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The "I'll come for you" s-type

Will display an extreme reluctance to admit that anything they do sexually is for themselves. There is a strong need to be selfless and great frustration when that need is not fulfilled. They even masturbate for their d-types. Nothing is for them.

The Spirituals

This category of kinksters can include dominants, sadists, submissives, to be honest, anyone. The key factor in identifying them is their general preachy demeanor and the undeniable fact that their submission/dominance means more than yours because it is spiritual to them. The rest of us are physical beings but they have risen above us. All hail.

The "I had a bossy mother so now this" Dominant

This type of dominant can identify as any gender and tends to exhibit micromanagement tendencies. They are experts at making a "controlling nature" seem like an asset in a relationship. They have questionable relationships with their parents, especially their mother.
Also likely to be ***ers

The Extreme Master

Drinks Stella. Wife-beater. Registered Sex Offender.

The "Imma make you regret your masochism" Sadist

A curious breed of sadists but is probably the most widespread. The primary characteristic of this sadist is their need to be menacing and inform you that you will regret your interest in them. For some reason the goal of this sadist is to make all masochists realise that *** is not for fun and masochism doesn't really exist.

The "sir is god" Submissive.

A lot of people idolise their crushes but this category of submissives believe with all their heart that their Sir or Miss is the centre of the universe. They tend to be competitive much like being competitive over children or needing to keep up with the Jones'. They also tend not to listen to reason in the face of "what Sir said."

The Lazy Sadist

This person will beat you, but only if you strap the paddle to their hands and back your 🍑 into at a violent pace. They are much more interested in telling you what they will do but in person would rather catch some Z's and watch whatever channel the TV is on because they lack motivation to look for the remote.

The "if I don't tell everyone" submissive.

The kink version of 'pics or it did not happen', but instead of pics; expect a load of writings that overuse semi-colons.

The "I'm so dark I'm invisible in the night" masochist

The way to identify this category is to notice how many times they reiterate how fucked up they are. Everything is likely to be about how edgy they are; so edgy that they like it when they cut themselves on their own edges. They tend to wear leather in black or purple a lot; maybe a touch of eyeliner and black nail polish.

The litigation fetishist

Basically, it has to be in the contract. And there has to be a contract. The contract will not be breached. The contract will likely be laminated and kept on a pedestal in a separate room much like a trophy to be dusted daily.

The "holier than thou" Submissive

This person is most likely to tell you that you are doing it wrong. Not just submission, anything. Their submission is always 'earned' and 'gifted' but it is not clear how. They tend to be dominant in real life and strictly only submissive to the chosen one which obviously means that the chosen one is superior to us all.

The Unicorn Kinkster

A person who has some level of chill over the whole kink thing. Extremely rare; practically mythical.

The Toy Collector

We all know that the only to be kinky is to own a lot of toys and what good are they if they aren't itemised and shown off? They tend to have a lot of storage space in their homes and are quite obviously; the kinkiest people around.

The "I have an invisible certification of the highest order" Master/Mistress/Goddess

It doesn't matter to this person who you are as long as you are aware that they are better than you and superior to you. You may never ask for an explanation as to why but must always offer tributes or gratitude when they look at you; or breathe in your direction.

The Old-School Gorean

Apparently, they found a book...and now it's law. I'll admit, I haven't done my research on this because I'm afraid. Very, very afraid.
I chortled at that but I'm none of those - I'm me, my own unique brand of submissive plain and simple, and simple and plain.
Lolol. CK, I grew up reading even the latest of the Gorean books and have taken on some of the M/s dynamic of them. There’s nothing to be afraid of in the lifestyle of the Gorean. Some, like anything, can take it wrong and to extremes. I find it to be an interesting mix of both domination and discipline mixed with a swinger lifestyle too.
It is a LTR based belief and practice with the basis coming from the books. However, here we recognize and respect the laws of the lands we live in.
Anyway, it’s something that has not gained a lot of traction and due to many attributes of the “Gorean Ways” it may not. But, practiced with balance, it can be a most interesting and different experience.

Where is the overthinking, over tired, slightly anxious sub that knows everything is fine but just likes to have a quick worry first? Or is that just me? 🤔😄

3 minutes ago, Morganna said:

Where is the overthinking, over tired, slightly anxious sub that knows everything is fine but just likes to have a quick worry first? Or is that just me? 🤔😄

Lol. They abound everywhere. 😉

I am just a man grown from lust and creativity. A journey of understanding why I like it in the butt but had no social support. So the desire is labeled kink and now searchable on the web. The porn in this vein, sculpting my views. Skip to now. My cravings teased out by years of toy play, fantasizing and porn. If only I could share. If only a mutual desire. An unbridled experience of sharing.. mutually supportive and enjoyed.

I know who I am. But who am I when I am with you?
Hmmm... well I do have propensity for the pretentious and preachy... I have drunk more than a few pints of stella... I have worn black (including eyeliner and nail polish to fetish clubs)... I have periodically definitely been lazy and unmotivated... I have read the Gor books (or at least the first few)... and I have accumulated my fair share of toys over the years. So basically... I'm one hell of a catch as an edgy, spiritualistic, Old-School Gorean, toy collecting, lazily sadistic, Extreme Master...

Well aren't you all a lucky lot I'm here... wait... does that mean I can add invisibale certificate, holier than thouness too?

HOUSE... I call bingo.
9 hours ago, Morganna said:

Where is the overthinking, over tired, slightly anxious sub that knows everything is fine but just likes to have a quick worry first? Or is that just me? 🤔😄

I could hardly write something about myself could I?

The 'overthinking' submissive

They'll ask you if everythings OK
They'll ask you if you need anything
They'll ask you if they're good enough
Each question will be followed by 'why?'
In fact they'll ask a 100 questions a day. It'll feel like the Spanish Inquistion, the tables have been turned and you'll question if you're being interrogated. You'll ask yourself, 'whose the Dom'?

14 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

I could hardly write something about myself could I?

The 'overthinking' submissive

They'll ask you if everythings OK
They'll ask you if you need anything
They'll ask you if they're good enough
Each question will be followed by 'why?'
In fact they'll ask a 100 questions a day. It'll feel like the Spanish Inquistion, the tables have been turned and you'll question if you're being interrogated. You'll ask yourself, 'whose the Dom'?

Nailed it 😂 


"if I don't tell everyone" spiritual submissive 


Poor me totally displaced,,, the proverbial  square peg 🤣


lol, old school Gorean here, which is why I'm also a proverbial square peg like Pheonix2786 cos I'm trans and trans and Gorean kajira is impossible mix, boo hoo cries til mascara runs

  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/7/2022 at 1:07 AM, Morganna said:

Nailed it 😂 

No wonder I'm always gagged...  :crazy:

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