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Pet play ideas

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I’m new to the pet play scene and was looking for some ideas/scenes. I drink out of a bowl and eat off the floor. Love playing fetch and being pet. But don’t know where else to go from there
Do some tricks, roll around, sniff things out, bark at noises, think like a pet to be a pet
Ahh this is a fun dynamic. Try this. Have your Domme leash you in the yard. Teaching you to sit and stay. Learn how to heal. Hopefully you enjoy a crop to correct your deficiencies.

Imagine yourself as a hound when you lick her groin. Lap like a dog, flat of the tongue frantic, longer strokes, and quicken. She can imagine your tail wagging in abandoned excitement if you tell her it’s doing so. Naughty 

A few quick and easy ideas are

Kennel/cage with comforts/ accessories
Training with treats (small candies of some sort/ pets/ affection/etc)
You can do anything in pet mode. You can relax on the couch and watch films as you get head pets and tummy rubs. Go for a walk in the park. Have photo shoots of yourself in pet gear done. Chase the neighbours cat and get your bottom beat lol
My old master made me go for walks in her back yard.
Laying your head on your masters lap
Being told to sit/stay Especialy “sit pretty” for extended periods of time
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