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The full moon glowed high in the sky, illuminating the world below. The rumble of thunder echoed through the heavens though there was no sign of rain to quench the earth’s thirst. Not a soul that graced the ball with their presence heard the sound for the music of an organ loudly echoed through the mansion.  All came dressed in their most expensive pieces. Intricately designed masks rested on the faces of each guest, stretching from ear to ear and concealing the identities beneath. They were paired with bold suits or large gowns that took up a great deal of surrounding space. On the velvets and satins sat jewels and crystals that reflected the light.  A string quartet joined the organ in its song when servers began to go around bearing trays that held tall glasses of a thick liquid that was presumably red wine. It did not take long before most guests had a glass in hand. Restraining their greater cravings, they sipped at the contents slowly out of feigned courtesy.  New sets of guests arrived almost every minute. The mansion, in turn, seemed to grow to accommodate them all. Chatter filled every room. Despite their masks, friends that had not seen each other in near lifetimes managed to find themselves. Their laughter bounced off the walls as they recounted halcyon memories of their youth and when pure *** coursed through their veins.  Singers added another layer to the music. The moonlight shone through the stained-glass windows, casting the ballroom in hues of incarnadine and zaffre. Couples danced, seeming to think their grand raiment were nothing more than mere rags. As though their every action was choreographed, they moved perfectly in time. However, the mirrors could not capture the astonishing spectacle. A new guest brought a sound louder than the music. Through the main doors entered a maiden in a mere ballgown with a lace bodice in stunning ivory. The gown boasted a neckline encrusted in diamonds that shimmered incandescently. Her mask, likewise, was made of ivory lace that emphasized the vibrant red that coated her lips. As she made her way through the crowd, other guests stopped conversations to watch as she passed, fangs extending greedily under masks. Considering the caliber of this ball, they controlled their base desires and did nothing but let her through. She naïvely believed the attention was because of her beauty and her ballgown


just a old bear is all i tis what you see is what ya get:bear:


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