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Names ?


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, StrictMaster44 said:

No very shady and deceiving


5 hours ago, gemini_man said:

Not necessarily - there are many valid reasons that people won't use their real name - I mean for example are you shady and deceiving because your username is StrictMaster44 and not Trevor Smith or whatever your real name happens to be?
No? Thought not but by using StrictMaster44 you are effectively using an alias

Thats what I was just thinking, unless you have a very fet heavy family, I am sure your real/vanilla name is not StrictMaster44. or Even just Stictmaster with you being ***d to stick 44 on the end due to other StrictMasters. Though maybe I am missing some sarcasm perhaps?

Edited by Ceejayuk
Safety first is a priority. Or you be an idiot like myself, but I won't explain why in public xD
Depends on the context, for public, yes. In private, i give my first name in my first message. Then once a bit of trust is established (aka vetting) I don't mind giving my last name. Preferably after meeting in person. But names are a definite nono for profiles on sites like this. And even then it is a crazy world. I had someone reaching out to someone at my place of work to establish if I was who I said I was šŸ˜³ Never again.
46 minutes ago, Ceejayuk said:

Thats what I was just thinking, unless you have a very fet heavy family, I am sure your real/vanilla name is not StrictMaster44. or Even just Stictmaster with you being ***d to stick 44 on the end due to other StrictMasters. Though maybe I am missing some sarcasm perhaps?

The point was, I'm sure they are not talking about Usernames. I'm sure they are talking about someone using an alias when you ask them what their name is. Hugeeeeee difference

I probably ought to be more circumspect about giving out my name than I currently am in all honesty. I found out just today that I show up in the first 15 entries on google just with my first nameā€¦ Iā€™m not famous, just have a weird name.
27 minutes ago, StrictMaster44 said:

The point was, I'm sure they are not talking about Usernames. I'm sure they are talking about someone using an alias when you ask them what their name is. Hugeeeeee difference

Yes they are - but my point was in response to your comment that using an alias was "very shady and deceiving" and pointing out the irony of that comment when, regardless of how you look at it, you yourself *are* using an alias with your username.
Yes it's your username, but it *is* undeniably also an alias.
Either way the point is, using an alias in whatever regard is neither shady or deceptive by default.

6 hours ago, StrictMaster44 said:

No very shady and deceiving

So you think everyone should give their real name when talking generally with the community?
How do you think that would go down for people of standing - for example, say a Member of Parliament is a submissive and active in the lifestyle. What do you think would happen to their reputation when society gets wind of their activities? How long do you think their position as a politician would survive? How much respect do you think they would get from their peers?Ā 

It amazes me how thoughtless some people can be when making such sweeping statements as you have!

We use aliases as an universal precaution. Iā€™m probably late responding , yet feel not deceitful nor misleading we live in a day and time where humanity finds it second nature to put themselves first. And that is exactly what we are doing when we use aliases, we are putting ourselves first and in all reality not everyone is worthy of the truth. Not everyone can handle the trut w/ an open mind being considerate of our social, political or religious status.
1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:

The point was, I'm sure they are not talking about Usernames. I'm sure they are talking about someone using an alias when you ask them what their name is. Hugeeeeee difference

Kind of but Not really , I think that if a meet were to be set up that would be an appropriate time to ask and give real. Ames by both/all participants.

That way everyone can do a little digging to make themselves more comfortable and decide weather or not they feel safe enough to continue.

In that situation yes if somone were to withhold their name I wouldn't meet them becausethat would indeed be shady

For me it is, the name I have is one of my long use alternate names that I use, if I talk with someone long enough and can trust them I might share my first name with them.
I don't I'm Richard and use ricky5042 as nothing to hide for me!!
Nothing to hide, always use my real name.
Yeah I typically use my real name too. Iā€™m being my authentic self so I donā€™t see it as an issue if anyone knows me. Iā€™ll own it.

I think - and to keep things in a more good faith to the intentions

Ā online - it's up to the individual whether they use their real name, or a play on it, or a username of any shade.Ā  There are of course assorted weak usernames - which we've been through before.

The kinda threat of doxxing varies from person to person - some people have more to lose than others, and some don't care.Ā  And for example a lot of employers would frown at employees being to identifiable on one site or another - I have been aware of folk who have lost their job, or being called into HR meetings, because of being active in kink

So, from that side of things - it's not appropriate to judge anyone who is cautious or uses usernames.

Similarly. If you go to munches or kink events you are not required normally to disclose your real name to anyone, but again *really* it should either be your real name or your online username - and probably similar when you come to arrange a date.

To use an online username is one thing, it keeps everything uniform - but if in giving someone an unrelated fake name does steep a bit of "If you don't trust them, why are you meeting them?"

StĆ­gandr is my real name so also not hiding anything
Things on the internet are very easy to trace back to you.

If you have ambitions, making it too easy to draw the link is a really bad idea.

So I prefer to use an Alias, and only share my name after getting to know the person :)
Very common to use aliases many ppl do. Some ppl donā€™t care to hide identity, others have reasons to, or find the mystique more exciting.
A bit ironic that we often feel like we are being our true selves here, but need to prevent anyone from our public lives from seeing us here, thus using an alias to secure our privacy. šŸ¤”
Well, tbh I do this on literally ALL my social media.

Even my exclusive accounts are named after some mythological creature or deity.
13 hours ago, vernon-rockville967 said:

A bit ironic that we often feel like we are being our true selves here, but need to prevent anyone from our public lives from seeing us here, thus using an alias to secure our privacy. šŸ¤”

here's a little secret

we're our true selves nowhere.

everywhere we are, whoever we are with, only ever sees the sides of us we display in that environment.Ā  Even people close to us wouldn't see what we're like at, say, a party, or at work, or in another environment.

So on sites like this, it's still not our true selves, just a space where we can also discuss kink.

I have a preferred name that holds great personal value for me. Itā€™s Tomi . Iā€™m not too concerned about my privacy. I plaster my picture all over the Internet. I allow people to film and photograph me. Though I never made a public or one to family of my trans. Though if they were paying attention even as a small child they know. Just donā€™t feel the need to announce. But not ashamed.
The closest I've gotten to an alias is nicknames. My name is Nathaniel, but for the sake of character uses, I usually put Nate.
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