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Vulnerability, Humanity or “Weakness” 🙄


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From the title, I am biased. I’m wondering how Submissives/Switches feel about their Dominants expressing any worries, uncertainty or hesitation? I’ve occasionally heard that Dominants might feel any uncertainty = weakness. Which is something I want to dispel.

To have an enquiring mind, to question, to discuss, is for those who are curious, open, interested, someone who knows their own mind and isn’t threatened by new ideas, that novelty is exciting. Being the owner and protector of someone else, having ultimate control and access to such sweetness, open joy, teasing flesh, is a privilege x so hopefully a dominant will be careful, as it helps them assess their submissives, to have a flexible focus. But as no one will have everything, communication is key.

To wonder is not weak. It is to be curious, to assess, is natural. To discuss is not weak: it is for a leader to explore their own, and their devotee’s ideas, to enjoy the newness and create fantasy or scenarios tailored to you both.

What you choose to share is important

Any leader unable or unwilling to listen to the opinions/needs/wants of his troops/employees or partners is not much of a leader at all. It takes more than one view to build something solid.....something real that carries strength and value. To think otherwise.....to believe there is only one opinion that matters, for me is foolish and narrow minded.

No-one should have a monopoly on ideas. For both partners to fulfil their desires, surely there must be communication & discussion?
Your last sentence, is exactly the point "What you choose to share is important" and without being psychic how can each know what the other craves?

I am a Human Being (with a range of emotions) before I am a Dominant.

I will always believe in a relationship where an individual (sub) is mostly in a state of being ***. It creates a sense of balance if a Dom can equally share their vulnerability when necessary.

How could you possibly develop mutual trust or a deeper connection, if one person did not feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities with their partner?

Posted (edited)

No one is all knowing, and claiming you are is a weakness. Sub doesn't mean stupid. Talk, and what is more important, listen. Be willing to learn and change as you gain new information and insights. Then once you have taken all of that into consideration, make a decision. That is how you show leadership and strength

Edited by Dancingbear225
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