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Names ?


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I think it add alittle spice to it seein how u can never know the persons name or use the Alias
It’s a safety measure. I was taught never to reveal your real details online back in HS when the internet was just rolling out. To close friends, my vetted play partners and people who I’ve interacted with for years I’ll let them know but to potential dates/play partners and even just casual gaming friends I go by my pseudonym
yes never let anyone call me anything other than my Alias
  • 2 weeks later...
I think of them as nicknames more than aliases, but either way it's a layer of intimacy.
On 12/22/2022 at 10:14 AM, 4RCH said:

I've been known as Arch for so long now that I respond to it as naturally as I do my vanilla name. I've even been called Arch by vanillas who've overheard me being called it by some unwitting lifestyler and they've just assumed it's a nickname. I don't see me giving iit up. 

I'm in total agreement with you. Probably because my name here actually has been my nickname for over 35 years. I've had many who just call me Thumper. 😉💜😎

  • 2 months later...
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