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You Are An Inspiration

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A thank you to all the writers who share there terrific stories,  experiences and poetry with us. To walk beside you as we sit in thrall and follow you through your beautiful imaginations is not only an honor but also a connection to our own feelings and desires. Never stop dreaming, never stop loving, and never stop creating.

(Only passion for living, and for loving, become your sole reality. This is no easy task for it takes insurmountable courage. But remember this, for that moment when you are making love with a woman of true greatness you will feel immortal. I believe that love that is true and real creates a respite from death. EARNEST HEMINGWAY. )

When ever I find my self stuck staring into the blank white void of a screen yearning for the flow of inspiration to come spilling forth I like to look back at the great writers of the time and marvel at there passion for life and love that flowed through them chiseled forever on to the pages of history makes me realize that I am nothing more than a single pebble amongst an entire shore line and with that thought I can close my eyes and take a breath comforted by the knowledge that my blank screen won’t be empty for long as I too carry the burning passion for love and for life.


Thank you Ruffone, you are my inspiration. I’ve never written my stories/fantasies before but was inspired by your wonderful writing and kind words of encouragement. I hope you continue to write so that it may inspire creativity in others who didn’t believe they had it in them.
Hi I'm new to writting erotica, at 54yrs old and dyslexic I only started during our first lockdown. I'd be delighted to share my stories and if possible recieve feed back. How can I do it only FET ? Kindest regards MartynMentor 💖
Posted (edited)

I always enjoy reading your stories and  I find the way you describe things beautifuly and it pushes me to do better with the way I deal with details now. So you can say you make me want to be better and thank you 🧚🏻‍♀️

Edited by Dustykat

Putting our thoughts and ideas out there for everyone to see is not an easy thing to do. It takes courage and I highly respect that in each and every one you. I use to write my stories then file them away into folders no one would ever read until I started posting on here. Every one’s creative style is different, just like personalities, your not only sharing your stories your sharing a piece of yourselves and that can be a bit scary at first but don’t let that stand in your way. I can’t wait to walk through your imaginations again and lose myself in your creations to come. Thank you for enjoying my writing and I am so happy that I have helped inspireJ


MartynMentor I would love to see your ideas:)


Martynmentor- all fixed messaging should work now:)

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