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Hi, I’m on my way to a first time ever invite to a private male party. I have a role. I was informed that I’ll be met at the door and my clothes will be taken and I’ll have coconut oil added to me and strapped to a cross and be a party favor. 
what does this mean? It’s an hour and 40 minute drive and I’m already horny not knowing what to expect. I thought here would be a best place to ask so I can at least prepare a little bit. Being fresh out of the closet and exploring bi my side. I thought maybe this would be appropriate for a Friday evening.

Am I in to deep???

I'm not having high hopes if you have no clue as to what to suspect. What sort of vetting did you go through? Or are you simply going to be a pin cushion?
This sounds very dangerous. Unless you have experience with the people involved, or the acts on the menu, I see zero safety measures in place. This is not the type of scenario an experienced player should be involved in, let alone a first timer.
If this is true, why leave it so late to ask?
Why agree to something if you don't know what it means?
This is in no way appropriate
Looking through your profile it appears that you have a skewed view of D/s
I'm hoping that things went 'well', your limits were respected and you're safe
Well it's now 6 hours later - please let us know if you attended this "event" (assuming it was real and not a fantasy scenario) and more importantly that you're safe.
It's possibly closing the stable door after the horse has bolted but I couldn't agree more with the others that have posted - you will have been placing yourself in a potentially very dangerous situation with very little, if any, vetting in place.
In too deep doesn't begin to cover it - way over your head I'd say.
I actually hope this was just a fantasy scenario you've come up with as that's where it belongs - it's an appealing and exciting fantasy to have, but the reality is very different and something that if it were to happen should only be approached from a position of experience and knowledge, neither of which appear to be the case here.
It's actually similar to a fantasy of mine as a bisexual man of many years experience and I wouldn't even consider doing what you describe in the circumstances you describe - I'd want to have complete trust that anyone attending could be trusted, that I'd come to no harm, that they'd all play safely and a million and one other things, and even then I'd still be wary.
As I said, please let us know you are safe, and if this is indeed a fantasy scenario you've cooked up (which I know you'll never admit but at least be honest with yourself) then it's not a particularly good idea to have posted.
6 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

cool story, needs more dragons. 

I'd settle for dinosaurs and thunder.

As agreed (on several points) with a few others, at the very, yet most importantly least, I hope that you are safe and thriving, post event.
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late response. The reason it was asked late is because it was a last minute request. I knew two of the men and it was their friends and also four wives that showed up. It was VERY tame; probably best for a first experience. 
After an hour on the cross I was moved to a bedroom where my friends and another man played with me caringly yet a few times ***fully. Then the room started to fill and the women joined in the group and it became more of an orgy. 
I’m safe, had a good time and was cared for in the end.Thank you for checking in on me, that was very kind. In the future, better vetting will take place and I’ll have a better idea of the level of the request. 

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