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Cross dressing ? Is it ok in this chat?


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Ever scince a few years me and my wife have been having more and more troubels , within the relationship.we live together  stay together so i can do my part with the perenting. Now i sleep in my own room, sex or anything that comes near it ,,,, well you can imajin. Iv started to wear her things in private and , i do like it. Im probally not the beauty but it arouses me quiet,,, so  my question to you, is the allowed in this room? Is it ok for me to dress up, or should I j ust get help😏😏😘


of course it's ok to crossdress - but... you shouldn't really wear your wives things without her knowledge.

You might want to come clean about your desires and/or purchase your own items to dress in.


My partner cross dresses and I feel honoured that he trusted me enough to be open about it, especially as I'm the first partner he's ever told. I hate the thought that he felt the need to hide who he is for so long.
I do my best to make sure he has his own space when he needs it, but we do play together that way at times too.
What I'm trying to say, is that there are of course, no guarantees as to how your wife will react, but pretending to be someone you're not may well hurt you both in the end. Everyone deserves a chance to step up.
I agree with eyemblacksheep in that you should look to obtain outfits of your own. Such things are easy enough via mail order these days.


Remember your children too of course. I don't envy your position my friend but I wish you well and feel sure you won't go far wrong asking for opinions in here..good luck.

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