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BDSM Theraputical benefits.


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I am returning to kink + worlds after 20 years. With some questions and  thoughts. I would be extremely interested to hear others' perspectives on...

. "Retrocausality in the use of elective associated states as a the***utic coping mechanism in sapiosexual post traumatic "spiritual" development.... " 

The kinky bits are a great language of choice,please have a think on it?

Looking forward to inspiring insights.

Thank you for taking time to read &  caress!


We've talked about the***utic benefits of BDSM quite a lot here. I'd love to share my perspective but your question is too arcane even for me to interpret. Maybe you could break it down a little bit for those of us whose brains are addled by ***, lockdown and old age. 



Thank you for time invested. I am happy to explain a little :

am developing holistically,after a NDE. A return to kinks has benefits to my self exploration via the projection of my multidisciplinary approach to personna creation to express aspects of sexuality/sensuality as I defy medical prognosis.....am looking to be inspired into perceptive insights ,beyond my puddle of knowledge........I hope this clarifies my thought dump of a topic?  A question i cannot answer,has more benefits than one I could not question,as is said.


I think Doms or Master need to have a advanced knowledge in psychology to fully use it. Bdsm is not itself a the***utic tool. In my opinion only professional treatment is the long term solution. While bdsm might have some positive impact if practiced by an experienced Dom/Master, but expecting a recovery from traumas is utopian and dangerous too. I had *** victims in the past which use some role play to control the past trauma but I always insisted for them to seek also a professional. This is my opinion of course


Dear FabSeverus ,thank you more than an opinion,a very valid point in highlighting potential harms of inappropriate treatment.  I feel your point of the expectation of recovery,as a n unrealistic goal,is often missed by both practioners & "patients".  knowledge alone ,without understanding an obliette? Thanks again for taking the time to share your insights🙏


I think there are the***utic benefits, but it's not therapy.

This is the thing.  I have come across some who claim to offer an almost therapy, but they don't have any formal training.

I have come across those who have relied on it a little as a form of therapy and there's the flaw that you are effectively relying on somebody - so as soon as they are out of their depth or you find they aren't available then this both denies you the time and negatively affects your well being.

That said.

There are those who use it to help reclaim traumas or help them through things - and that's wonderful. It's just a case of remember the limitations.


Great question Bald! I don't claim to fully understand it.🤯 or even part understand. I've had to get changed into a nice floral dress to help put me into an appropriate associated state to help me to try and answer, from my naive point of view anyway.

Elective associated states, are a brilliant form of the***utic coping mechanism. Not not only for dealing with CPTSD, but for elevating life generally.

The daily use of meditation, priming, gole setting and exercise produces beautiful states which elevate the body, mind, soul and emotions. This allows more head space to be able to look at the trauma and loss from a different perspective and can allow robust reframing and reprogramming of neuro pathways within the brain.
People can handle similar traumas in completely different ways, as its the way trauma is persevered directly effects the way an individual procedsses.

Creating beautiful states, is key for learning, understanding and ultimately control emotional flashbacks associated with trauma.

So totally this reframe can have a cause and effect on the way way you perceive and deal with the trauma.

Bringing in sapiosexuality or any relationship into the mix complicates things, this can act as a sticking plaster to mask or hide the hurt from the trauma making you think you no longer need to deal with it. So along comes the co dependent element to PTSD...

You cannot rely upon others for your own happiness, it must come from within.. useing co-dependency as a mask will unwittingly allow toxicity to leach into the relationship and cause problems. Once the new energy has diminished.

On the flip side it's always nice to be involved in the new energy of a relationship, it's a welcomed boost to everyones general wellbeing, must be mindful that this is just a boost and not necessarily sustainable as it's not from within.


Hi Soloman

thank you ,as my question is rather woolly,my intent to provide a wide spread of insight.....so many great new questions arise. I really appreciate the time taken to share...all of these have come at a time of much rapid change for me. To share has been invaluable...Big love.



thank you, so important not to focus on one aspect of any personal development. I sense that as an evaluation tool ,the facilitation of understanding itself is probably as important as the trauma indicated.

i am very greatful for highlighting this. These and more will bring out my qualifying criteria ,as i develop and embrace experiential aspects closet bound for decades.... Respect n many thanks

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