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Okay now I have not been on this site very long and yet I just do not see where y'all can say you are into a lifestyle I have lived in my entire life.

The truth is for the most part most of you are not real slaves, in fact all your looking for is sex!

Now troop in this lifestyle sex is the furthest thing to a true MASTER/MISTRESS!

And as I thumb through these profiles I can see( read ) hat for the most part that there are subs more than slaves on this site.

What ever happened to slaves on these site's.

I must be a one of those last few MASTER'S in this lifestyle.

It's such a crying shame too.

To think that you young folks think that sex is how we the old school MASTER'S and MISTRESSES did this in the old day's.

There is a lot more than sex to this lifestyle kiddies.

And it's a crying shame that your just wanting to tie a sub to a wall, flog them for a little bit and then fuck them so hard they see star's for the rest of the day.

And what's even worse is for the most part I hear from these subs saying( I want, I want ).

I think the modern scene is quite diverse and there are a lot of people into and looking for different things.   I think it's a good thing that there are a lot of people interested and embracing themselves into the lifestyle.

Though, I think because of this there's a lot of different ideas and people who felt they didn't fit because they didn't subscribe to the "one twue way" now have a place (as in the wider community, of which this site is part of) where they can be accepted for their fetishes, talk openly about their fantasies and know their 'dynamic' is OK.

Personally, I love how many different ideas there are and ways to do this. 

I think there are actually still plenty of slaves and would-be slaves out there - just the good ones also have the self respect to not throw themselves at the first Dominant they come across and want to make sure that in their servitude it can be someone they can say they were pleased and proud to have served.   I think one of the great things of the modern scene is folk (even slaves) have choice - and don't have to just restrict themselves to the first person who says "you'll do" in a dungeon meet.

But, also.... while I think things have become more diverse and enriched - then like yourself who remembers the "old days" - there's surely still some slaves from back then about? And surely keen on such an opportunity if it was so good for them.


"I want" tends to be how anyone gets started in this lifestyle. If you want a "slave" that doesn't actually want to be a slave, then you kind of have issues. Of course I know that isn't what you actually mean, but the problem is if you remove that aspect of your complaint, it just comes across as someone complaining that "things were better back in my day" which I have to disagree with for pretty obvious reasons. Maybe this has less to do with times changing and more to do with the fact that the internet exists, this community exists, and you are able to flip through profiles like your own personal catalog.

Edited by SparkySparks
Spelling mistakes
What a crock of shit.You may have been I to the lifestyle all your life(so you say)but that doesn't give you a right to expect to join and instantly find what you seek.So what if most are on here for sex and orthe sub/dom dynamic.Its their choice and each the their own.Seems to me any slaves/subs would be best giving a man like you a wide bearth.Times change and so do attitudes,maybe you should think about that before you go spouting off.

I'd imagine it's more likely that there are fewer people who want a 24/7 arrangement, which to my understanding is more slave than sub based, too many times you see newbies saying they'll do anything until it's pointed out what that actually means, even then from chatting, slaves in the true sense usually take a minimum of a year before entering this arrangement, from Masters/slaves I've chatted with even they say more people start of as sub, then progress into desiring to be a slave on a full time basis

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we on the edges of society should be more inclusive and less judgemental having said that the level of arrogance you have displayed on your first visit probably means that you are not going to get a great deal of attention, putting people down without having actually spoken to any of them is not going to win you many friends
1 minute ago, Gadget said:

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we on the edges of society should be more inclusive and less judgemental having said that the level of arrogance you have displayed on your first visit probably means that you are not going to get a great deal of attention, putting people down without having actually spoken to any of them is not going to win you many friends

Well said,we should be coming together,supporting each other.We have enough vanilla folk casting judgment without one of "our own"doing the same.

Guess you should go look for a victim willing to worship your sorry ass, somewhere else. :-)

Have you tried a slave register, I've heard they're a good place to find willing slaves 😁

Edited by quietlysure
Autocorrect changed register to registrar

Also depends on what site you're a member of, this is Fetish.com, the clues in the name

there's things I find interesting.  

And I want to be careful because I don't want to sound ageist - but - I've come across folk who are older and claim to have been around for seemingly ever - who will talk up 'the good old days' - but there's often varying stories based on an ideology and seldom anyone to back it up.

But still. I accept there is a lot has changed.  I started going to fetish clubs in March 2001 - for a little while - then I took a break (of, like, 12 years) and 2001, fuck, man - there was very little information and a lot of that was hard to find.  A lot of the forums you had to be accepted onto by almost proving you already had the knowledge you were there to learn (i.e. already fit their ideology) and I'm so fucking envious that sites like this and a whole bunch of blogs and some of the rival sites and so on... I'm so envious they exist because it was just so difficult to get information back then and I was often restricted to using public internet because it was quite expensive to run at home... and, yeah.

So people didn't have access to a lot of information and so if you were told something was "how things was" you accepted it or decided this wasn't for you.

Now folk have access to a lot of information.  Areas that had maybe 1 munch and 1 fetish event now have several - and it's easier than ever to find a bunch of people you like and be like "hey, want to come to my house party" (if I had a big enough house, a whole bunch of people on this site would be totally invited) - so there's ideas and opinions that if they're not for you; you can challenge them.

And if people don't like your challenge - you have the choice of going somewhere else with someone who does.

That per my earlier point.... if we're talking a time about when Dominants were real Dominants and subs were real subs - then there must be still some of those, shall we say, pre-information age folk still about who can still play to however they liked.

I think there are still folk who like things one way or another.  There's just folk who've now discovered "this isn't the *only* way to do something" 


Having read your profile, which appears to include some incest, (as pointed out below, not kink shaming, just how I read it and I apologise if I have got the wrong end of the stick) but I'm thinking you are no master, and are in fact a troll......

Edited by Deleted Member
5 minutes ago, Myrtz said:

Having read your profile, which appears to include some incest, I'm.thinking you are ni master, and are in fact a troll......

You may be right, but this isn't the place for kink shaming. Saying "incest" in a place like this generally refers to just roleplay. You may not be into that, no problem, but that isn't a reason to mock the man.


There are plenty of more valid reasons, like him unironically complaining that things were better back in his day. 

Well, the way I took it  he has said his ***

..apologies if he means otherwise, but he doesnt make that clear, I am fully aware of Daddy's, mummy's etc.

I'm not mocking, look at his profile yourself 

3 minutes ago, Myrtz said:

Well, the way I took it  he has said his ***

..apologies if he means otherwise, but he doesnt make that clear, I am fully aware of Daddy's, mummy's etc.

I'm not mocking, look at his profile yourself 

My apologies, I only glanced at his profile and didn't even see that. Doesn't sound like roleplay, but unfortunately that may not mean he is a troll....


I guess we can only hope. Thank you for informing me instead of calling me out for being an uninformed jackass, which you totally could have done in that moment. I appreciate your class.

Edited by SparkySparks
I misspelled apologies. Yeah not proud...
1 minute ago, SparkySparks said:

My apologies, I only glanced at his profile and didn't even see that. Doesn't sound like roleplay, but unfortunately that may not mean he is a troll....


I guess we can only hope. Thank you for informing me instead of calling me out for being an uninformed jackass, which you totally could have done in that moment. I appreciate your class.

No problem, I just want this site to stay as safe as possible and full of genuine kinky people 😊

1 minute ago, SparkySparks said:

My apologize, I only glanced at his profile and didn't even see that. Doesn't sound like roleplay, but unfortunately that may not mean he is a troll....


I guess we can only hope. Thank you for informing me instead of calling me out for being an uninformed jackass, which you totally could have done in that moment. I appreciate your class.


4 minutes ago, Myrtz said:

No problem, I just want this site to stay as safe as possible and full of genuine kinky people 😊


You have my respect. I love this place too, I was so worried I was being a jerk with my first comment. Glad to see I was among the sane group for once. 


Keep doing God's work. Wait....god may be the wrong term, well you know what I mean. Thank you.

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