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Hi all, lately I’ve been fantasizing a lot about a certain scenario. Although my profile states that I’m still undecided about my role in the BDSM scene, this is something I can’t get out of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I love to act dominant with certain people, but I do have a strong submissive mind as well. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about FemDom and Sissification. By putting it on paper I feel I can put my fantasy to easy and I might get some responses from people who feel the same.


Here we go :)


My mistress and I have been thinking about stepping our game up to the next level. I raised the idea to do a 48-hour session, which I know will be extremely intense. My mistress loved this thought and was immediately excited. Basically, I will be giving my mistress full control over my body and mind, she can do everything she wants. Slap me, ignore me, use me in whatever way suits her wishes. To make it more special, we decided to rent a house for the weekend, far from society, no neighbors, no one who will disturb us.


It’s a cold and rainy day, rain is dripping from the windows, it’s a typical day to stay inside. I’ve rented a house in the middle of nowhere, no neighbors, no people for miles to see, it will just be the two of us. It’s an old, wooden house, with a cozy fireplace and huge windows looking out into the garden. It has its own barn, a huge open garden with a lot of trees and an amazing view over the countryside.


After a long drive I’ve arrived at the house, you just texted me you’ll be there in an hour, so it’s time to get ready. I start unpacking my bag and put everything on the sidetable in the hall. There’s rope, cuffs, canes, whips, a chastity cage and a lot more. One of her wishes was for me to shave myself completely and take an anal shower as soon as I arrive. I’m still not sure why but I expect she has something special in mind. I’m taking a shower, shave myself, which feels weird. I’ve never had to shave my arms and legs before. I take my anal shower and I’m feeling confident and ready to go. The excitement is building up and I’m ready to go. Mixed emotions are going through my mind, am I ready for this? Am I able to fully commit to my mistress? What if I want it to stop, will she be disappointed? No, quit thinking about it, it will be an amazing experience, I completely trust her, and she will never put me in danger.


Suddenly I receive a text, “I’ll be there in 10 minutes, blindfold yourself, strip naked and put your clothes in the car. Put the car key on the table in the kitchen together with all your other personal belongings. Wait outside on your knees, with your hands cuffed behind your back” the text states. All my previous thoughts disappear and I’m starting to get excited.


I quickly get undressed, place my clothes in the car and put my personal belongings on the table. Leaving my clothes in the car and giving her all my personal belongings adds another dimension to the weekend we’re about to have. She probably will put them somewhere I can’t find them, so escape will not be possible. I won’t be thinking about getting out, it would make no sense at all. What will I do, run away naked? No, I will be leaving when she allows me to leave. I have a couple of minutes left, am I going outside already? Or should I stay inside for a bit? I decide to not take the risk of not being there when she arrives, and I go outside. Completely naked, luckily there will be no one who can see me, and I put on a hood which obscures my vision. I cuff my hands behind and I’m ready to go.


Minutes go by and I start to get more and more excited, but I’m also extremely cold while suddenly I hear a car coming up. The door opens and I hear her heels clicking on the pavement. She opens the trunk and I hear her take out something big. It’s a suitcase, I hear by the rolling of the wheels on the pavement. I can feel your presence nearing and I know you are standing directly in front of me.


“Hello there little slave, We’re gonna have some fun this weekend. I’m sure I’m gonna have fun, not so sure about you though”. She says while firmly grabbing my face. “Is that all you got. That’s quite the disappointment to be honest.” she laughs when she touches my cock. It must have shrunk to the size of nearly nothing due to the cold.


Since I’m only allowed to speak when she clearly tells me to, I nod and say “No mistress, it’s just really cold”, my first mistake of the weekend. She slaps me in the face and shouts, “No talking unless I tell you to!” followed by another slap. “But you did well, it must be hard to be out here in the cold. Be this obedient for the whole weekend, and maybe you’ll earn yourself a reward”. “I have some nice surprises in store for you” she continues. “Let’s get inside, its cold. I’m sure you can follow my steps, can you?”. As we walk in she closes the door and locks it. “I’ll put this away somewhere safe, because I don’t want you to go anywhere”. She grabs my arm and throws me on the ground, immediately she puts one of her heels on my face. “Are you ready for what’s to come? I want your complete surrender, If you don’t submit to me completely, believe me, I will notice, the punishments for disobedience will be severe. Don’t you think you have any free will these days, I decide, You are mine, MY little toy. And don’t think of running, I’ll hide your keys somewhere safe, don’t worry you won’t be able to find them”.


She pulls my hood and as I’m able to see now, I look at her in admiration. High heels, a tight leather legging, a beautiful corset and just enough cleavage to get me even more excited. Her face looks stunning, she smiles and then spits in my face. “Did I say you could look at me?” while she smears her spit on my face. She opens her suitcase and takes out a heavy-duty steel collar. She locks it around my neck and puts the key away. “Looks good”, I feel the weight of the collar around my neck, it’s quite heavy, and I start to get hard. She notices and says, “We’ve got to do something about that as well”, as she takes a chastity cage out of her bag. “But first I want you to wear these”, she takes metal cuffs out of her suitcase and hands them over to me. I start with my left wrist, but as it’s quite hard to keep them in place it takes a while. “You can’t even do this properly” she says, and she slaps me in the face again. “Let me help you”. She puts the cuffs around my wrists and legs and locks my wrists together. “Get comfortable, you won’t be able to move freely for the entire weekend”.

I’m getting harder and harder, and she noticed. “We don’t want to spoil it right away, do we?” as she starts stroking. I’m so excited and I already want to cum, the urge is so big and I feel that if she would continue for a bit longer, I would shoot my load already. But she won’t let me, I know she won’t. I’m so close to getting an orgasm, and she knows, she stops, and I sigh in relief. “This is just a taste, if you behave properly, you might be allowed to cum”. She takes the chastity cage. “This won’t fit, but I might have an idea”. She starts slapping my cock and gently kicks me in the balls. I hate this, and she knows, my cock immediately turns soft again. She takes some lube, applies it to my cock and puts on the cage. She smiles, “That’s what I wanted to see, my slave immobilized with his dick in a cage. There’s no place for that pathetic little dick of yours. I do have another surprise in mind though”. She orders me to get up and follow her, “Oh and bring my suitcase will you”. With my hands behind my back, it proves quite a challenge. “Hurry up! We don’t have all day” she jokes. I follow her up the stairs, into the bathroom.


Why are we going to the bathroom? I think. What does she mean with my dick not having a place in here? In our normal sessions we use to take off the chastity cage, why do I have to wear it now? What is she up to?


Once we’re in the bathroom she orders me to get on my knees. “I see that you shaved nicely, good job”, “Do you already have a clue on what we are going to do next?”.

“No mistress”, I reply. She blindfolds me and I start hearing her opening her suitcase again.

I hear some rambling and I hear her take out a bag. “Let’s get you ready for the weekend, shall we”. What does she mean, am I not ready enough?


“You did well, no hair to be seen”. She unlocks my leg cuffs and I feel that she’s putting on panties. This feels great! Sometimes, when mistress is not around, I like to wear womens’ underwear. I kept it a secret, but she must have noticed somehow. “Haha, you thought I didn’t know right. That I didn’t notice that you like to dress up as a woman. Going through my underwear when I’m not around. I see everything! She says laughing. “Since you like it so much, I will be transforming you into my personal little slut.” “This is what you want right?”, “Answer me!” she shouts while slapping me in the face. Completely in shock, I honestly did not know she knew, this explains why I had to shave everything. I answer in shock, Yes mistress, thank you mistress, please turn me into your little slut.


I hear her going through the bag again, and I hear what I think is latex. “These are latex stockings, they will feel like a second skin and you’ll be aware of wearing them all the time”. She says as she slides them up my leg. It feels amazing, I feel my cock trying to get hard, but it has no room to move. She noticed the trembling in my cock, “someone’s excited I see, wait for the end result, I’m not nearly done yet!”. “You know girls do not have cocks right, that’s why I locked it away so tightly. If you so desperately want to a girl, you will also have to live with the consequences. It won’t be allowed to get out. You have to adjust to your role right?” she laughs.


“Get up!” she says, and I hear straps clicking and I’m wondering what will be next. She steps behind me and I feel a *** around my stomach. It’s a corset! She tightens the straps and I feel the pressure increasing with every lace she tightens. “Beautifull” she says happily “Although I’ve forgotten one thing”, as she takes out a buttplug from her suitcase. I feel her pulling down my panties, “Bend over” she says, while she slowly inserts the buttplug. “Hmm, just the way I like it, but don’t worry this is just a small one”. Again, she grabs something new from her suitcase. “My girl is not complete without a good set of boobs is she?”. “These are silicone boobs, if you wear them for longer your body will believe they’re actually yours”, she unlocks my wrists and putts on the bra. They feel amazing, the weight, the size, it’s just perfect. To be honest, I’m starting to feel more feminine and submissive every minute. “Now, since you’re going to serve me over the weekend, I got you a little maid costume!”. She puts on the dress, She locks my wrists again. “We’re not done yet! I’ve also got you a wig, but first let’s put you in make-up. You still look to manly to me”. Still blindfolded, I have no clue on how I look like now all I know is that it feels amazing. “Follow me” as she grabs me by my collar.

We move to another room where she orders me to sit down on a chair. She unlocks my wrists again, my arms resting on the armrests. She takes out some rope and ties my wrists to the armrests and my legs to the chair. “So, my personal canvas”, as she takes of the blindfold. There I am, tied to a chair, in a maid outfit, fake boobs, latex stockings and a buttplug up my ass. “Let’s complete your look shall we, I’ll be right back, have a good look at yourself because you won’t recognize yourself anymore when I’m done with you”.


She walks away and I hear her heels clicking on the wooden floor, she looks stunning as I see her disappear from my eyesight. She’s going downstairs, what is she going to do? Minutes go by, and my mistress still did not return, suddenly I feel something starting to vibrate in my ass. It’s a vibrating buttplug, I did not see that one coming. Minutes go by, while the vibrations gradually become stronger. She still did not return? What is she doing? The vibrations go up and down, I know she’s playing with it, but why isn’t she coming back?

Suddenly, after what I think is about half an hour, I can hear her coming back up the stairs. Heels clicking on the wooden floor. In the mirror I see her coming in the room, she changed into a different outfit, and boy, again she looks amazing! She’s wearing a latex catsuit with knee-high boots, her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulders, deep red lipstick. I already was excited, but this is getting it to another level.


She comes near and starts kissing me, her lipstick is getting all over my face and she laughs “haha, you like this do you? Enjoy it while it lasts, you never know when you’ll be able to touch these lips again. How did you like the surprise? Did it get you excited?” as the vibrations slowly stop. “Let’s make you as beautiful as I am, although that will never happen, but we’ll give it a try”. She covers the mirror and starts applying all kinds of stuff on my face, she even applies nail polish and fake eyelashes. I have no idea what she’s doing but it must look beautiful as I see a smile on her face. “All done, I’m quite pleased” she says happily. “But there’s one thing missing” as she takes out a wig and puts it on my head. “You look beautiful, for a man in woman’s clothes that is”.


“I’ve also gotten you some heels, and you’ll be wearing them all day”, She puts on the heels (they’re quite steep) and locks them with 2 padlocks. “Now I know you will be wearing them all the time, no cheating”. She steps away and has a look at me, “Yes, you look beautiful my dear, this will make it work”. “We’re going to have a lot of fun, but first, I want something to eat. All this hard work has gotten me hungry”. She unlocks my cuffs and orders me to stand up. It’s a strange feeling, getting up in heels, but I manage to get straight. I feel a belt being put around my waist and she locks it tight. My hands are locked to my waist. She pulls a chain between my leg cuffs and limits the way I’m able to move. “Go get me something to eat, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom”. She gives me a kiss and slaps my butt, “Go, don’t keep me waiting too long”.

Great story!
Though I think you'll find an hour to shave entirely is far, very far from enough... Especially if it's a first

But do carry on 😉
  • 1 month later...

definitely want to know what happens next

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