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Post anal play


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There are quite a few posts asking for advice on preparation before anal play. I've not seen any that asks the question on what to expect post anal play.
Is there anything to be aware of?
Is there anything you wish you knew before starting any anal play?
The first time a guy came in my ass, we were in his living room and he pulled out and said "don't move, don't laugh, don't cough, I need to get some tissues for you!" So I was face down, ass up, waiting for a tissue so I didn't drip cum through his house on my way to the loo!! 😂😂😂 so have tissues/wipes handy or put a towel down!
I just got penalized for posting link relevant to the subject. I suggest you don't do the same. :)
On 12/15/2022 at 11:10 AM, Alx15 said:

I just got penalized for posting link relevant to the subject. I suggest you don't do the same. :)

Damn, they still being 'anal' about links here? Since the upgrade, they finally work in private chat, one of the major reasons folks moved to other chat apps like Kik, Telegram etc. In fact it was because I saw your response with a link that I added mine. Oh well. I'm sorry you've been castigated. I think you can mention enough in plain text for the wise folks to search via Google and find what they seek. 
Uberkinky beginners guide to anal sex
Should do the trick.
Extra tip for the newbie receivers...knees together at the start, less stress on the anus.

Before play-eat fiber, empty everything and half or full douche, don't use toilet paper, it irritates.
Or, if you're not prepared, I'll use you under the running shower, and our sines are actively washed during action.
A bit of spotting post anal is in the normal range, if bleeding continues, or is slightly on the heavier side, seek medical attention ASAP. The severity of a tear can be more serious on the further end of the spectrum. Be careful what lotions you use post anal,  some might do more harm than good. Also beware of harsh soaps.  Using a hand towel, soaked in hot or warm water is very soothing after anal sex. Just a tip, as good of an idea, as it seems, do not ever use numbing cream prior to anal sex. If you think you need it, then you're doing it wrong. It might seem counterintuitive, but you definitely want to know if something is hurting down there in a way it shouldn't. Hit me up for more questions directly.
37 minutes ago, Alx15 said:

Penalized 1 point for 12 month... Thanks man

Badge of honour, wear it with pride! I collected a bundle in the past. Easy fix, throw your profile away and start again.

9 hours ago, Alx15 said:
I just got penalized for posting link relevant to the subject. I suggest you don't do the same. :)

Oh no sorry to hear that!

10 hours ago, Raaach81 said:
The first time a guy came in my ass, we were in his living room and he pulled out and said "don't move, don't laugh, don't cough, I need to get some tissues for you!" So I was face down, ass up, waiting for a tissue so I didn't drip cum through his house on my way to the loo!! 😂😂😂 so have tissues/wipes handy or put a towel down!

How did you feel afterward? Or the next couple of days after?

9 hours ago, VKD said:

Damn, they still being 'anal' about links here? Since the upgrade, they finally work in private chat, one of the major reasons folks moved to other chat apps like Kik, Telegram etc. In fact it was because I saw your response with a link that I added mine. Oh well. I'm sorry you've been castigated. I think you can mention enough in plain text for the wise folks to search via Google and find what they seek. 
Uberkinky.com beginners guide to anal sex
Should do the trick.
Extra tip for the newbie receivers...knees together at the start, less stress on the anus.

Again with most guides they mainly cover the preparation. They only mention potential queefing and trips to the bathroom post play.
Still a good read so thank you!

12 hours ago, Alx15 said:

Penalized 1 point for 12 month... Thanks man

External links are not allowed. Plenty to read in this site. And don’t worry it’s only a point. I hot one without any reason ! It happens sometime when the mod is in bad mood 😅 they just randomly fine kinksters 

18 hours ago, LunaMaeve said:

There are quite a few posts asking for advice on preparation before anal play. I've not seen any that asks the question on what to expect post anal play.
Is there anything to be aware of?
Is there anything you wish you knew before starting any anal play?

So is it post or before ? Your question asked both ? 

3 hours ago, LunaMaeve said:

How did you feel afterward? Or the next couple of days after?

I felt fine! It was the third time we'd done it but first time he'd cum. First ever time I did it he used loads of lube and was really gentle. Second and third times he really went for it! Never had any *** or bleeding during or afterwards

Posted (edited)

I am not sure about this one. Long ago, I was told by few females not to do it too much, because your donut won't completely close. Also heard of stories of few people ending up having surgeries of loose donuts. 

Edited by Deleted Member
13 hours ago, KMA310 said:

A bit of spotting post anal is in the normal range, if bleeding continues, or is slightly on the heavier side, seek medical attention ASAP. 

This is about anal, but needs to be aware of. I wanted to add it can happen in the "vagina" as well. A friend of mine had a tear from sex. She ended up having emergency surgery to stop the bleeding.

I think it’s like anything do it til you don’t enjoy it and be careful #pleasure***principle
4 hours ago, QXX666 said:

So is it post or before ? Your question asked both ? 

My main question is for POST play.

And anything else you wish you knew before getting into this new territory

4 hours ago, Raaach81 said:

I felt fine! It was the third time we'd done it but first time he'd cum. First ever time I did it he used loads of lube and was really gentle. Second and third times he really went for it! Never had any *** or bleeding during or afterwards

Thank you for sharing! Great to hear that you and your partner are having fun along the way!

4 hours ago, kiseu said:

I am not sure about this one. Long ago, I was told by few females not to do it too much, because your donut won't completely close. Also heard of stories of few people ending up having surgeries of loose donuts. 

I have read this some where too about over stretching too quick and too soon. The most extreme cases which is very rare can led to prolapse.


I wish someone had told.me how much when a guy cums  that the feeling is so full, and is like woah... even hurt slightly as he's ejaculating. I wasn't prepared.for that. And feeling sore for a few days after, use gentle products, nothing scented as it stung.

I always have the problem with women telling me that they have to poop all the time from the time I put it in until the time I finish some women do end up pooping but I can usually feel it trying to escape while I'm plowing her
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