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Female hormones in a male - any advice?

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Hi. A lovely but difficult problem to cope with. i have a very high natural level of female hormones...started about a year ago...A long standing desire to have been born as a female has come to the surface.These hormones are playing havoc with my feelings...in 6 months my breasts have grown from being flat chested to nearly a c cup...had tests done ...all negative.I am now really worried because I do not know what to do  , how to cope..It is changing everything..how I think , want to look like..even to the extent that I am now so sensitive to touch..including my N...,S

any advice etc would be so welcome

Just going purely off speculation and an episode of House, maybe have a DNA test to heck if you have an extra genome and/or test for resistance to testosterone as a lack of it could be causing the female hormones to be unregulated. Hope you find a solution!

Hi..your reply is really appreciated...I am not really sure what is worrying me..A few close friends  have noticed and commented  that how I act and behave has become more feminine....without any effort...I think my problem is more to do with accepting and understanding what is happening to me because of a very..and I do mean very high levels of female hormones...alot higher than a female of the same age...I feel as if my body and mind is being taken over..!..But anyway...thank you for your suggestion....To be honest..I do not want to change how I am now feeling...but to learn how to cope and meet members who would like to meet me and become friends etc..

You might try staying away from soy based products. They will cause high estrogen in men. Most people don't know about it. As a matter of fact most doctors don't know about it. But check your diet.
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