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Growth and a Thank You


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Grammar police: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hear hear!
5 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

It was your comment

😅 Shucks! Flattered to inspire a post. 😊 😂

There should be no shame in anyones kinks .

I agree wholeheartedly that there should be no shame for anyone’s kinks. I’m still in a position though where I fell shame for having kinks and feeling like I’m forcing this into my partner. 

I’m sure one day I’ll be able to make a post like this but for now, that seems to be a long way away. 

6 hours ago, SirValentines said:
There should be no shame in anyones kinks .

Agreed, there shouldn't however, self reflection does cause us to question ourselves/our behaviour etc and part of questioning can sometimes mean holding ourselves up to societal norms and, I think sometimes, for some that can bring up feelings of shame for a variety of reasons and I think that that's natural. You can't grow without self reflection.

I agree ,for some its how they are brought up maybe by religion and others how you have described above ..

Agree been on sites for over 15 years and set up rooms. But go but can never leave for long

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