With a little creativity, a willingness to get a rise out of your partner, and a few ideas, you can experience the very best in funishment. Writer Kayla Lords shows you her best tips to kinky punishment.


What is funishment?

First, for anyone new to the idea, here's a quick definition. Funishment is simply a combination of fun and punishment in kinky play. Did you pretend to be a bad girl to get a spanking? Were you a little snarky so your partner would pull your hair and smack your cheek just the way you like it? That’s funishment.

The difference between willful disobedience and manipulation (neither are good for any relationship) is that your partner is in on the fun, too. I have a Daddy Dom who loves to tease me, so he’ll call me a brat (which I most certainly am not!) just to get me riled up. And I’ll be teasingly disrespectful in return.


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How to earn your kinky punishment

Make sure your partner is on the same page before you try any of these ideas to earn your funishment. You don’t want to end up in the corner or (worse) in an argument. This is meant to get both of you off and have fun at the same time. Keep it light!

  • “Accidentally” forget to go without underwear one day. When your partner finds out (and they always do), wiggle your butt, buck your hips forward, or bat those eyelashes and then ask what they plan to do about it. Wide eyes and an “innocent” look help.
  • For the littles/babygirls and boys out there, cross your arms, pout, stomp your foot, and say, “I don’t wanna!” when you’re asked to do something. Wink and smile a little to make sure your partner gets the joke. You’ll either be “forced” to comply which can be really hot or you’ll be given a red ass and then “forced” to do it. Either way, it’ll be fun for both of you.
  • If you’re in the middle of a spanking, tell your partner they seem to be tired, their smacks lack a little something, or that you almost fell asleep. You’re practically guaranteed the kinky punishment of your life after that.


Roleplay with kinky punishment
Kinky punishment is common in roleplay.


Kinky punishment in roleplay

Go for some old-fashioned role play. This is a good option if you don’t have a teasing relationship or your partner doesn’t always know when you’re playing. And some people just enjoy roleplay as a fun fantasy. Be the naughty student to their stern teacher, robber to their cop, or whatever works for you. Either way, be “bad” and let them offer kinky punishment in the worst (and best) way.


Top phrases to provoke funishment

Pick the right time for this, but a few sentences seem to work for me for great funishment:

Is that all you’ve got?

Are you sure you’re up for this?

I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.

What are you going to do about it?

I’m not scared!

I can handle anything you’ve got.


Be careful what you wish for when it comes to kinky punishment. Sometimes poking the bear will get you much more than you bargained for. Yes, of course, safewords should always apply, too. Have fun, get kinky together, and reconnect - all while being a little silly, naughty, or snarky.

Kayla Lords is a freelance writer, sex blogger, and a masochistic babygirl living the 24/7 D/s life. 

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What did you think of this list of funishment ideas? Got your some ideas for kinky punishment? Share what gets you off in the Fetish.com forum.

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Images: via Shutterstock.com


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