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Word games - a DDLG story.

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Perhaps Daddy’s biggest weakness was his complete lack of competitiveness. He only wanted his little girl to be happy. It was game night, and Katie was going to win. Again. Like she always did.
She’d arrived in a bit of a mood, which was not unusual lately. Adult stresses. Exactly why this dynamic worked for her. Slowly she would unwind, regress and cast off all responsibility.
After a drink and a catch-up about how the week had been for both of them, game on.
They settled on Scrabble. Katie liked Scrabble because she was good at it, or so she thought. Daddy was good at it too, but never let it show.
After a while, things were pretty equal and one of the words on the board was PHONE. Not a great word, but not a bad one either. Especially as Daddy had the letters X, Y, L and O to play with.
XYLOPHONE would have been a decent word score and would probably seal the deal in Daddy’s favour.
Did he use it? Of course he didn’t, because he wanted Katie to win. His turn, and all he did was use an R to make RAGE from AGE.
“Can we stop for a second, Daddy?” Said Katie. “Of course we can” he said.
“I just need to stretch my legs as I’ve been sat on the floor for ages” she said.
Daddy used the break in the game to go and get them both a drink.
While he was away, Katie took a sneak peak at the letters he had remaining. It was pretty obvious to Katie that Daddy could have done a lot better than RAGE, especially as he had the letters X, Y, L and O still arranged in the correct order.
Daddy came back and ran his fingers through Katie’s hair before kissing her softly on the back of the neck and handing her a drink.
Katie stiffened a little at the touch of his lips and pulled away.
“What’s wrong baby? said Daddy with a concerned look.
“You’ve been letting me win all this time!” she squealed.
Caught off guard, Daddy admitted that he always let her win as he knew it made her happy.
Bad move.
“You don’t know me at all” she said. “We’ll play again and we’ll both play to win” said Katie with a hint of contempt in her voice.
Seeing a new side to her that excited him, Daddy could only agree.
“This time we’re going to play kinky Scrabble and there will be consequences for me, I hope!” she said with a glint in her eye.
Daddy went first and actually started well. he made the word STROKE, and then reached over and placed his hand gently on Katie’s left leg before easing her legs apart slightly and running his hand up towards the waistband of her leggings. Just as Katie yelped in delight, he removed his hand. “Your turn” he said.
Katie thought for a while, and genuinely didn’t have much to play with. The best she could manage was to add a T and a P either side of the O to make TOP.
“It’s warm in here Daddy” she said as she removed her top to reveal one of the sports bras that she knew Daddy liked.
“Good girl” said Daddy with a big smile.
Playing to win, Daddy made the word KISS, then reached over the board, tilted her head upwards with his hand and gently kissed Katie on the lips. “Please don’t stop” said Katie. Daddy said that he had to because it was her turn.
Slightly annoyed, Katie thought long and hard about her next word, knowing the direction she wanted this to go.
Looking at Daddy with a big smile on her face, she gathered up just three letters in her hand. She arranged them slowly on the board to make the word WET.
“I win” said Katie.
“Now make me wet Daddy”.
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