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"With me sweetie" and with that he stood, gently helping her to her feet. A shower for them both a priority as there was a little mess. He hasn't prepared properly, not quite expecting it to get so intense, but as always he would learn and be better prepared next time.


He could see she was a little unsteady so strong arms supported, guiding gently into the shower stall as he didn't possess a bath. Questions were asked, from him to her, answers received. He was reassured, calm, affectionate. 


The water temperature set always the same, hot. He could see his kitten squirming as it touched her skin, knowing it was a little much.

"Too hot, sweetie?"

"No sir" yet he knew that was a lie.

"Remember sweetie, the one condition we have had since the first time we met?"

"Yes Sir, truth, always. Yes, I'm sorry it is a little hot" 

The temperature was turned down and nothing more than a gentle smile, they were close, touching. He began to ever so gently wash her, aware of the sore spots, that already showed bruises. There are not many, but they were there, and as they were still new to each other, this was only the second time they had met, he would avoid giving the odd one a prod every  now and then, just to keep her on her toes. It did ever so make him laugh when they jumped a little, and a squeal was always a bonus, but a little more trust first.


"I should be washing you Sir"

"Why would you say that Kitten?"

"It my duty, it's what I am"

"Not tonight it's not Kitten"


He had to show her who he really was so he washed first her, gently everywhere, resisting the urge but finding a grin on his face as he ***d thoughts of a quick prod away. 


Talk was gentle as he washed first her then himself thoroughly. This bit he was prepared for, a brand new super size, super fluffy black towel and dressing gown awaited her. He didn't want her using his man towels that he himself would admit had seen better days. His towels like him were a little rough around the edges.


Close on the sofa, two bodies wrapped into one, physically pushing against each other, both unaware of the action. Talk was free, open and sometimes a little silly. Then to food, which they prepared together. Him again reassuring her that this was what he wanted. There was no way he would be sitting on his arse watching her prepare and cook fully aware how intense the play had got. He was watching all she did and said soaking it in, how she moved, her tone of voice, everything, already knowing they would become close. The food consumed as they laughed and talked, then to the sofa, to talk of play and expectations, deep talk which brought them even closer. Other things of course, but all of them to learn of the other.



Aw. This is how it should be!


I want to ‘like’ this so many times!

Meltingly lovely.

1 minute ago, Lockfairy said:

I want to ‘like’ this so many times!

Meltingly lovely.

Thank you lock, that's so sweet 😊


I agree with Lockfairy. I want to like this many, many times!

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