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Domesticity and nuclear family play with a twist

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Hey! I have had this weird domestic household roleplay idea in my head for a couple days that I wanted to see if anyone else had.

I love the idea of being kidnapped or bought by like a biker/viking/post apocalyptic tribe and having to serve as one of the men’s wives along with his other wife. They’d cover me in tattoos, make me do sexual favors for their friends but also expect me to take care of the their kids and help the other wife with her duties.

Its a kind of fucked up domestic tranquility. Naturally for me it involves some ***d fem and stuff but I just like the weird routine of it. Husband comes home, I give him a blow job and his wife rolls a jay for him to smoke. I put the kids to bed as they are fucking to make the next batch but I am obligated to assist by pleasuring both of them. Its super hot to me haha, and I get into weird world building too.

Anyone else have this fantasy or something like this?

Sounds like a kinky as f** version of Minecraft :-) 

I like some elements of it. Kidnaping a cute sub and turning her into a bimbo stepford wife type character more to my taste. 


I am ex military so that fantasy has ran its course :-)

Sounds like something I be into
Idk I just like the idea of it is all but knowing myself I'll b fighting from damn day 1 on out just like the idea of family n more than 1 spouse helping out so it's not just 1 man n 1 woman doing everything no support system n all
5 minutes ago, Hannah-7243 said:
Idk I just like the idea of it is all but knowing myself I'll b fighting from damn day 1 on out just like the idea of family n more than 1 spouse helping out so it's not just 1 man n 1 woman doing everything no support system n all

Responds to yours above!

Also y does it always have to be *** wives? Y cant it be both? Not trying to dis ur fantasy I like it sounds awesome just hate the idea of always the men who get the cake n eat it too while the women get the crumbs n the provable end of the stick
2 minutes ago, Hannah-7243 said:
Also y does it always have to be *** wives? Y cant it be both? Not trying to dis ur fantasy I like it sounds awesome just hate the idea of always the men who get the cake n eat it too while the women get the crumbs n the provable end of the stick

I keep it *** wives cause I like the weird gender stuff of being one while not being a cis women lol. Your fantasy can have brother husbands as well lol.

Sounds cool maybe we can collaborate on this sometime?
1 minute ago, Hannah-7243 said:
Sounds cool maybe we can collaborate on this sometime?

I’m all ears! Hope some more people post up their fantasies involving domestic stuff too! Maybe you can give a roleplay scene you want to see

Go to the profile n send a friend request
  • 1 month later...
Wow i love it. All in the Family Incest Show
  • 1 month later...
Yea I have a domestic family roleplay too where I would play the husband and would boss her around and dominate her and make her do all the work whilst I just sat around and watch the or played video games and ate. If she disobeys me I would spank her. Of course I’d be a dead beat dad so she’d have to do all the work with the kids too.
And i also wanna try the reverse whereby I’m the wife.
Ugh I didn’t mention the wife I just kept saying th she pronouns after but you know I meant the wife is who I’d be dominating !XD
Yesterday at 11:44 AM, Jeromiah said:
Yea I have a domestic family roleplay too where I would play the husband and would boss her around and dominate her and make her do all the work whilst I just sat around and watch the or played video games and ate. If she disobeys me I would spank her. Of course I’d be a dead beat dad so she’d have to do all the work with the kids too.
And i also wanna try the reverse whereby I’m the wife.

Lol, maybe a little too real for me, but I like the contribution!

  • 3 months later...
I’d love to play online domestic *** victim where it would start off slow and progressively escalate over time to the point where in public one time I can say something and I cop a beating in private and another time I say the same thing and in private nothing happens but I’d live in *** of what might happen
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