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Fanfic addiction?


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So long story short I spend a lot of my day fantasizing about fictional characters and reading self insert stories at night. I'm realizing that I honestly rather do this than getting to know others because ideal love life I'd want is kinda very unrealistic nowadays.

I just wanna know if this is (somewhat) normal for any of you on here. Ikr it's not too uncommon for ***s but im 23 now and I still read fanfic daily 😅
I have about 150ish tabs open with different fanfics on my phone. Lol I'm addicted too.
No matter your age, you can still be in fandoms. Juat because you reach a certain age, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the same things you had before.
Have never read any but do know it's a huge genre - ultimately though if you enjoy it why worry if it's "normal"? In fact the answer is it's completely "normal" for you, which is all that matters.
Nothing wrong with it, in my eyes... UNLESS it stops you enjoying the world and people around you.
If it does... you'll be fucked before you know it! Not in the way you hope.
So two things on this topic. First off this is a form of escapism, and like all forms of escapism (gaming, movies, substances) it becomes a problem when it takes priority over real life. If you’re at that level you really need to cool your jets and ground yourself but I’m just an internet stranger on an app.

Secondly it’s very common. Fanfiction is a huge industry. I used to be a big part of it and put many hours into reading and writing (my works were all deleted. #fuktumblr). I haven’t outgrown it, exactly, but I now channel that energy into writing my own books and playing TTRPGS.

TL,DR: not uncommon, not necessarily unhealthy but real life has to take priority.
26 here, I still read fanfic daily as well! There's nothing wrong with having hobbies and interests. I'm even on the more extreme side of the spectrum, being autistic and having huge special interests that take up most of my brain. Hell, the modern fandom scene is all thanks to housewives writing a ton of Star Trek fanfic!
If it isn't hurting anyone else and isn't hurting you, there isn't a problem. It wouldn't be considered a problem if someone was reading and fantasizing about books all day, after all. 😊
Hope I'm not prying/being rude - How would you describe your "ideal love life" and what makes it unrealistic?
Lol I've been reading fanfics for over a decade. Do you, and be yourself. Especially if it's a well written story? Oh please that's lovely
I “fanfic” in my head every time I have a wank. I always create an unrealistic ideal as well. It’s only fiction though.
Try taking bits you love, and add them into your sex scenes with real partners, but never hold your IRL partners up to the ideals of your fantasy.
Dude same. It's fun and natural to fantasize. It can make reality seem unappealing, though, but you seem conscious of that. I'd say give reality a chance because it can bring sone pretty satisfying experiences, but don't settle for anything you don't want or aren't comfortable with. Don't *** yourself, especially if you're just not ready and willing
I never haveread them but I remember seeing my mom and aunt with them lol on
I’m 25 and still read fanfic and literally need my friends to periodically remind me that if it makes me happy it’s not weird. I just find it helps me to learn more about my sexuality and inspires fantasy ideas
Im 21 and theres a specific fictional character I would love to have me in bed (or on the couch, floor, table, his desk...) and hes almost canonically a dom. Its definitely implied 😂
  • 1 year later...
I’m 38 and still read fanfic 🤷‍♀️
  • 4 months later...
Love fanfics. Whenever I get into a new series I really like, I check to see if anyone’s made a fic on the show. I’m a sap for shipping fics, especially when it’s dark.
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I read fanfic everyday and yeah Im aware for me it’s escapism. But there’s so much quality writing out there and it’s free. Fanfic communities also put out stories and can touch on topics, tropes, specific kinks, and themes that often don’t make it to print publishing. To me there’s just so much more freedom. I often explain it away to people by saying I read a lot of books (ehhhhh close enough), and to people in the kink world I say I read “erotica” (again, technically close enough). But tbh it’s so common I don’t know why I bother hiding ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there’s no shame in it whatsoever
I read and collect Japanese doujinshi. Topics and stories range all over the place with anime and game characters or worlds. I think I have over 1000 books so far.
  • 1 month later...
This post called to me. Im a big fan of fan fic. Writing it has been one of the ways I've been able to cope with my loneliness as well as working through and trying to heal from DV & SA.
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