I am an experienced and enthusiastic individual who is passionate about all aspects of BDSM. I believe in creating a safe, consensual, and non-judgmental space where we can both surrender to our desires and push the boundaries of pleasure and ***.

As your potential play partner, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our encounters. I have a deep understanding of the principles of SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consensual) and RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink), and I prioritize open communication, trust, and respect throughout our journey together.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or someone who is new to BDSM, I am dedicated to tailoring our experiences to match your desires and comfort levels. We will embark on a mutually satisfying exploration of power dynamics, role play, sensation play, bondage, impact play, and more. I am well-versed in a variety of techniques and tools and am excited to discover which ones ignite your passion.

Additionally, I understand the importance of aftercare and emotional well-being. I am committed to providing a nurturing environment where we can process our experiences, provide comfort, and ensure a smooth transition from our intense play sessions back to everyday life.

If you are ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of pleasure, surrender, and self-discovery, I invite you to reach out to me. Let us engage in open and honest conversation about our desires, limits, and expectations, ensuring that our desires align and that we can create a memorable BDSM connection.

Please note that as we navigate this intricate realm, consent and communication are paramount. I value your boundaries and expect you to respect mine. Let us embark on this consensual adventure together, where we can explore the depths of our desires and unleash the raw power of BDSM.

I eagerly await the opportunity to connect with you, share our desires, and create a profound and exhilarating BDSM experience that will leave us both craving for more.

BDSM Play Partner21 to 55 years ● 5km around USA, Ithaca one year ago

I am Lynn well educated articulate secretary type like to take her hair down at night thoughtful we'll seek your best interests will tell you when you're wrong back you when you're right I seek strong minds and hands to Lead Me I am a blonde I like all sorts of activities I'm a student of life your interests are my interests from hanging out doing nothing to hiking biking travel I'm interested in any and all things from Kitchen quickies to midnight marathons I like to be tied up and controlled in the midst of Passions like sexual asphxia mostly I like people who know what they want and are not afraid to go out and do it I don't suffer fools gladly or wises sadly. i also speak gibberish and nonsense! Hey another thing I'm actually looking for a human being male female male female female male male male female couple odd straight even even space aliens will do I have a personality type that fits into any culture I took some personality tests and guess what my type of personality is like two to four percent in this nation for hyper creativity and by age four my kind they say was planning to write books poetry in particular and that's what I have published are we hardwired or not anyway have you got a good heart a good soul good manners and a lot of action and adventure or not action and blase Ness and I'm your girl actually the doc say I'm an androgen which means I have a nearly perfect left and right brain hemispheric activity going on in my Noggin so I am my own male I am my own female and I have my own saying which is the best of both worlds Without The either so I'm kind of like solitary as an oyster is Charles Dickens would say in A Christmas Carol but I get lonely I crave intellectual stimuli and fun and brain dead isms and all sorts of stuff so you're interested in my interests I like to learn I'm an educator everybody has a love language right so my love language is to share information and fellowship and hanging out doing nothing making peanut butter cookies writing midnight dervish dribble and whatnot so let's sit on the floor Friday night spread a blanket watch an old black and white movie and snuggle and I like to be controlled I make a good Lieutenant too yes I am a bit ditzy I'm spaced out and blonde so lead the way if you got the gumption if you're a willy-nilly no good if you're an idiot I won't have nothing to do with you because those type of people are energy suckers there are vampires that suck *** they are energy vampires to suck all sorts of energy out of you things thoughts Goods power space whatever so beware come rescue me I'm Marooned in a hick town out in the middle of Western Nebraska population 900 and the people here are thick and dense I I grew up near Chicago so I'm used to culture or the Kung Fu coach for 40 years trying to be an English professor so I'm a very literal and creative if you hang out with me I'll tell you my name you can look at my books on Amazon they'll scare you I use them for litmus tests and tell people to go look at a book and they never write back see people are shallow they're afraid of differentiation they like generic stuff that is just plain Dumb-o. I also discovered that being shy was just a stupid waste of time for the shy one and they miss out on life so I speak my mind I'm the fastest dumbass in the West actually the slowest I'm kind of slow-witted but I'm like a bulldog once I understand I hang on anyway feel free to ask me anything you would like I do a lot of editing so your questions will not surprise me I will bet you they're pretty standard because our educational system trains people to be skulls of numb you take care folks watch your souls there are soul vampires out there that'll steal you away who you are and what you have

BDSM Play Partner35 to 80 years ● 10km around USA, Morrill one year ago

Threads and discussions that include: prof

  • Thinking of becoming a prof dom

    I’ve been told a few years back by a couple of people that I should think about becoming a professional dominant and actually charging people for the privilege of my just ordering them around and degr ...
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    People who enjoy letting out their inner animal instincts are known as primal. Some primals have a naturally submissive side and so they are known as primal prey. Primal prey enjoy being chased. They won’t necessarily just roll over and let the Dominant have their way though, Prey like to fight back. Prey are primal meaning they enjoy acting on baser instincts. Instead of complying with the rules of polite society they act only on their instincts. Some prey take on specific animal traits. Some become like wolves or foxes. They might be sea creature like or a big cat. They might identify with a gorilla. Other prey take aspects from all different kinds of animals or even just baser human instincts. Although submissive in nature, prey are primal meaning they do a lot of fighting. This is often sexual in nature but can just be about power exchange too. Biting, scratching, hair pulling and all kinds of punching and kicking can be employed by a cornered prey. Primal play has no particular rules and can be very unpredictable. Prey will fight on and on, until they are beaten into submission.

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