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Randomize Wand Vibe Tease


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Hi. I am looking for a way to have a corded Hitachi switch on and off randomly for minutes/seconds at a time over the course of 30 minutes or so. 

My first thought was to utilize a smart outlet, but so far ones that have seen turn on for a minimum of 30 minutes at a time. I’m hoping to be able to set up a the maximum on/off at say 2 minutes and have the session run for 30. I would want the result to be something like this:

On - 15 seconds, off - 30 seconds, on - 90 seconds, off - 40 seconds, on - 20 seconds, off - 10 seconds and so on. But completely random. 

Is anyone aware of a program/product that could accomplish that?


my smart switches will work on a 1 minute interval.  I use eFamilyHome as the app to drive them.

below that, flickering too often has a chance of blowing the electric 

Look for a timer plug that plugs into the wall and you plug your device into it. Works on 15 m intervals over 24 hours. Good for energy saving or kinky play ha ha PM mr in needed
Sorry you need seconds.... disregard my previous message....
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