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Daddies and littles can you help?

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I’m new to being a little and want help with tasks , rituals , chores , routines, rules and punishments any help would be appreciated ❤️😀

So far I’m doing a few things like I have to send a picture to Daddy and a picture of my bed made each morning, I’d love to hear what some of you do. 


I am no longer with my Daddy.  But I used to have to undergo a clothes inspection before I went out anywhere.  This we would generally do over .

And my former Daddy always insisted I said good morning and goodnight to him.  When i failed to do that on a third occasion, i got 50 lines to write.  Thankfully it wasnt more than that.  I hate lines.  Lol.


I think with the above it's always better to discuss them with your Daddy.

Do you want something personal and reflective of you as an individual or something generic?

My advice.....let things occur organically.


I have my baby girl send me a set of pic every morning. I use to pick her cloths and underwear every day. That became too much work. (A bit of a story) she has to say good morning and goodnight. When I met her she was totally shaved. I changed that as I wanted her to have a hairstyle that she would have to keep up. It was a teardrop just above her clit. It has to be perfect everyday. Rounded at the bottom, pointed at the to, everything else perfectly smooth. Thinking of giving her something more difficult like a ♥️. I also demand perfect finger and toe nails. I choose or approve the color and length. She has to notify me whenever she changes her cloths and get approval. She cannot masturbate or cum whiteout permission and she has to keep fit and eat healthy. Ours is a long distance and complicated relationship and very exciting. The ddlg mantra makes it all the more enjoyable. When she’s good she gets rewarded and when she’s not, she gets disciplined or punished. Because of the distance punishment has to be self inflicted in front of a video call. If disciplined I would have to trust that she carried it out. PM me if you’d like to discuss further or have more questions. The life is fascinating and very rewarding if you are both on the same page. It’s also not easy for either side and it take a lot of work, thought and consideration.


Kinda what @Koby says:

You need to figure out things that work for you. It does not have to be about rules of dress although these can be fun.

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