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  • 27.11.2022 23:27:33
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icon-wio footman22 created a topic in Foot Fetish Forum
Random foot fetishes
Hi everyone!
Been reading this forum for a while and have finally given in to the urge to post about my fetishes.
I feel like I am alone for having these 2 fetishes, but does anyone enjoy/get turned on about the following:
1. I like seeing people tap their foot when they are sat down
2. I like seeing people start up a car and rev it up, tapping the pedal in a motion
I feel like both are quite niche, but I am interested in everyone's thoughts on this!!
LikeCrawlex, MrPipeherRight, Legman1and 2 more… · 13 Replies
RodgerDodger The foot tapping is interesting. I like the foot “wagging” - when a woman has her legs crossed and gently rocking their foot - can be very sexy.
I’m very weird with feet. My working theory is that I have a foot fetish but I’m subconsciously repressing it.
I love high heels. A pretty foot in a Read more… high heel or strappy sandal is sexy AF. Toe cleavage is always appreciated, regardless of a heel or flat. A dangling shoe is boner fuel. An anklet or toe ring drawing attention to a pretty foot is also sexy.
I hate hate hate flip flops. When I take over the world, I’ll ban them - but may make an exception for cute ones all rhinestoned up (if the feet in them are pretty). I also get weirded out by spread toes.
The weird thing is - I have a thing where “unexpected barefoot” turns me on. So like if the neighbors are getting together at someone’s pool - bare feet do nothing (though I am creeped out by a wet footprint). However, when I drop off an errant Amazon package at my neighbors house and she answers the door barefoot, I get turned on. If we’re at a formal-ish event and women start removing their heels - I get turned on. If a woman is at a concert and going bare - I get turned on. Hard to explain - and this does not apply to someone who puts their bare feet up while in a plane!
I don’t think I want to suck on them or sniff them or anything, but I may be warming up to rubbing them.
Like · 06.04.2023 16:25:34
Legman1 I know how alone you feel. I believe what you like is called toe tapping, but there is also heel tapping, which I myself actually prefer over toe tapping. I have a fetish for womens crossed legs, at the knees, not the ankles, and I find that any kind of foot tapping adds another aspect to it. I Read more… guess I have a bit of a foot fetish but have yet to explore and aspect of it other than checking them out. Not sure if I want to explore every aspect of it either,...well maybe.
I also have a pedal pumping fetish but I go for the cranking side of it, as opposed to the revving side and when a woman pumps the gas, I like it best when she pumps with her whole leg, which usually causes the woman to bounce in the seat, not just her foot.
Like · 28.03.2023 4:25:06
SpankyGrl As someone who has sold/sells feet pics and vids, I've actually had 3 people ask me to sell them videos of me revving my car engine! 1 with heels and 2 barefoot. It's pretty common. Alot of people have a fetish of feet doing normal everyday things. The most requested thing I get asked for is simple putting shoes on! As someone who has sold/sells feet pics and vids, I've actually had 3 people ask me to sell them videos of me revving my car engine! 1 with heels and 2 barefoot. It's pretty common. Alot of people have a fetish of feet doing normal everyday things. The most requested thing I get asked for is simple putting shoes on!
LikeDJR86, Jordy-1549 · 11.07.2022 23:27:49
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icon-wio footman22 signed up on
  • 03.07.2022 23:52:44
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