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Iv just watched an Interesting YouTube video on a thing called BIID.


In the video it was on about how we change our body's.


We often think people who have plastic surgery are stupid. But then we go out get tattoos or pirecings . Yet we don't judge people about them. Well unless there extreme.


Are we to judgmental when it comes to people getting plastic surgery to make them feel good about themselves ?


We get tattoos or pirecings to make us feel better. I know iv gotten my tattoos to help me not hate my body as much as I do. 


Years ago we were judged because we got tattos. Although in Japan  tattos  are still rather a taboo subject and lots of places want allow you in if they see you have tattos. Like bath houses. Although there's is a underground group of tattoists. Not just doing them the traditional way but also with tatto guns


I do find people in the kink community to be less judgemental about things than vanila people.  I'm wondering if we are less judgemental of each other because we also do not judge peoples kinks as long as there legal.

I think everybody talks about making the world a better place I have found there's one simple thing each and every one of us could be and just that one thing would make the world a much more beautiful place to be.
I have found people now more than ever are extremely judgmental they Point their little finger and everybody else pointing out all their faults and then inadequacies but they don't have the courage to look in the mirror and see those demons staring right back at them they would rather just point and judge on others
if everybody in this world would stay in their own lane and work on truly bettering themselves to be kinder for loving human beings and not hurting other people with their judgment that this would be a fantastic world just that one thing would make it a much better place to be in or we don't have to deal with the haters all the time
There's only a few things in this world I judge and I will judge those things till the day I die number one someone who hurts a child or an *** number two or rapist someone who takes without consent sex is a gift given from one human being to another to take it as long unless it's CNC play and the last night is *** to take a human life but other than that I don't judge on anybody I believe Live and Let Live and I try to make myself a better human being I wish the rest of the world could try to do that but like they say wish in one hand right we know what you're doing the other and which is going to fill up quicker but that being said may all your ups and downs be in your bed peace and light to you
And you were right also about the body of its thing us ladies were totally had to be in this size to be beautiful and are men were emotionally neutered when they were children a man does not cry a man has to be tough all the time what a lot of pressure that is having to not sure that you're hurting you always be strong and to hurt alone hopefully we can do a better job raising our children and grandchildren without all those pressures on them we were all made different and unique and all we want all of us at the end of the day is to be loved and accepted
There are definitely judgemental “ kinksters” or lifestylers or whatever label you want to use. Some of my kinks definitely get judged. I think it comes down to people having a open and understanding mind if someone doesn’t have this then yes there will be ignorance but also these people do not matter.
Being open minded is definitely a good thing nowadays we all have to be less judgmental I think it comes to opinions as well pride and prejudice play apart no I’m not bringing race into this at all my example I don’t like certain foods but I’m not gonna judge people for liking something Im prejudice against
I think most people are afraid of what’s different and rather judge than understanding it. What you refer in the video is a disorder that don’t have much in commun with plastic surgery.
Strange that you mentioned hiding your body with tattoo as it was the same reason on Japan felons and yakusa were the only tattooed and that’s why in Japan it’s not allowed to show tattoos in public, while not illegal to have some. Tattoos is a cultural reference rather than an aesthetic/trend statement like in Europe.
Yes in kink community we are less judgmental but not always. I have read many times *** or smirking remarks about others kink in forums here or else.
Odd that this came up today, I've had conversations with my students about making assumptions and judgements about others. The first, following meeting an individual in Prison who had a black eye and our thinking or our assumption about how they'd sustained that *** and how our thinking would have been different if we'd met 80yr old Betty living in her own home.
The second example we were, discussing an individual who (and I apologise for my terminology/wording, I accept that my knowledge of this fetish isn't great) presents as ABDL and how some team members had been apprehensive about working with them.
We discussed everyones tendency to make judgements about others when we don't know the background/about the individual/the context/what meaning others take from things such as the above or body modification.
We also talked about *** bias and whilst we all make judgements, the need for us to have an awareness that we do do that, that that is often quite a natural thing to do but to also approach matters with an enquiring and open mind. Without which it we would live a very blinkered life.
Unfortunately, I think it would take a very very self aware individual not to go through life judging others at all, even for those that have had training in it.
With regard to your question Charms, I don't know if those in the kink community are less judgemental. Maybe we are in relation to fetishes or kinks because often we can relate?
We had a discussion like this in lobby earlier this week. I asked if over eating (and maybe even pregnancy) count as body modification. IMO (in my opinion) yes they do!!! Might be a more "natural" form but we're still adjusting our DNA code. Stretch marks are a huge sign of "altering" one self. So to me it's no different , as long as it's not addictive, I think it's absolutely fine.
Interesting - there must be a research paper that looked at people’s motivation for overeating, for example. I think it’s safe to say that there will be a proportion of people who overeat in order to grow in size, the question then remains how large is this group…
2 hours ago, Sw33tGirl247 said:
We had a discussion like this in lobby earlier this week. I asked if over eating (and maybe even pregnancy) count as body modification. IMO (in my opinion) yes they do!!! Might be a more "natural" form but we're still adjusting our DNA code. Stretch marks are a huge sign of "altering" one self. So to me it's no different , as long as it's not addictive, I think it's absolutely fine.

This way we do not adjust our DNA Code...



I really liked your reply was interesting. 


I am a disabled person and have been judge alot by the vanila World. We're as iv had nothing but support from people of kink. I person an I spoke a little an they gave me the confidence to not hide because of my health problems. 


May I ask what you teach?

4 hours ago, Carnival said:
Interesting - there must be a research paper that looked at people’s motivation for overeating, for example. I think it’s safe to say that there will be a proportion of people who overeat in order to grow in size, the question then remains how large is this group…

Well....if you looked at my pics, I'm a big girl. So I can say from experience that when I eat, it's for pleasure. No different than plastic surgery and looking in the mirror 🤷🏽‍♀️

2 hours ago, Christian-2070 said:

This way we do not adjust our DNA Code...

Plastic surgery doesn't adjust DNA code? Or pregnancy? Please explain how.... I'm a bit confused

40 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

@Charms, I don't as such. I have student social workers on placement in my team whilst they're at uni

You social workers are not all bad. You are over worked though

Posted (edited)

In some ways we are alot luckier. I am afraid it's alot harder that what you a saw. A certain Asian country if you are a single mother, it is still frowned. It's doesn't matter how the woman became a single mother (except widowed). Also, if your 40, it is expected the women to have short hair (bottom of the neck). If your 40 and over with long hair, you are considered an outsider.

Edited by Deleted Member
Posted (edited)

The kink scene is just as bad as the nilla life for people being judgmental on many aspects of each others lifestyle choices, outlook and acts.

People in the scene keep putting themselves on this moral pedestal, we are no different, i have lost count over many years on how many arguments, spats and fallouts have happened over how people act or want to do in the BDSM lifestyle and especially on the social side of things.

There will and always should be some red lines never to cross.


Edited by smeagol
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