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Sharing crossdressing fetish

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Hi everybody!

I'm very into crossdressing and get a real kink out of it. I'm not very experienced with make up etc. Sometimes I see girls with gorgeous make up on and I just want to ask them if they could do my make up like that.

I was wondering, as a girl if a guy came to you with a question like that. What would be the best way for him to approach you/that conversation?

I think just like that. Nothing wrong with how you're asking. šŸ˜Š
Being honest I think if you walked up to most women in the street and asked them something like that I think you'd not have a great deal of success no matter the approach, and reactions would range from weird looks to far worse - plus you also have to consider how it would make the person feel to be approached by a random stranger asking that, especially if you were in male mode at the time.
I don't know about in Holland, but here in the UK there are places men can go to get a full feminised makeover, usually run by women, so maybe seek out one of those if they exist there
Honestly, itā€™s never a good idea to approach a woman you donā€™t know and start asking personal questions - especially if your enquiry might be considered somewhat ā€˜nicheā€™. Even if your intentions are entirely pure, itā€™s difficult to avoid sounding creepy. Of course I f itā€™s a girl you know well, youā€™re taking your chances on how open you want to be about your kink, and whether you think she might be judgemental.
Maybe if you catch her eye, you might be able to get away with ā€œI hope you donā€™t mind me saying but your makeup is amazingā€ - but you still canā€™t proceed from there unless sheā€™s very obviously willing to engage with you. TikTok tutorials are a safer betā€¦ but I hope you have fun šŸ˜‰
Or you can just do what they doā€¦..watch YouTube tutorials.
I would love to know that too. Straight guy married to his mistress however neither of us know makeup
Thereā€™s a lot of great youtube tutorials for that.
As a woman I would be creeped out if a stranger approached me with something so personal.
I really recommend Nikkietutorials, she can do soft looks and full face glam looks. Good luck!
There are fantastic make up designers in every city instead of asking for someone to do it for free I think you should find some professional/semipro artists and offer to hire them. Make up takes work itā€™s expensive and it takes years to build up the skill.
At the same time as a crossdresser if you want to be taken at all serious. You must shave. Please donā€™t ignore that. And honestly if you find a girl who really loves makeup. They will do it. Especially if approached as a friend or atleast if you offer them ***. Closed mouth, canā€™t eat and the answer is always no until u ask.
  • 4 weeks later...
I went to a friendā€™s house with lipstick on and she asked if she could do my makeupā€¦she had no idea i was into that. I am excited for that day to come! Maybe try something like that!
  • 3 weeks later...
I'm a cross dresser also n not good with make up but over the years I have gotten better but also I have found girls that find me dressing as a female exciting and willing to help me dress and with my make up some are willing to even go out with me as girlfriends to a club or swingers club
we have a place here called the
it's a adult sex club that I like to visite at times and I enjoy my self when I go there
  • 2 weeks later...

Donā€™t beat around the bush girls think it hot AF f**k for a guy to cross dress hereā€™s a good reason so we know(the guy) how much extra they do so you should get more surprises than you think been there done it and they respect you more for it which leads to more open conversation trust on that.

I is it normal to just crossdress your bottom half I love that but dislike my chest being feminine
2 hours ago, dumfries-and876 said:
I is it normal to just crossdress your bottom half I love that but dislike my chest being feminine

If it's normal for you it's normal and that is all that matters - there are no "rules" to cross-dressing other than being true to yourself

I think I am late to this partyā€¦ I have been a closeted crossdresser for over 39 years. I have come out to a few women in my life over the years and never received a bad reaction. With that said. Things are a bit easier in society today then they were in the past. I pretty regularly clothes shop in person and routinely say Iā€™m shopping for me. I try clothes on in the store now (which has saved me a small fortune buying things that just donā€™t look good on me). I think one thing isā€¦ know your area. I live in the south, I go to the bigger cities when I clothes shop and I may be in the minority in this, but I try to remain a respectful low presence when Iā€™m clothes shopping (part of that may be my submissiveness). But I think just because I am what I am doesnā€™t mean everyone around me needs to run up and participate in my mind. So I give people a wide berth. While doing that I have had some interesting things happen. Women shopping around me have came to me and started conversations over outfits. I had one elderly woman ask some really in depth questions about my crossdressing. She was really interested in trying to understand (I wish I understood all the reasons lol)ā€¦ I had a similar conversation in Lululemon when I asked one of the sales girls that was helping me ā€œif you were in public and a guy asked whoā€™s make of leggings are you wearing? How bad would that cream you out?ā€ I noticed a couple of shoppers look my wayā€¦ at which point I started laughing and said ā€œsee, Iā€™m now the creepy guy assumed to be checking out her butt.ā€ at which point I slid my shirt collar to the side and flashes my bra strap. Itā€™s ok! Iā€™m a crossdresser. Several started laughing. The sales lady said that since she worked there she wouldnā€™t think anything of being asked who made her leggings she was wearing but totally got it. I guess the point isā€¦ you need to be respectful to everyone. The more you open up and ask respectful questions, the more you will find people that will respectfully help you. I have gotten my brows done at ulta and some of theirs threading shops which almost always leads to some girl talk on makeup etc. I have also found that by leaving ā€œlittle cluesā€ as to being a crossdresser, that it is picked up by those comfortable with it and they start chatting. I have a clear gel manicure and I was surprised by the number of woman that have just walked up to me and said ā€œI love your nails! I didnā€™t know you could just get clear gel! It looks so healthy!ā€

I know how hard it is to find the kind of friends you are looking for. I know so well and dream about it.

I have looked at doing makeup lessons (the online tutorials are not the easiest thing for a beginner to follow and are down right confusing when youā€™re starting out). I will also tell you that most makeup places even if they are accepting have no clue about helping a man with makeup. I have had a couple of makeup sessions at make and Sephora (when traveling out of town) and both times I thanked them and smiled and was grateful, but both times I looked like a guy with makeup. Eyes are the same for both male and female for the most part (we both have the same issues to work around). Thatā€™s about where it ends. The rest is totally different to cover and soften the male features (unless you are truly lucky and have feminine features).
This was way too long of an answer and now Iā€™m thinking I may need to find a publisher!
Wow! Truly insightful and helpful! My favorite post so far!
Though I am getting a little more brave lately
YouTube has helped me but I'm far from even being where I want nat first I looked like a clown on acid now I just look like a clown
Less is more, try a good primer, then foundation And mascara :).
If you need to k ow your shade you can get a colour match in boots x
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