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Poetry and Rhymes.


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10 minutes ago, TammyNatalia said:

Both very nicely done.  A pleasure to read.

I don’t write often but I’m lucky to seem to be able to find the right words when I do


supermarkets of panic
in the supermarkets of covid panic
the online slots are hard to find
so you pile up your baskets of greed
hoping to check out your 2 for 1 needs
panic s and overspending
in a land of never ending
get on board this train of lust
stand in line with no fuss

2 hours ago, E-dUbBs said:

I don’t write often but I’m lucky to seem to be able to find the right words when I do

Yeah I think it just flows doesnt it when you have an aptitude for words.

2 hours ago, Drewxs said:

supermarkets of panic
in the supermarkets of covid panic
the online slots are hard to find
so you pile up your baskets of greed
hoping to check out your 2 for 1 needs
panic s and overspending
in a land of never ending
get on board this train of lust
stand in line with no fuss

That's a timely poem, and very true as well.


Dreams and nightmares v2
i’m living in a nightmare, seeking succour in a dream
reality keeps waking me and poisoning my brain
so i cry for people i don’t know and avoid some i do
this is the reality of lockdown, for me, for them for you?
i can dream a fantasy out of nothing, retreat into my past
be kind to one another, i know it’s a big ask
i can manipulate reality, right inside my head
be your perfect lover or a coffee morning friend
play out that sweet scene and make it right this time
then i come out of it, back to the daily grind
carefree summer days that rolled on and on and on
jam sandwiches and bike rides, life was always fun
the first time i kissed a girl summer of 64
two innocents riding a wave as it crashed upon the shore
not yet grown up but no longer a child
life was in a sweet spot, a wild mysterious time
Drew June 2020


i count the kisses you attain
as i go down on you again
for lips above for lips below
orgasm cum and orgasm flow
they gush and flood to my delight
in the day and in the night
sweat so hot it burns on sight
to let you cum again
Drew July 2020

Posted (edited)

A Fetish Rhyme to an Unwanted Valentine.


If I was a wee Bumble bee

And you a bird of prey,

And I wished to make you go

I'd just get in your way,

For while you flapped your sullen wings

And ped your beak in wrath,

I'd simply sting you on the rear

And get the final laugh.





Edited by TammyNatalia
Spelling error
18 hours ago, E-dUbBs said:

Couple of mine from way back when 

Awesome,thanks for sharing!


On 8/7/2020 at 1:02 AM, E-dUbBs said:

Couple of mine from way back when 

Really enjoyed your poems. I related so very much to both.  Really admire poems that reflect someone's heart and mind it just really shows their realness.Thank you for sharing them.

On 8/7/2020 at 7:06 AM, Drewxs said:

i count the kisses you attain
as i go down on you again
for lips above for lips below
orgasm cum and orgasm flow
they gush and flood to my delight
in the day and in the night
sweat so hot it burns on sight
to let you cum again
Drew July 2020

Amazingly written! Beautiful, very sexy! Loved all but this is my favorite. Just REALLY HOT if you don't mind me saying👏💣💥🔥😊

21 minutes ago, justcurvysub said:

Really enjoyed your poems. I related so very much to both.  Really admire poems that reflect someone's heart and mind it just really shows their realness.Thank you for sharing them.

There’s many more in the forum I just have to trawl back to find them


Soft and subtle

Or strong and severe

A hand on her neck

Or whisper in ear

She should always

know you are here

The north to her

Submissive compass

Teacher or ***r

Lover and friend

Dusk til dawn

Beginning to end

On you she

Must be able to depend

The north to her

submissive compass

But remember

Like the North Star

in the sky

Be present but not

Visible all of the time

When she looks

for her north

You’ll know she is mine

You the north to her

Submissive compass

as ever feel free to like love or shoot it down in flames as long as your talking about its served its purpose

Here’s another copied from way back
19 minutes ago, E-dUbBs said:

Soft and subtle

Or strong and severe

A hand on her neck

Or whisper in ear

She should always

know you are here

The north to her

Submissive compass

Teacher or ***r

Lover and friend

Dusk til dawn

Beginning to end

On you she

Must be able to depend

The north to her

submissive compass

But remember

Like the North Star

in the sky

Be present but not

Visible all of the time

When she looks

for her north

You’ll know she is mine

You the north to her

Submissive compass

as ever feel free to like love or shoot it down in flames as long as your talking about its served its purpose

Here’s another copied from way back

Ok....damnit lol damn eyes are pushing some tears out🙄 that one really touched my heart. Most relatable for me that one is. Really.... just really got me. 🙂

2 minutes ago, justcurvysub said:

Ok....damnit lol damn eyes are pushing some tears out🙄 that one really touched my heart. Most relatable for me that one is. Really.... just really got me. 🙂

I love that you relate and emote to it
I’m hoping the muse will descend sometime again soon
I enjoy it when people enjoy what I’ve written



8 minutes ago, E-dUbBs said:

I love that you relate and emote to it
I’m hoping the muse will descend sometime again soon
I enjoy it when people enjoy what I’ve written

Oh ofcourse I'm sure many enjoy your writing. DO you ever write short stories also or poems mainly? I would love to read more. Check the forum you said?


beach combing
the sea and oceans detritus
washed high upon the shore
i’m beach combing every day, hoping to find more
broken pieces of our love lost far away in time
magical treasures are lost and found every single day
so i search the endless shore, looking once again
for the love tokens from our past, so they can ease my ***
so come and search for your long lost love
to feel the magic, the magic of the sea
Drew July 2020

5 hours ago, Drewxs said:

beach combing
the sea and oceans detritus
washed high upon the shore
i’m beach combing every day, hoping to find more
broken pieces of our love lost far away in time
magical treasures are lost and found every single day
so i search the endless shore, looking once again
for the love tokens from our past, so they can ease my ***
so come and search for your long lost love
to feel the magic, the magic of the sea
Drew July 2020



city of fun
red light spells danger
in the city’s district of pleasure
in the dark, neon lights are dazzling
heart is pounding resistance forgotten
night life, low life, pleasures aplenty
combine to intoxicate like no other
city thrills, racking up bills
live fast, die young and forgotten
in the cold empty city of fun?
Drew July 2020


Bipolar Angels
the pressure of speech is now within reach
a cacophonic choir raising hell,
empty a bottle to drown out my ears
raise a glass to my old battered ***s.
the manic Angels are out playing tonight
on wings of gold and silver delight.
heads up to madness, I've been here before
tossed on that brutal, beautiful shore
Drew May 2020


Enough is too much?

How much is it Worth
looking in those eyes
how much is it worth
to never say good bye
Wouldn’t you give anything
To keep them by your side
Maybe that isn’t right
is the cost
Too great
Have you given
all way
Think is the cost
Too great
Have you given
all way
What if they don’t stay
How much do need
To be fulfilled
They’re going to leave
And the dream killed
Wouldn’t you give anything
To keep them by your side
Maybe that’s not right
is the cost
Too great
Have you given
all way
Think is the cost
Too great
Have you given
all way
What if they don’t stay

another one to promote discussion bout identity and self worth and keeping something back
love it, challenge it, shoot it down, if you're talking its enough


Looking for perfect

We spend each day

Love to judge and evaluate

But don’t get caught up

Before its too late

Don’t let perfect escape

Limits, preferences,

Linguistics and safe words

Thinning the crowd

Separating the herd

Don’t let perfect escape

Near or far we all put up walls

Trying to avoid a ***full fall

But maybe

We are hiding behind it all

Near or far we all put up walls

Trying to avoid a ***full fall

But maybe

We are hiding behind it all

So the search

each time begins

ticking boxes

looking for wins

but don’t discount the person withn

perfect may just escape

my observations on this kinky life and the fact that sometimes we may be so rigid in what we we want we may actually miss what we really want. As ever feel free to discuss, shoot down or applaud if you are talking about it then thats good enough

The frenzy descends
And inside things break and bend
Like a demon
that is primally driven
But you can't take
What can only be given
The gift of her submission

Still you scratch and you claw
Like has happened before
Not realizing things could be broken
You can't choose
You have to be chosen
For what can only be given
The gift of her submission

So remember you must step back
and then breathe
Show her you care and are worthy
And help her believe
Allow the door to be open
For what can only be given
The gift of her submission

An old one from me

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