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Adult molestation fantasy

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Hi guys. I know this seems to be an uncomfortable topic for some and I’m new here so please don’t shout me down (had a bad experience on another site) but I’m really struggling with my kink which is I enjoy being molested on public transport. It’s not a ***d sex fantasy and not a or abduction fantasy simply being touched up by a man in public. Does anyone else share this fantasy kink? Ive got a partner but he thinks it’s gross and not willing to participate. Is anyone else in the same boat? 

Good News: This is a VERY common kink shared by millions around the world however Japan is the place for the best "Groped on public transport" fantasies
Bad News: In this day and age its VERY VERY risqué and the chances of arrest for the "Toucher" of being arrested, getting all his technological devices confi***ed and nosed through, having his house searched, even if it ends up with an acquittal in the end, are quite high.

On another note: Please read what you write before hitting send, otherwise you risk stupid sentences like mine below 🙄

Firstly, nobody has the right to criticise or vilify your likes and dislikes; we are all individuals with our own thoughts and preferences and your fetish is exactly that, your fetish. In the current climate it’s understandable that people could react but the difference here is consent.
Don’t be discouraged by your partner’s reaction; it’s ok if they don’t get it, but they should be able to openly talk about it with you.
Be 100% certain you are not alone in this. Good luck and follow your desires.

Well, few people will agree to you, perhaps, as your fantasy doesn't agree the contemporary norms and mores. And this fantasy is not rare in men too.
But in my case, things are different. I don't judge people as 'Sluts' just because they have a little different fantasy.

I wouldn’t think it will be an issue for you in london! Public transport are busy. Just rub your body against few men and see the result....
I have this in my kink list as I love fondling or groping a woman in public, either transport or in a shop while she look at new lingerie.
Obviously a set up as cnc and agreed upfront with communication either anonymously or as a game with someone you know.
I hope more women here will relax you by admitting the same kink as yours

I don't think there's anything wrong with this fantasy, at all.

there might be difficulties in bringing it to life - but not impossible.    Personally,  I wouldn't involve complete strangers.


Setting it up could be done with a 3rd party mediator and a couple of keywords.  So if someone does grope you on public transport and it startles you, they can whisper the word so you know this is part of the set up.   An out also needs to be factored in for if someone else on the transport sees something and intervenes. 

11 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

Personally,  I wouldn't involve complete strangers.

I think you miss the point of most fantasist about this. The thrill by being touched by total stranger, the real feeling. 

your kink and your mind some kinks take over others in ways you cant express a deep down gut feeling that you can't control and need to express it one way or another think you're partner should be more supportive and hope i dont get shot down for this have a mate do it to you on a bus etc anyway good luck

1 hour ago, FabSeverus said:

I wouldn’t think it will be an issue for you in london! Public transport are busy. Just rub your body against few men and see the result....

Please don't take this advice, one thing that underpins good bdsm is consent (even if that's an apparent lack of it, like CNC).  if we reverse this and say that as a male you had the fantasy of being felt up in public and started rubbing yourself up against women, would you think this ok?

1 hour ago, FabSeverus said:

I think you miss the point of most fantasist about this. The thrill by being touched by total stranger, the real feeling. 

this is when it's still better organised with a 3rd party mediator rather than trying to involve others.  I mean, if a woman is deliberately rubbing up against me to try to get me to grope her, she is still committing sexual ***/harassment against me (regardless of if I'd enjoy it or not)

Open the parentheses :I hate justify myself but obviously some need it. 
i clearly wrote and I quote “Obviously a set up as cnc and agreed upfront with communication either anonymously or as a game with someone you know. “

read properly before jumping on with your big moody boots 🙄
Eyem you should know me better and the rubadoo thing was humour. 
yes consent is important in bdsm and so sense of humour 

now keep it within the op and not commenting on a comment to a comment etc... 

close the parentheses 

16 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

Eyem you should know me better and the rubadoo thing was humour. 
yes consent is important in bdsm and so sense of humour 

whilst I didn't think you were being serious.  Inexperienced eyes might not.

All sex and BDSM should be conducted with full consent between all parties! It's a shame that on this site we still have to keep telling people this. So please ignore FabSeverus and do not rub yourself on random people in public because it is sexual harassment!

As for your question, there are plenty of people who enjoy the thrill of public sex or touching. The best way to indulge in your fantasy is to speak to your partner and tell him about it and what you enjoy. Maybe ask him to squeeze your ass (or just put his hand on it) when in public, or to touch your leg when sitting next to him. That will give you a base to build this from.

2 minutes ago, Bigminit said:

All sex and BDSM should be conducted with full consent between all parties! It's a shame that on this site we still have to keep telling people this. So please ignore FabSeverus and do not rub yourself on random people in public because it is sexual harassment!

As for your question, there are plenty of people who enjoy the thrill of public sex or touching. The best way to indulge in your fantasy is to speak to your partner and tell him about it and what you enjoy. Maybe ask him to squeeze your ass (or just put his hand on it) when in public, or to touch your leg when sitting next to him. That will give you a base to build this from.

Are you being stupid or need to spell it for you?? Read comments before naming someone being in the wrong. Do it again I will report you for slandering and misinterpretation 

2 hours ago, FabSeverus said:

I think you miss the point of most fantasist about this. The thrill by being touched by total stranger, the real feeling. 

"public transport are busy. Just rub your body against a few men and see the result"
"The thrill by being touched by total stranger, the real feeling"

Not exactly great advice, especially given the current situation in the UK. I would like to think this is just something that came across wrong, but if thats the case you should definitely word things more carefully. Especially when talking to new members

Yeesh! Calm down before you start waving your willies around. Fab has already indicated he wasn’t seriously suggesting rubbing up against total strangers.

This is hot as fuck! I'd love to be involved in something like this.

As for the bit with your partner, please just be careful and respectful with them, but also insist that you receive the same consideration. They have no right to make you feel ashamed of your kinks, but just keep in mind how you would feel confronted with something that made you feel uncomfortable. I struggled with some of my ex's kinks, and I tried to discuss it with her, but she just shut me down and accused me of kink shaming her, which I wasn't at all. I was simply trying to talk about it so we could help each other.

This is quite a usual kink, don't best yourself up about it (unless you are into that too, in which case knock yourself out!). It even has its own word - frottage, French for rubbing. As others have mentioned, it's perfectly fine to arrange with others to make this consensual play happen, if you want to heighten the 'stranger' element, find someone you can trust to make arrangements with and act as the referee when enacting this, so that everybody is agreed about settings and limits for your safety.

There are several philias this could fit into and that sound better than molested,

The full context depends if the original post means with a stranger or a friend, plus in the UK most usually ignore public displays of affection, but light a cigarette on a bus or train then it's another matter entirely........

Thanks for all the considerations I appreciate you all taking the time to reply. My partner (ex-now) just felt it was too weird. Of course in the current climate it doesn’t sit comfortably with some people. And for clarity it’s not a or *** fantasy or linked to a difficult childhood. It’s simply something that I find incredibly erotic. Finding a trusted play partner is tough. I was hoping that some similarly minded women might reply who actually have figured out how to do this without putting myself at risk but it seems not. Someone (not sure how to quote a reply) said there are betters descriptors than molestation, but to me that’s what it is so that’s what I call it. Thanks everyone - you’re a kind accepting bunch!! 

That's what we're here for amongst other things, to help where we can and not to judge, so just relax and carry on, and it's ok, if you want to call it molestation that's your right, as I say we just offer help and advice where possible Buzz, ☺️🤗

Though it does make me think of moles waiting for a train 🤪🤪

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