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Treatment of wounds


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I would like some advice on treating wounds left by a whip/


Basic wound care. Keep clean, bandage if necessary. Vitamin E oil during healing if trying to avoid scarring. But certainly depends on desired sensation; tough to beat salt and lemon juice if you're wanting to be sadistic.


Clear honey is antibacterial, but be warned that it can sting depending on the depth of the wound. A shallow wound should not sting at all.


If the skin is broken the. You are going to need some sort of anti bacterial dressing. Aloe Vera works well on surface breaks. Arnica works to bring out bruising. Deep clean and dry as much as possible and if possible take anti inflammatory ***killers for a few days


I apreciate the feedback. This will be a problem without the right treatment, not for me but for females.



If you are planning on inflicting any marks or welts on anyone it would be good practice to have necessary medical aid equipment in your toy bag, aftercare is not just for the emotional side of things.


Have you ever used a whip? If so, you don't need to ask your question, surely? Read up on the subject and, it goes without saying I hope, make sure you have consent from the female before you go anywhere near her with such a device.


I would like to comment on my question. No, I have never used a whip to cause damage. I have experience but I been asked to use a bull whip on a female partner and so I need to know about medical aftercare first.

1 hour ago, addictwanted said:

I would like to comment on my question. No, I have never used a whip to cause damage. I have experience but I been asked to use a bull whip on a female partner and so I need to know about medical aftercare first.

Bull whips tend to cause small welts. 

I've found they tend to come up the day after. E45 cream helps.

Keep any open welts or cuts clean and dry.


Start with ensuring you clean all play things before play. This will reduce most of the problems likely to occur if the skin is broken. Then clean area well and cover to keep clean. Let it air if it can do so without getting anything in it. Being properly prepared so treatment is not delayed longer then necessary is always good practice.

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