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Sleep in rope?


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Okay let’s here your opinions on sleeping in rope? Yea? No? And why?
No, for obvious reasons. Death, strangulation, circulation, god forbid there's a fire in the house, not the best idea to sleep with objects under your pillow either...Maybe it can be done in ways there is someone to ensure your safety, like supervised play/naps but not at night is my personal opinion.
It would depend on what type of rope but ya I’d be up too that
Can it cut off *** circulation?
Yes 100%. Anything to please the master 😌
I think it depends on the type of bondage. There would be some risks associated with being fully immobilized but something like binding the wrists should be fine so long as you’ve got an escape plan in place should the rope need to be removed quickly.
Negative. Don't do it. The risks far outweigh the benefits. The penalties far outweigh the benefits. Most attempts will go without detrimental effects which causes a false sense of confidence and security in the activity when the potential risks indeed still do exist.
When it Does go wrong the downside is permanent nerve damage that could have been avoided if the participants involved were coherent (not asleep) to properly check in nerve/reflex response periodically, as everyone should be doing with tying Awake.

Nerve damage and circulation cut-off are similar and different at the same time. Please look into the not just fundamentals but deeper issues and causes of nerve damage.

If you're "fix" would be to not tie too tight, keep in mind what was Loose will turn into Tight depending on how you adjust physically over the course of your sleep.

Bottom line, when you are asleep and incoherent you are incapable of mitigating risk during an activity that should have constant attention.

Play safe.
It can be done because I personally have done it. LONNNNNG STORY.
BUT! I personally don’t recommend it. Things can go badly quick.
To add on my previous response. It also happened to. Me. All of my limbs are functioning fine. But I was none too happy.
1 hour ago, FukMassaSexxx said:
Can it cut off *** circulation?

Not necessarily, but yes

Yes, I mean if you stick to simple stuff and use safe knots it can't get tighter, I don't see a problem here. For excample tying wrists& ankles together, then using a third rope to connect wrists and ankles for a hogtie- How could anything pull tighter? Just be sure to use the correct knots correctly and if you use a third rope for the hogtie, make sure it doesn't pull anything tighter. Just check by struggling a little& pulling in any direction possible, if something can get tighter you will realize at that point
No. One of the most basic ideas about any bondage is that the person who's tied up alerts someone when they feel something is not right, like limbs going cold, etc. To put someone (or yourself) in a position where they are completely unaware of their physical condition and cannot react to problems is highly irresponsible.

No, no, no and no - as @Sir_Mickeyvery eloquently said the risks are far too great even for minimal ties around the legs or wrists.

Can you explain why? You are repeating yourselves but don't explain why you think so. If I tie loose and it's impossible that it becomes tighter it simply won't happen that anything gets tighter or limbs get cold, it's unlogical to assume that. It's the same as stating that sleeping with leatherhandcuffs would be irresponsible. Nonsense
It's absolutely not logical to assume it's safe. Plenty of comments have given context as to why it's unsafe.
Rope comes in different materials. People do move in their sleep. Knots will move and tighten. Rope will.move and hit pressure points/nerves. A sleeping person will not know when this happens. A sleeping person will not be able to voice to others that limbs have gone cold. No one will know if skin has turned blue. There's a reason why shears are always kept to hand when rope is being used. The person being tied needs to know and be able to voice when something doesn't feel right so that action can be taken and the rope cut so they're safe.
I'm gonna flip it on it's head and ask, what is anyone getting from sleeping in rope?
Posted (edited)

Yes of course and around your neck too for more thrill.
Ok seriously it’s not recommended.
Is it a selftied ? Because you need to find someone who’s willing to risk it, knowing that if something goes wrong they could be prosecuted for the consequences.
How much constraint? If it’s like wrap around with the option to quickly untie yourself or with a safety scissor then maybe it’s acceptable.
Everything is possible in bdsm as long the risk has been assess throughly, checked all the options and practice before going “rope free”

Edited by QXX666

@CopperKnob I'm afraid you didn't even read what I wrote because you still just repeat yourself. Being careful is absolutely good& necessary, but this is just blindness. You argue without any logic, repeating your thesis like a prayer as if this made it more true. "The wrope might move& hit pressure points"- I have never heared about anyone making such a big deal about sleeping with a bracelet or necklace. "Turning blue"- What tightness are you thinking about? Won't happen if you don't tie like you want it to turn blue- which you definitely don't want when sleeping in ropes. Also you don't connect all the ties so they can pull each other tighter. logical

There's no argument in my comment though it seems that you want one. I won't bite.
Hopefully you'll take note of the more experienced and learn from it for the safety of yourself and others
I'm gonna chime in here and just say from a legality point of view. In the UK you aren't actually able to consent to anything more than a battery (touching without permission) if someone did choose to consent to this and say the ropes did tighten or possibly that there was an emergency and they couldn't release themselves quickly, or an *** was caused while trying to release themselves in said situation. Because of the way consent works you would be liable and prosecutable for any injuries or fatalities that occur.
2 hours ago, Olorun said:

Can you explain why? You are repeating yourselves but don't explain why you think so. If I tie loose and it's impossible that it becomes tighter it simply won't happen that anything gets tighter or limbs get cold, it's unlogical to assume that. It's the same as stating that sleeping with leatherhandcuffs would be irresponsible. Nonsense

You sound naive and dangerous :(

People have listed many reasons why...

I have replied to all of these reasons, they don't make sense
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