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What a Dominant is

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Dominants sit on the evolutionary chain just after Neanderthals and before humans. They’re basically hominids who have developed opposable thumbs but haven’t yet evolved into subs. They live on BBQ's and whiskey and spend most of their day sitting on wingback chairs wearing black jeans with white T-shirts or, you know, whatever. Occasionally, they get up to poke at the BBQ or dust away the glitter their subs have thrown on them.

Unlike subs, Dominants are completely defenseless creatures. They have few talents, but one of them is definitely looking stern and scary. Personally, I think they just do that to prove they can do stuff besides eating Real Man Food

In contrast, subs are made of rainbows, butterflies and  sparkles.Their talents are myriad but include, buying lingerie, wearing said lingerie, leaning over, bending over and making glitter bombs. Now you know why they won the genetic lottery that is natural selection—they can pretty much do anything. Subs are also shit hot, unlike Dominants, who mostly just look like, well...

When Dominants aren’t sitting on wingback chairs, drinking whiskey, poking the BBQ, you can find them giving their subs back massages while claiming they’re the ones who are in charge. Subs have IQs of 190, which is why they let their Dominants believe that. Dominants don’t have IQs, which is why they think we didn’t want that spanking.

Dominants' sole purpose is to provide spankings and taking off their belts really slowly and scarily. Subs have many purposes, obviously, but their main role is to provoke Dominants into taking off their belts without letting on that they had a choice in the matter.

Scientists say that Dominants without subs can’t even stand upright, much less make their own BBQ. They say that when they're single they spend their days flopping about like wobbly bowls of jelly. When they finally get selected by a new sub, they're so happy they feed them icecream and buy them dresses.
😂😂😂 I’m glad to say ‘I’ve evolved!’ 😂
I’m definitely ducking down (bending over) for this one, but still hanging around to see how many wobbly jelly’s shout at you 😂
45 minutes ago, BigPolly said:
😂😂😂 I’m glad to say ‘I’ve evolved!’ 😂
I’m definitely ducking down (bending over) for this one, but still hanging around to see how many wobbly jelly’s shout at you 😂

Yay for evolution!
It's the wobbly jellies I write for 😂

7 minutes ago, Dustykat said:

I believe everything you say is correct 🧚🏻


25 minutes ago, TheBookCollector said:
Or is it all a cunning ruse to lull s-types into believing the above as it gives them a chance to show us their "superior" cleaning, cooking and general household management skills. 😉

I think you've been hanging out with the wrong s-types, are you sure they aren't unevolved Dom's?

4 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

I think you've been hanging out with the wrong s-types, are you sure they aren't unevolved Dom's?

🤣 That is possible however i doubt it, but will review previous interations with s-types to test the hypothesis against this new evidence.

1 minute ago, TheBookCollector said:

🤣 That is possible however i doubt it, but will review previous interations with s-types to test the hypothesis against this new evidence.

I would if I were you, I suspect you'll have a 'Eureka' moment 😂

12 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

I would if I were you, I suspect you'll have a 'Eureka' moment 😂

Im not sure it will be a 'eureka' moment, maybe just a moment of clarity or confirmation. Who knows until the analysis has completed. However i will provide feedback once complete.

5 minutes ago, TheBookCollector said:

Im not sure it will be a 'eureka' moment, maybe just a moment of clarity or confirmation. Who knows until the analysis has completed. However i will provide feedback once complete.

Brilliant, let us know how that lightbulb got switched on 😂

Shit. I ain't keen on whisky and BBq's, don't own black jeans...guess I need to change the listing on what I am. I will go with Cryptid...that should work.
3 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

Brilliant, let us know how that lightbulb got switched on 😂

The analysis of the op's hypothosis has been completed, and found to be partially correct, how ever a flaw was found in that it appeard the OPs position did not consider a bell curve of dominant evolution where below.mid point on the curve you have the unevolved neandathal dominants who believe a penis is the height of evolution and the most interesting thing about theirself to the above median point dominants who are at various stages of evolution.

Ignoring the top 5 percentile who have fully evolved to homo-sapiens.

Therefore the OPs position is partial prooved.

As a Jean and T-Shirt wearing, Whisky drinking, barbecuing sub-human I fully endorse this message
  • 1 month later...
Interesting thread copperknob

However seems you actually missed the target as to what a Dominant really is.

Dominant, are caring mindfull people, who use ther skills honed over many years to bring their subs and themselves to the peak of ecstasy, whether that be impact play, *** play, edging, sensory play.....ect ect ect.
A dominants first job is to care, care about everything to do with ther sub.
The second is to understand there subs needs and wants. Dominants always ensure their subs needs are met ahead of their own.

So the knuckle dragging neanderthal you describe would probably insult most in experienced dom, however the more seasoned dominant would simply see your thread comment as an Ill informed, un educated comment by someone new to the D/s scene, perhaps reading a little more about the dominant role would be better before making such comments, and would give you a more informed perspective when choosing a new dominant.
2 hours ago, TheBodygaurd said:
Interesting thread copperknob

However seems you actually missed the target as to what a Dominant really is.

Dominant, are caring mindfull people, who use ther skills honed over many years to bring their subs and themselves to the peak of ecstasy, whether that be impact play, *** play, edging, sensory play.....ect ect ect.
A dominants first job is to care, care about everything to do with ther sub.
The second is to understand there subs needs and wants. Dominants always ensure their subs needs are met ahead of their own.

So the knuckle dragging neanderthal you describe would probably insult most in experienced dom, however the more seasoned dominant would simply see your thread comment as an Ill informed, un educated comment by someone new to the D/s scene, perhaps reading a little more about the dominant role would be better before making such comments, and would give you a more informed perspective when choosing a new dominant.

Yep lets label me as ill informed, uneducated and insulting, because nothing about this post was humourous 🙄

The ginger minx strikes again lol but at least he explained where l have been going wrong all these years 🙄
5 minutes ago, TheScribe said:
The ginger minx strikes again lol but at least he explained where l have been going wrong all these years 🙄

Even if it was with incorrect spelling 😂

Perhaps you should consider what is humor, and what could be seen as insulting, I'm not insulted by what you posted, I just pity the poor dominat you end up with, the aim in D/s is to explore and grow, whilst enjoying yourself.
And as for your final comment, I didn't need any of the 2 Bsc's I hold to respond to a thread, and show little intellect to respond about grammar used and spelling, rather than a response to bolster your original comment.
21 minutes ago, TheBodygaurd said:
Perhaps you should consider what is humor, and what could be seen as insulting, I'm not insulted by what you posted, I just pity the poor dominat you end up with, the aim in D/s is to explore and grow, whilst enjoying yourself.
And as for your final comment, I didn't need any of the 2 Bsc's I hold to respond to a thread, and show little intellect to respond about grammar used and spelling, rather than a response to bolster your original comment.

You checked out my profile earlier today, I assume you read where it says I'll call out those that are being ridiculous. Weird how everyone else who read it managed to take it for the lightheartedness spirit that was intended, except for you, that is. I also have a writing here which comments on the fact that I feel sorry for my next Dom so I'm afraid I beat you to it. Have fun in your, oh so serious life, with your two BSC's (perhaps one of them should have been in comedy?) I'll enjoy mine with my BA and MA if thats the road we're going down 😊

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