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The (not so) dreaded smear


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So, this is my reminder to all you lovely lot out there who have female genitalia/lady parts/cervix/cunt etc etc - get your ***y smear booked. 

I have mine tomorrow (today) and I hate them, I really do. I find them uncomfortable for various reasons - however nothing whatsoever to do with taking my clothes off in front of a HEALTH PROFESSIONAL who has (I assure you) seen it all (and more) before. 

This test is a 5 minute thing that could literally save my life and mean that my children have a mother for years to come - when I put it into that context there is really no question whether or not I’d have it done. 

I have shockingly bad pelvic floor musculature due to childbirth and even managed to laugh about this with the nurse during my last smear.

I know lots of women are embarrassed/freak out/don’t want to do it/are scared but at the end of the day it is simply a cunt/vagina/pussy/happy hole etc. Whatever you want to call it, it is flesh and *** and nerves, nothing else and certainly not something to risk losing or shortening your life over. 

So yes, whilst I find that a smear is not the most comfortable thing in the world would I refuse it - hell no and I urge you to be the same. Make the appointment, take the test - it might just save your life. 

Love X


Thank you for posting this 💜💜💜

If there was a giant love button, I would tap it infinity times over.

I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer late last year and had it not been for a smear test and subsequent tests thereafter it could have been missed. 

So I applaud you for raising this topic and equally encourage those to have a regular smear test.....what's the saying "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today".....  it could be a life saver. 

Wishing you all the best for your test 🤗🤗

I 100% agree with this, get tested, check what ever you need to check regularly. I'm not just talking about specific parts to those who have a vagina or breasts, but also to those who have testicles like myself.
I went to a doctor after feeling a lump on mine that had never been there before, went straight to the doctors who put me in touch with the right department. I am fortunate in that i just have cysts, nothing really worth worrying about compared to the big C.
Like the original post says, your doctor has seen everything there is to see and then some more, if you aren't checking yourself then maybe now might be a good time to start

Im.always posting on my fb about smear tests and how there extremely important.  When I was 25 I had a smear test and it showed I had cancer cells. It was extremely bad as well. I had to have treatment. 


Then 2019 I had my regular smear again snd yet again I had something show up. So scans were done and more in depth tests were done and yet again I had to have treatment.  


I also had to growths cut out my womb. I'm lucky they turned out  just to be growths.

I'm so lucky that I got to have treatment on the nhs. I'd hate to think about.my American freinds. 


To.others with vaginas and parts attached to.it please get a smear test done. 15 minutes tops of being uncomfortable can save your life. 


If any 1 wants to chat my pms are open.


Also check your boobs regular.

Mine was abnormal last year had treatment and the follow up eas last week so I'm waiting on results. I have a tilted womb so mine tends to be both difgicult and ***ful but I still wouldn't miss it. It's easier than a scale and polish st the dentist.... That is my nemesis!

I was diagnosed stage 1 abnormal smear at 19 then regular  checks till I was 25 when it was going into stage 3. 

Never be ashamed, freaked out etc... yes it makes me want to be sick with the collection of cervical cells. 

I still have yearly checks but worth it


Il always promote self checking so bravo for raising this. 


Ive had abnormal smears since i was 21 (i am 33 now) after being attacked when younger. 

I needed an abundance of checks done and this carried on every 6 months. I was diagnosed with precancerous cells and needed lletz treatments. Again back in 6 monthly. Then it changed to yearly and i had a bleed after sex which is not normal for me. So i had a smear in October 2022. I am still waiting for my results. My health anxiety with this is shocking. I always prepare for the worst, but i honestly will always push people to get a smear done. 

If ANYTHING seems amiss. Bleeds. ***. Discharge. Just "not feeling right" and anything else. Always get it seen to. A simple uncomfortable swab could indeed save your life. 


And while here i will always say the same about breast cancer. 


ANYONE can get breast cancer. Women and MEN and all with a chest/tissue. 

Too many don't know this. 


Listen to your bodies. ❤️

1 hour ago, Pheonix2786 said:

Mine was abnormal last year had treatment and the follow up eas last week so I'm waiting on results. I have a tilted womb so mine tends to be both difgicult and ***ful but I still wouldn't miss it. It's easier than a scale and polish st the dentist.... That is my nemesis!

II sending big hugs i hate the dentist with every breath. Although my dentist is an amazing lady and her assistant is awesome.  I go to have check ups but they have to wait till I'm ready to sit in the chair and have my teeth looked at. So I understand why youj hate it.


I hate the dentist

 I 1s had a fit in the dentist chair I now have to be put to sleep to have any work. My master always comes with me2 the dentist. He as to be in charge or I'd never go.


I did not find out till I was having problems with my periods . Was having them every 2 weeks few years ago. All tests came back then dr said they wanted to check my thyroid function because that affects your periods. It turned out I have problems with my thyroid. I am know on thyroid medication for life .




I agree! I had mine on Monday, the nurse was amazing very reassuring. It was my 2nd smear so I knew what to expect but it was still uncomfortable.

My suggestions are if you want, take someone with you (you ARE allowed to do that) or you can ask for another nurse to stand in.

Take ***killers before hand, some people get *** for a short while after, (cramps for me are normal after smears)

Wear a pad, some bleeding after is normal. Note SOME. Some people just have delicate cervix's.


I'd rather be embarrassed for 10mins then on a hospital bed recovering from Late stage cancer. Which is common in the females in my family.

Pay the extra cost, and get them to use the sample stick with bristles.
25 minutes ago, kiseu said:

Pay the extra cost, and get them to use the sample stick with bristles.


5 minutes ago, FatefulDestiny said:


Here, there are two types of swabs they can use to get samples. The standard (free) or ones with micro bristles (27€). The ones with bristles gives "more accurate" test results. 

57 minutes ago, kiseu said:

Here, there are two types of swabs they can use to get samples. The standard (free) or ones with micro bristles (27€). The ones with bristles gives "more accurate" test results. 


We don’t pay and as far as I’m aware they use the bristled ones

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, FatefulDestiny said:


We don’t pay and as far as I’m aware they use the bristled ones

Here, the bristled ones look like "micro" bristled. Did they look like it. I am sure they are. My point is keep an eye. I learned about the two options from a friend, and not from a doctor. 

Edited by Deleted Member
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My HPV has been in remission for years, but I still disclose it. If someone is that terrified of safer sex practices or a non-sex relationship: bye!

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