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Whip play!


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Hi all,
Years of experience canes, floggers crops etc but want to try whips now, I love the marks they leave. Where to start is the question?
Thanks C.


Try some practice on targets. Done properly whips can be used for lots of physical and mental things...but done wrong they can cut to the bone


I don't know if this will help but I started moving towards whips with a carriage crop, if you're not familiar it's like a cross between both, so transitioning, for me anyway, was easier, the handle felt familiar for example, the weight and balance weren't massively different, and I started with just a short one around 16" or so, you can get an incredibly wide range of styles and lengths though..and I used that until it felt comfortable and my aim improved, I'd use bed pillows with old pillowcases marked with areas I wanted to target too in a very similar way I began all my new impact toys.

You may find a community workshop too depending where you are, and of course Covid restrictions.

  • 1 year later...
Thank you both for your feedback. 😊
  • 3 weeks later...
I’m a slave I loved marks on my body it’s a up turn on for me because I just dripping wet from it
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