How is sextech becoming more influential in society and what does that mean for kinksters like us? We asked Victoria Blisse to guide us through the ever-expanding world of sextech. 


We live in an age of high-technology; it fills every aspect of our lives and every room of the house – even the bedroom. However, there's a new wave of sextech that's revolutionizing the sex toy industry with interactive sex toys, WiFi sex toys, and high-tech sex toys that are all about bridging the orgasm gap.


What is sextech?

Any technology that has a sexual purpose counts as sextech. So, it could be an app that tracks your fertility cycle, sex toys that operate via WiFi, a kink accessory that is voice-activated, or a sex robot. Sextech is a vast field that can cover so many aspects of sex and high-tech sex toys, and interactive sex toys are only part of it. 

Why is sextech important?

Sextech is being led by a desire to bridge the orgasm gap. And what is the orgasm gap? Well, according to research from the Kinsey Institute, gay and straight men climax about 85% of the time during sex. Women having sex with women orgasm about 75% of the time, but women having sex with men come last at just 63%. 


Sextech is being brought in to bridge the gaps for people with vaginas. So many women are used to giving pleasure and not getting it, and that needs to change. However, there are some inspiring women on the sextech scene already working to change this. Orgasms are good for physical and mental health, which is how a lot of sextech marketing works – as a tool to improve life by enjoying mind-blowing orgasms.

Sextech: helping bridge gaps


Is sextech expensive?

Well, it doesn't have to be! Just like any tech, you can buy incredibly pricey luxury items, but there are more affordable high-tech sex toy options, too. 

“Any technology that has a sexual purpose is sextech. So, it can be an app that tracks your fertility cycle, WIFI sex toys, a kink accessory that is voice-activated, or a sex robot.”


Menstruation and fertility apps that help you plan when you're likely to be feeling frisky or not can be inexpensive. Interactive sex toys may have an initial cost between $50-$100 – which isn't cheap – but the real value is the way these toys pretty much guarantee an orgasm every time you play. It's worth investing in something that you will be able to use time and time again!

How can sextech improve my life? 

You might think you've got everything you need to enjoy sex, and you might be right! But, sometimes high-tech sex toys and interactive sex toys can make it easier or even give you options in seemingly impossible situations.  Wifi sex toys and sex toys activated by an app can be controlled over long distances. If you're in a long-distance relationship with someone, this allows you to connect sexually. 


Genderless interactive sex toys make sex play fun for all people involved. It doesn't matter what genitals you have, and there are sextech toys that can be used by anyone. And, bonus; they don't look like scary, gnarly penises. Not everyone is into the realistic dick look!

Sextech includes equipment such as virtual Reality (VR) porn


Bringing porn to life with virtual reality makes solo sex feel less like a party for one. You can enjoy your favourite VR porn in glorious 3D for a fully immersive experience – this has to be the definition of an interactive sex toy. 


Can sextech be kinky?

There are lots of interactive sex toys made for the kinky – from electrostim toys that respond to movement and sound, to kinky dating apps for all kinds of fetish fun. Sextech can be made kinky too. Use your WIFI sex toys for a little orgasm control, for example.  



Sextech is very much part of our lives and as it becomes more commonplace and acceptable, so attitudes to sex, kink and fetish change too. Anything that destigmatizes sex, orgasms and kinky pleasure has to be a good thing. Apps, interactive sex toys, WIFI sex toys and much, much more are available for your kinky enjoyment. Check out some sextech today and give your sex life a techtastic boost. •

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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What would improve my life is more sexual interaction real sex sounds way better than virtual . In virtual life you are still by yourself. The chemical reaction between two ppl can never be topped even if you hear the person the chemistry is stronger when im in the presence of the one 💯

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If I'd be able to manipulate it on my partner, I could make my sexting plays a little more real.

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Notre Dame

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