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Sex Helps: School Staff Slut

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The premise for this story is based in the same ‘future’ as the story Sex Sells: Shop Slut.
I hope you enjoy both…


It was the year 2025 when the gradual shift in culture became a landslide. For the last ten years the sexualisation of the world had been a steady thing; billboard, tv shows, film, adverts - everyone knew that sex sold products. The fact that sex worked so well for selling had become more obvious and more competitive until a group of wealthy business men had used corrupt politicians to get a law passed through allowing shops with a licence to literally use sex to sell. 

These days if your shop had a licence you could use sex to sell, but it didn’t end there. Pandora’s box was opened and the benefits of using sex in a work place exploded. Sex Therapists became common place, businesses employing someone to keep their staff relaxed and happy through the use of sex. It had revolutionised a lot of work places. Staff were happier, more relaxed - they didn’t have to use the service if they didn’t want but it was there. Surprisingly it had worked in other ways however - Sex Therapists had the right to refuse service if they felt unsafe or particularly unhappy with someone - companies often used them as part of the recruitment process and whole attitudes within businesses had changed overnight. The fact that there was now a simple pill that prevented pregnancy and any disease transfer had simplified the work massively.  

Iris (named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow) had taken one of these new jobs. Things had been a bit tight and she had always enjoyed sex. She hoped that would translate into her work. One of her friends was now a ‘Shop Slut’. She’d swung by the shop the other week to see what it was like and had seen her being pleasured in the middle of the shop floor by two men. She’d never thought about Tilly that way before but had to admit she had been incredibly turned on. She’d gone straight home and gone into the website the government had set up to employ people in different sex related positions. There hadn’t been any shop ones left at the minute - the businesses had to be doing well enough to get a special licence. Scrolling through them there was one that caught her eye. Young but experienced female wanted for a sex therapist position in a school. The school was doing very well but the staff were under a lot of pressure - the governors had agreed to appoint someone to relieve the pressure the staff felt. This ‘Teacher’s Pet’ would have a good salary, a house paid for near to the school and a private well-equipped room on the premises in an adjoining office to the head’s office.  

The salary alone would have been enough but the photos of the accommodation looked so much better than her small rented flat. She spent the rest of the night trying to sort her applications. The paper part was easy - she certainly was qualified enough for the position and her latest physical showed that she was healthy enough for the role. The hardest part were the photos. Part of the recruitment process was a requirement to send in a variety of photos, both dressed and undressed. She knew some people would send in vulgar photos, showing everything in minute detail but these people were professional, they were intelligent (she hoped). She decided to try and reflect that in her approach. Quickly she started rummaging through her wardrobe and underwear drawer looking for all the things she wanted to find.  

Two hours later she was sat at her computer scrolling through the photos she had taken. She’d taken a lot. She might have even got a little carried away. After an hour of pampering and preparing herself - she loved feeling smooth and sexy, she’d put on perfume - even though she knew the camera wouldn’t pick it up - it was about how she felt. Her make-up had been tasteful but she knew the red lipstick was provocative, the strappy black lingerie was her favourite and over the top she’d gone for a ‘professional but naughty’ secretary look. A black skirt that was above her knees showing off her stockings, a skirt that could easily be slid up and over her ass if she were bent over a table. A white blouse that showed a reasonable amount of her impressive cleavage without being too obvious and a black blazer. One thing she’d kept it showed off her personality more than anything else, was her rainbow coloured hair which she couldn’t bear to part with. That dash of colour in a serious professional outfit would hopefully spark the interviewer’s imagination. She looked through the photos picking a few so that as the reader scrolled through them it was a strip tease as she took each item off until there was finally one of her naked, smiling at the camera with that wicked gleam in her eyes she got when she was turned on.  

Crossing her fingers, she sent off the application and retreated to bed to have a play whilst reading her one of her favourite erotica writer’s stories. 

It was early when she woke the next morning, realising that she must have fallen asleep mid-play in bed as her toys were still on the bed next to her. She reached over to grab her phone and spotted that there was a reply from the school. With a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling inside she opened the email and read what it said. They wanted her to come in for an interview that same day if she could. Apparently, there were quite a few applicants but none had caught their eye and imagination the way her application had. If it was possible she should turn up today for her interview which would be mainly physical in nature and she should plan for an alternate way to get home rather than driving herself as she may well struggle to drive by the end of the day. As she read that she felt herself tighten up in nervous excitement again. What was she getting herself into? She slipped out of bed quickly, she had a couple of hours to get sorted if she was to be there in time. Quickly she fired an email back confirming her attendance and then headed to the shower.  

She was ready in plenty of time, her rainbow coloured hair washed and dried and perfect around her beaming face. She couldn’t get the smile to go - she had looked at the photos of the staff on the website and tried to memorise the leadership team of the school as she was sure it would be them who would be interviewing her. She was particularly excited to meet the Head Teacher – he had signed his emails quite informally as Nick so she wasn’t quite sure how to address him. She gave herself one last look in the mirror before setting off. She had been told she was quite cute at her five foot five stature, but she had curves that she knew made other women jealous. Her blue eyes shone as she looked at the black dress she wore – it was short, but not too short, and showed off those curves. If was covered in small coloured dots that broke the blackness and made her seem colourful and appealing. Almost an innocence clung to her that she hoped would be something the interviewers liked. 

The drive didn’t take long at all and it seemed to fly by until she was pulling into the grounds of a large expensive looking school. This was definitely not like the school she had attended and it was obvious it had the *** to pay for the salary and benefits it had promised. She parked in the visitor’s area and made her way into the school via the door by the office. As she walked in a young man in the office smiled at her and asked if she was here for the Therapist interview. When she said she was she felt his eyes roam her body and tried not to blush – she realised potentially he would be one of the people she was ‘helping’ whilst she was there and found herself looking him over with the same appraising eye. To her surprise it was him that blushed this time with a cute smile. She found her confidence rising as she walked with a spring in her step, following that young man outside and round to what looked like a small house on the premises. As she stepped inside she realised that’s exactly what it was – possibly an old caretakers house, or staff that had lived on the premises at one time or another. 

She looked around curiously – it had two downstairs rooms that she could see, and possibly something under the stairs, it might be a basement. There was a small but well furnished kitchen as well as a porch leading into a walled and tall tree surrounded garden. She guessed that with the dimensions of the house there were maybe 2-3 bedrooms upstairs with a bathroom. It was enormous, certainly massive compared to her rented flat. Her desire to get the job increased massively. Outside in the garden there were five people waiting for her. She placed her bag on a chair in the front room and taking a deep breath stepped out to begin the interview process.  

She immediately recognised the Head as he walked over to her and offered her his hand. 

“Good morning Iris, it’s lovely to meet you. I want to thank you for coming at such short notice. We are all very excited to see if you can perform to the satisfaction of the team.”

“Thank you, I’m very excited about this opportunity.” She smiled, trying to retain that confidence she had found from the younger man blushing at her. He took her arm and guided her to the others to introduce them. 

The first thing she noticed about the female deputy head was that she was tall. She seemed as tall as Nick who she guessed was about six foot. “This is Sarah, she’s the deputy head and when I’m not around she’s who you will report to for any issues. One of her key roles is the safety of all the staff. Iris looked at her, tall, blonde and lithe. Physically there wasn’t much to the woman but there was a steel in her eyes that made her realise she was strong where it mattered. Moving on Nick introduced her to Thomas and Christopher. These two were assistant heads, a slightly different role - Thomas was responsible for the lower year groups in the secondary school and Christopher for the older year groups. Both overlapped in the middle to ensure transitions were smooth. Both of them were similar height and fairly stocky builds but whereas Thomas was blond Christopher had strong red hair. The last person she was introduced to was one of the governors called Rebecca. This lady had raven-black hair past her shoulders and a stern smile on her face. Iris couldn’t help but feel a flutter inside at what her interview technique might be like. As she turned to face Nick she spotted someone she had originally missed sat on a chair by the door, he noticed her spot him and smiled, “That’s Anna my secretary, you’ll be getting know her as well.” 

“Well now that you’re introduced I guess I should give you the tour of the house… If you are successful in this interview this is where you will live, on site so that you’re readily available for staff should they have need of you.”

He led her back inside indicating the kitchen and the living areas downstairs. He headed straight for the door under the stairs and opened it to lead down into the basement. She was a little bit satisfied that she had guessed it might be a basement. As she reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around she was surprised by what she found. It was lit pleasantly, two large sofas were at the edges of the room and in the centre was a pool table, at one end was a small bar and beside the bar a large cupboard. Nick walked over and opened it. Inside was every kind of sexual toy she could have imagined. She tried to keep her mouth from dropping open. Different sizes, colours, shapes and a whole range or purposes. He smiled at her and walked back to the stairs. 

“Each ‘private’ room in the house is similarly equipped. Part of the job would be the checking and maintenance of these toys.”

He lead her upstairs to the first floor. The bathroom was large - there were only two bedrooms up here, she thought there might have been a third at one point but it had been knocked through so the bathroom could have a large walk in shower and a huge tub big enough for three people. The luxury of the bathroom nearly took her breath away and she could well imagine herself soaking in that huge bath for hours.

Showing her the smaller of the two bedrooms that was 'her' room he then led her into the main bedroom. This was set up ready for whoever took the job and it was very obviously designed with sex in mind. There was a massive four poster bed, across the top of the bed was an intricately worked metal headboard. When she looked closer she could see that there here hooks and rings driven discretely into the posts of the bed and fastened onto the headboard that she realised must be for some sorts of restraints. The bed was definitely big enough for three people and looked amazingly comfortable. 

One entire wall of the large room was a mirrored sliding door wardrobe which made the room much lighter. Nick walked over and slid the first panel open. Inside, like the cupboard downstairs, was an array of every sex toy she could imagine as well as a few she had a feeling she would need to research to find out what they were for. The next panel slid open to reveal a limited range of 'costumes' and outfits. "We will provide plenty more of these when the candidate is chosen and we have their appropriate sizes." The final panel opened to reveal fresh bedding and plenty of it for the bed. 

"Obviously the chosen candidate will be responsible for the maintenance of the house and ensuring it is clean and ready for which ever staff member comes to visit during the day. Staff members will be able to book a slot. If you are chosen you will be expected to entertain at least one staff member a day during the week. If any agree to come together that is their choice and you can entertain them all as long as they agree. Your weekends would be your own to do with as you please apart from the rare occasions there may be a special event or requirement but you would be notified about these well in advance. Are you still interested in the job?"

"Very much so..." She smiled at him as she realised how good a deal this job was and how much fun it might be. 

"Great, then I'm going to be the first stage of your interview. I'd like you to strip for me and show me what we are looking to take on."

Taking a deep breath, she slowly grabbed the hem of her black dress lifting it up and over her head in one swift, smooth movement leaving her stood there in just the heels and black lingerie. Nick smiled appreciatively, and she slowly reached behind to undo her bra, sliding it down to reveal her full breasts. She had never been shy but there was something exciting about stripping for this man who exuded control and confidence. She supposed you didn't get to be where he was without being a confident individual. He walked over as she let the bra fall to the floor. He reached behind her head to take her by the back of the neck and pulled her closer, tilting her head up to kiss him. His kiss was hard and full of passion and she felt her self pressing into him. Under his suit he felt firm and then she felt his fingers brushing against the front of her panties, rubbing the material back into what she realised was a very wet pussy.

He pushed her firmly back towards the bed and she let herself be moved until she felt the material behind her knees then with another quick push he sent her onto her back looking up at him. As she watched he swiftly shrugged out of his jacket and stripped his tie off. In moments he had finished stripping and was between her splayed legs. He reached forwards to pull her to the edge of the bed and slipped her down to the floor on her knees in front of him. She looked up at him, saw the nicely sized cock in front of her face and knew what was expected. Taking the initiative she reached out to grip the thick shaft, stroking it slowly. It felt hard and soft at the same time, the warmth filling her had. Leaning forwards on her knees she slowly took him into her mouth. Her Ex had always told her she was very good at this and given that her new job might depend on it she was going to do her best to give the Head the blowjob of a lifetime. 

Starting slowly, she slid her lips up and down, her fingers teasing his balls underneath, eliciting a soft groan from him as she took him deeper and deeper. She looked up at him, her eyes almost rolling up in her head as she took his full length into her mouth, gagging but taking it all. The look on his face almost made her smile and she hurriedly pulled back. Stroking his length in her hand she focused her attention on the head for a while. Kissing it before slowly taking the head into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it, bobbing up and down quickly before sucking on it, then suddenly taking it deeper. She could feel her saliva coating the shaft and dripping down it soaking her had as she worked his cock with mouth and hands. 

Suddenly he pulled her off him, lifting her almost effortlessly he pushed her back onto the bed, and grabbing her panties almost ripped them down her legs.she whimpered ***ly as he pushed her legs wider apart and knelt between them. Looking down between her raised knees she saw him take his cock in his hand and line it up with her soaking hole. As he started to push into her she grabbed great handfuls of the sheets and gasped. It had been a while since her Ex and he was definitely thicker. She groaned in pleasure as he firmly and insistently pushed his way deep inside her. Letting go of the sheets, she reached up to grip his arms as he pulled her towards him, pushing deep inside her and leaning over to kiss her. He ground his cock deep inside her and she felt every inch of it stretching and filling her. With something like a growl in her ear he pulled out of her before he started slamming into her over and over. 

"I definitely think your suitable for the job of the Teacher's Pet Slut..." He slammed in and out of her incredibly hard and fast now leaving her breathless and gasping with every thrust of his cock deep into her wet hole. "Good oral skills and a very tight pussy. I promised to leave your ass to one of others to test so that will have to wait for another day to try." 

He pulled all of the way out of her, raised himself up and with furious movements jerked his cock as it exploded, covering her from mound to chin in her cum until she felt it all over her in thick streams. He knelt back on his ankles between her legs looking down at her covered in his cum. "Yes, you will do nicely I think. Lets see what the others think. You have 20 minutes for a quick shower and to prepare yourself before the next interviewer will be up here for you to try and impress."

Quickly she stumbled to her feet and walked through to the shower, that was one of the best fucks she’d had in years - if the rest of the day was anything like that again she wouldn’t be walking right for a few days. Swiftly turning the shower on she waited until it was warm and then stepped in to rinse herself off. She did her best to keep her hair dry and just made sure she was as fresh as she could manage. She towelled herself dry then wrapping herself in a robe walked back to the bedroom. As she entered she froze. Waiting for her were Rebecca and Sarah. Sarah was already naked and kneeling between Rebecca’s legs licking away at the most gorgeous pussy Iris had ever seen. 

“I decided to do some warming up whilst you were getting clean. Come over here and take Sarah’s place now.” Getting herself back under control quickly Iris swiftly moved across the room to the edge of the bed where Rebecca as perched and as Sarah moved out of the way she sank to her knees between Rebecca’s legs and started licking. It had been a long while since she had done this last and she tried to remember everything that she liked and enjoyed when it was done to her. Reaching up with her hands to use her fingers as well she dropped them as Rebecca barked that she wanted tongue only for now. She focused on the woman’s clit. Licking in long strokes over its head then swirling her tongue around, keeping regular insistent pressure on it, s***ding up a little bit. She felt Sarah’s fingers ***ling the robe off her and shrugged to help her as she focused on pleasuring Rebecca. 

Moments later she felt firm fingers exploring her soaked pussy as tried to concentrate on making the raven-haired Rebecca orgasm. She could tell from the way the woman was starting to tense that she was getting close. “Fingers as well now.” Was all Rebecca said and she raised her hand pushing two fingers deep inside and curling them up to massage, looking for the spot that always sent her over the edge. She sucked and gently grazed with her teeth, pressing her lips on hard as she fucked her with her fingers and pleasured her clit over and over. She felt something cold on her ass and gasped as lube was slowly spread around her tight hole before forcing herself to relax as what felt like a plug was slowly pushed into her ass. Rebecca grabbed a ***fully tight hold on her hair and groaned, pulling her head down and my grinding it against her pussy as she peaked, her juices coating Iris’ face then she flopped back on the bed. 

Iris felt herself pulled to her feet and a confident pair of hands tasked something around her waist. She looked down to see a harness with a giant dildo strapped to the front. Almost throwing herself on the bed Sarah demanded that Iris duck her now. She felt very peculiar with the plug in her ass and the giant plastic cock swaying in front of her but she moved to obey quickly. With an internal smile she ended up in the reverse position of a few minutes more. Where Nick had her in her back on the edge of the bed she now grasped Sarah’s long, taut legs and spread them wide, lining up the dildo and slowly begin into thrust her hips forward impaling the slight blonde woman. It took a few moment as she was small and tight and the strap on seemed to stretch her obscenely but she was definitely wet enough and Iris wasn’t sure if she hadn’t used a bit of lube on herself. Once she had several inches in she started to slowly rock her hips back and forth gently, stretching snd pushing more in. 
“Fuck her harder Iris.” 

Rebecca was leaning up on one elbow and reached across to pinch and pull on Sarah’s nipples. There was an almost imperceptible nod from Sarah and gripping her legs tighter Iris began forcing more of the cock in and out of the small blonde. She was whimpering now as the giant shaft stabbed deeper and deeper inside her. Rebecca’s hand slid around Sarah’s throat squeezing tightly, pulling her in for a kiss as she dragged her nails over her skin whilst she was fucked her. Iris was sweating now as she slammed it in and out of her and watched in stunned amazement as Sarah exploded into an orgasm, she actually seemed to squirt all over the large cock being rammed in and out of her mercilessly and when Iris made to stop both Rebecca and Sarah cried out for her to keep going. Rebecca swung herself up and over, grinding her pussy down as she sat on Sarah’s face. The blonde woman seemed to be organising again and Iris kept fucking her. The cock was soaked now, as was the bed under them. It slid in easily but the way Sarah’s pussy stretched obscenely around its girth turned her on - she wondered if she could take something this size or if it would destroy her totally. 

Moments later an orgasming Rebecca collapsed off Sarah’s face and Sarah gasped for Iris to stop. Quickly Iris slid the plastic cock out of her looking down and the two women and leaned against the post of the bed trying to catch her breath. It was a good job she had kept herself in good shape - as it was she was sure some of her muscles would ache tomorrow. “You can take that off now.” Rebecca said. Her voice giving nothing away. Slowly Iris unstrapped the harness and slid it onto a nearby dresser - it would definitely need a good clean down in a moment. Turning back she saw both women sat at the edge of the bed whispering to each other. Sarah beckoned her over and she quickly made her way over. The two women broke into smiles and both leaned forwards to kiss her one after the other. 

“You did very well Iris.” Came Sarah’s voice first, still a little shaken.
“Very well indeed child,” came Rebecca’s after, “A little more training and you’ll serve me very well indeed.”

Inside Iris beamed and she was sure it made its way onto her face. It sounded like she had impressed these two as well. 
“Now quickly change the sheets girl, your last interviewers will be up soon and as always Sarah has made rather a mess.” It was peculiar to see this strong confident deputy head blush but she quickly went to the wardrobe Nick had told her about and grabbed a fresh set of sheets. Stripping the bed as Sarah and Rebecca clothed themselves and straightened each other up she put the dirty sheets in the basked neatly in the corner and then remade the bed. Just as she finished the two women left with a slight nod of approval. Suddenly she realised she still had the plug in her ass and wondered if she should take it out now? 

Two sets of footsteps froze her in place as she had been about to reach around and try and take it out. She didn’t know what to do as Thomas and Christopher walked into the room and so simply stood there. Both at once - she gulped as they immediately began to strip off. They didn’t seem to pay any attention to her and she tried to work out what was going on. Once they were both naked they turned to her smiling. “Get into the middle of the bed Iris.” said Christopher with a smile. “On all fours.” added Thomas as they split up moving to either side of the bed. With zero hesitation the two of them moved in front and behind of her and she got the feeling they had done this before. In moments Christopher had his long narrow cock at her lips whilst Thomas was slowly pushing his own unseen cock into her cunt. She moaned in pleasure as his cock slid inside her soaked hole and Christopher took the opportunity to push his cock past her lips and into her mouth. The two of them were controlling her snd using her for their pleasure and she was so turned on. They quickly established a rhythm, pulling out and thrusting back in such a way that it ***d her onto each cock in turn. She tried to focus on giving a blowjob to Christopher but he took control of her head and was more focused on fucking her face. Drool ran down her chin with every outstroke of his cock and she simply tried to focus on breathing and not losing complete control.

She lost track of time but just as she was approaching her first orgasm they both pulled out of her, then swiftly swapped ends. Thomas’ cock was thicker but shorter and it stretched her jaw as he pushed it into her mouth. Christopher’s cock felt much thinner inside her after that but it reached places that she didn’t think any cock apart from Nick’s had possibly reached. They were fucking her harder now. She was a toy between them for their pleasure and they were going to use her that way. She did everything she could to aid them. Getting into the rhythm quickly, tensing around Christopher to tighten on his cock, forcing her head just that little bit lower onto Thomas. Her first orgasm ripped through her and she lost all conscious thought. The only throngs he could focus on were the two shafts filling her world. As a second orgasm filled her thoughts she felt them both pull out again. Christopher lay down on the bed and Thomas helped him position her over him until she sank down onto his long cock. Moments later she was slowly riding him, feeling the growing urgency in this thrusts up into her soaking hole. She felt the plug pulled from her ass and tossed off the bed, dimly hearing the thud as it hit the floor before she felt Thomas’ thick (and thankfully lubed cock) pressed against her ass. He pushed his hand down in her back pressing her down towards Christopher who grabbed her breasts and bit them gently. But by bit she felt Thomas’ cock stretch her until he slowly began to penetrate into her ass.

She couldn’t recall ever feeling this full.

Soon they were both inside and began pushing in and out again. They quickly found their rhythm again, this was definitely not their first time doing this, and her third orgasm exploded through her. She was panting now, sandwiched between them as they slammed in and out of her. Thomas came first, his thick cock jammed into her ass as he unloaded stream after stream deep into her, Christopher was only moments later, forcing his cock up into her and exploding, filling her pussy so full that it dropped out down and over his balls. The two of them stayed there, their cocks throbbing and pulsing inside her, she couldn’t have moved if she wanted to. Slowly, one after the other they slid from her and left her flat on her back in the bed. “Good job.” Was all she heard whispered in her ear as they dressed. She couldn’t focus or bring herself to open her eyes. She was throbbing and aching but had never felt so amazingly fucked in her life.

Soft footsteps receded as she lay there trying to get her breath and heart rate back under control. Moments later even softer footsteps entered the room. She tried to raise herself up but flopped back. A cool glass of water was pressed to her lips as she raised her head to take a drink. It was Anna the secretary. “Nick said to tell you that you have the job. You can stay here tonight - they don’t think you will be in a fit state to drive. I’m to stay here and look after you tonight and then you will have a week with me to sort all the legalities and moving before you start.” She smiled shyly, stood stripped then slid down between her legs. “Let’s start by getting you cleaned up.” Iris whimpered as Anna’s tongue gently brushed her clit. This was going to be a fun job.
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