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Sub not obaying commands need help


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I'm being a dom to my partner she likes to be the sub/slave we are both new to this as only done this with each other and she disobay commands and I put out a punishment for her. She keeps braking the rules I set I'm not quite sure on some punishment I can give her I think I'm limited to things to do as she is paralysed from weist down if can get some idea on what to do to her would be a lot of help thank you 


first off - is she breaking the rules deliberately for you to trigger a punishment?

next - a good idea is to agree a set of punishments with her up front, so you can pick one, or be creative with one, when she does act up

It just sounds like she's bratty. I can be the same. I like provoking my dom and being put back in my place. Though I'm not paralyzed I'm disabled and quite limited. I don't like to be treated as such though. I still do the best I can with my punishments and my dom will either carry out the punishment or make it something I can do sitting or laying down. He's obviously aware of my issues so me trying my best is always good enough, as I'm sure it would be with you. I've gone off topic a bit but don't let her issues hold you back. Think of things you would like to do then just apply them in a way that's suitable to her limitations. Like with just about anything though as has already been said, best thing you can do it talk to her.
Discuss with her what punishments she'd agree to
You didn't mention any mental illnesses she could have like depression or bipolar? This can trigger it and also are you two mentally on the same page? Maybe some essays might help to make her sit down and realize that by writing that what the rules are really there for. Also by reading it you'll get a feel for her psychological aspect of it.
She does sounds to be more of a bratty than sub or slave. Do you know the difference between sub oralave ??

Just remember is is it you who wants this sort of thing or the both of you if your partner is not into this then you must stop being self centred and if you can’t then part it’s not your right to inflict your selfishness on her 

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