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What do I do when my other half isn't as into sex as I am?


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He doesn't like it as near as much as me he's not into the same kinks I'm into what should I do?
Communicate with them about it. Let them know you are missing some things. Best way is to be open and honest
Definitely communicate. You may find he’s open to you getting what you need elsewhere.
Talk! Anything else will end in resentment and it sounds like you have an otherwise perfect relationship. Sounds like one of you needs to compromise and it’s the person with the higher sex drive. Sorry! But I say that as the person with the higher sex drive in relationships. You can’t *** someone to be in the mood.
I’m in the same boat. We have communicated it and it’s just due to past trauma however it doesn’t change that he’s not into sex like I am. It’s to the point I have to hide even when I want to touch myself. It’s definitely frustrating and I feel your *** 😅
I'm in the same boat. I'm 52 with a sex drive of a man in his 20s. She's 50 and going thru dry spells, and hormone changes. Says we should have sex here and there.
it was the opposite in mine and my ex had so much built up resentment as she would be fine without sex for 6-8 weeks, I'd have to bring it up.

Definitely discuss with an open mind using I statements to not place blame on your partner.

I'm always ready to go and don't understand how all guys aren't tbh.

Good luck everyone
Im extremely touch and sexy and my ex wouldn’t want it for weeks at a time. Super hard and that slightly why we’re ex’s. We also wanted different think out of life in general and she was was to vanilla for me. I felt like a bird trapped in a cage. I needed rough kink sex. She on the other hand wanted to pretend I wasn’t even there. Glad it ended as I was never very happy about my sex life then.
He must be gay because you’re beautiful
Ask him about bringing in another guy. Maybe he will like watching another guy fuck you🤷🏼
My girlfriend is very vanilla, but she knows about my kinky side and we talk about it and BDSM partners that I talk to and play with. We don't get into the details of play, but we talk about when and where we play and if we intend on playing again.
I've had many play partners and she knows about each one, hell she remembers more things about what we talk about than I do.

Communication is very important and transparency is the best policy in any relationship. It also helps to have partners that are accepting of others' differences.
Honestly I would recommend talking to him and saying your will to do as much of what he enjoys and wants for a period of time even if you dont like it you'll act like you do and really invest in it but in turn he has ti do the same for you. Not just allow said kink but to invest in it and really act like he enjoys it.

I think that's the fair answer.
Mostly speak about it, he can be vanilla but still be able to attend your needs and desires as long as you express them correctly, it's all about caring for each other's pleassure
Do exactly what you would do if the internet didn’t exist, go to him personally and discuss it and figure it out amongst yourselves. Not search for advice from strangers on an app.
The only thing you can do is talk to him about it - the fact he's on here with you as part of a couple should make that easier to do.
Having read your profile perhaps he's feeling a little like it's all about you and what you want and not about what he might like also - your profile says more about what he "can't" do than anything else.
Either way talking it through is the first step, trying to understand *both* of your desires and motivations and from that you can decide what might work for you *both* in future.
different people can give you different things i have a couple of open relationships it's almost kinda nice to much of the same thing can be stale and bitter
I’m in the same situation but vise versa
What I'd he into? Can you incorporate it into sex?

Communicatiin, talk it through. Perhaps bring othees in to the relatiinship if both willing

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