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Lush 3 advice


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Ok, so I wanted to get a new toy. I have heard that the lush series was great for long distance relationships. So, I ordered the lush 3. I am so not used to using a toy that comes with a freaking app. I used to a good ol vibrator and get down and get out. And this thing had groups?! You add multiple people and give them control? Can't they see each other? Wouldn't it be weird? Thay concept baffles and interets me. I only have 1 person in mind for mine obviously,  but can I get some suggestions or tips that will help me along. Especially when I'm solo. Tia.


You can create settings for any range of time... find some combo that works for you ;)


Great toy, simple to use and setup, endless possibilities, you won’t be disappointed 😉😈💦💦


You will love it.I love when others control my toys

1 hour ago, xxxochasmoke420 said:

You will love it.I love when others control my toys

Well, it is mine that is being controlled, but I agree. I have enjoyed it.


I just ordered one, looking forward to it.

3 minutes ago, DaddyJoe said:

I just ordered one, looking forward to it.

It has been pretty fun, I am sure you'll enjoy it 


I got one for my sub a while back when we were remote. It's great fun especially when she would message at the same time we were using it. Much more fun to have the controller manually play with the frequency. We still use it as it is discreet (unless on max).


Hi whe have chatted last saturday. Can you please send me a pm?

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