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Swing recommendations


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So I’m moving soon and I can finally fit the swing that me and my sub have been fantasising for months about.
I was hoping to get some recommendations from you amazing people as apposed to just shotgunning it and having to replace it later.
Budget isn’t really an issue and neither is fitting it as I can do a single point and a multi point mount.
Looking forward to hearing back from you all and will be sure to post updates when it’s in place 😈😈

I got mine from fort troff. 

I’m very happy with it best part I can make it disappear. When I have vanilla people over .

Less is more.
Well made. Leather.
Wide straps. Strong rings.
Do you want more support underneath for comfort, or an open-spreading arrangement.

While you’re picking a swing, find a nice over the door swing.
Don’t use it over the door, run hooks into studs to support it.
That’s a whole extra level of fun. 😁
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