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Has anyone got any plans for christmas? I did have plans however they had to be cancled last minute. Gonna gave to be another vanilla christmas alone i guess. 

The plan was to show my now ex owner a new toy i was going to get(plug with a tail) but he found someone he else. 


I had 2 long past due beatings at My local dungeon's Christmas party at the weekend and am hoping for more at the new year's eve party! But Christmas Day is a vanilla day with my family, Boxing day is a veg out day with my immediate family and I can't wait. :) 

Gutted for you hex, you should get one of those plugs anyway, they're sexy as and you should treat yourself to one. X
So sad to hear what your now ex owner did to you there Hex. On the plus side it'll be a new year soon and a new beginning with a new and more deserving owner will be just around the corner, I'm sure. I'm going to be spending my first Christmas and New Year with my partner and submissive and were both soooo excited despite both being heavily ill with this horrible and nasty cold bug that is doing the rounds at the moment. Other than being together we have few plans as just being with each other is enough of a gift for Christmas and it will make a nice change for me not doing the same old family oriented day that I have done to death the past few years. I hope everyone gets to have a nice happy and relaxing time over the festive period. Merry Christmas everyone
I will probably treat myself to one anyway, i dont know what colour i wamt any more after seeimg some really nice red ones with a white tip (like a fox) or there was a really cute white bunny tail. @Robustlove i just need to get out again at some point and find a fetish party i can go to, maybe meet a new guy after i lose some weight again (more for me than anyone else)
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