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Kitten play


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hey I am really wanting to try kitten play but I don't even know were to start


One place I started with my kitty is through allowing her to create (or help create) her "kitten space" outfit. As we got the pieces together, she began a physical transformation that echoed to her mentality. Likewise, we frequented a regular event for "floor pets" which allowed her a public venue to "act cat".


Well i think poor little lost kitty looks hungry and a little scared, I'm going to leave her a saucer of milk on the porch and a box with a warm blanket to sleep in and maybe she might be brave enough to come inside xoxo


I wish I knew. You are drop dead gorgeous.šŸ˜

  • 4 weeks later...

I am in the same boat!

so far we have just had some fun with a tail and ears, collar and leash. Soon though, he will require me to fill the kitty role more wholly on weekends we are alone. Such as always crawling and meowing, have my own bed with the cats I already have. Feeding out of my own dish.Ā 

bit I am seeking more tips as well!

  • 1 month later...
On 11/24/2020 at 6:26 PM, Kittykat03 said:

hey I am really wanting to try kitten play but I don't even know were to start

For my start, the outfit/aesthetics was very important. Combined with research, conversations and some experiments with my partner plus intense thinking kind of did the trick for me. But I am still looking for further information and people to talk and listen to.Ā 

If you want to talk about kittenplay, you can pm me (:

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