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Negative traits in a female Dominant

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expecting significantly more from their subs than they would accept when they themselves are the sub. complaining about past dom experiences from their times spent as a sub
17 hours ago, ThaliaVirago said:

Wow, you've actually interacted with every female Dominant on earth. That's rather impressive. 🙄 Also, obviously not true. 

Haha I’ve gone through 2000+ people the past 13 or so years and I guess it’s time to call it quits.

I noticed that the younger and cuter I am (way back then) I was extremely lucky and happy but as I got older I experienced what it was like to age and these people start to disappear until there was nobody left and nobody interested.

Having spoken to loads of people now nobody is interested in the dynamics I proposed. But I’m happy now because I’ve accepted that I had all my fun back then and now it’s time for me to just do life-things

16 hours ago, ThaliaVirago said:

"Looking" how and for what specifically? Vanilla people also have difficulty finding partners. Depending on location, how one is searching for a partner and other factors, yes it can be challenging. It doesn't mean there aren't plenty of genuine Dominant women in existence. 

I met her on here also but she’s quit this community now it’s kind of over we’ve both gone through mass amounts of people and have accepted it’s just not for us 😅

On 7/10/2023 at 5:37 AM, Slifer said:

Trust me I’ve been looking for more than 12 years and it’s all the same

So you've been looking for a Domme since you were 10???

On 7/10/2023 at 5:38 AM, Slifer said:

If you want to challenge it. My other friend is 33 nearly and she’s been looking for over 20 years

So your friend has been looking since she was 13???

On 7/10/2023 at 5:38 AM, Slifer said:

so actually there is a big weight to my statement

Yes there is, but I suggest that it's not the weight you were hoping it would have!

8 minutes ago, 4RCH said:

Yes there is, but I suggest that it's not the weight you were hoping it would have!

Yea pretty much. lol

I’m not looking anymore I guess I’m doing other things now and I’m probably gonna just put it all behind me and leave stuff open.

I dunno I think it has pretty serious weight. A fact is something that can be observed with results repeated by the majority of others.

30 minutes ago, Slifer said:

Haha I’ve gone through 2000+ people the past 13 or so years and I guess it’s time to call it quits.

I noticed that the younger and cuter I am (way back then) I was extremely lucky and happy but as I got older I experienced what it was like to age and these people start to disappear until there was nobody left and nobody interested.

Having spoken to loads of people now nobody is interested in the dynamics I proposed. But I’m happy now because I’ve accepted that I had all my fun back then and now it’s time for me to just do life-things

Further up the thread it was 12 years or more, now it's 13 years or so - either way either you claim to have been looking for a dominant since you were in single digits or are lying about your age on here. Neither looks particularly good
And your suggestion of having "gone through" 2000+ people basically indicates you're not particularly choosy and will approach just anyone....and you're surprised you don't find your expectations are met?!

Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Slifer said:

Haha I’ve gone through 2000+ people the past 13 or so years and I guess it’s time to call it quits.

Yeah I think you giving up is a very good idea!

14 minutes ago, Slifer said:

I dunno I think it has pretty serious weight.


Edited by 4RCH
14 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Further up the thread it was 12 years or more, now it's 13 years or so - either way either you claim to have been looking for a dominant since you were in single digits or are lying about your age on here. Neither looks particularly good
And your suggestion of having "gone through" 2000+ people basically indicates you're not particularly choosy and will approach just anyone....and you're surprised you don't find your expectations are met?!

As always on target 🎯 Gemini 👏😈

20 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Further up the thread it was 12 years or more, now it's 13 years or so - either way either you claim to have been looking for a dominant since you were in single digits or are lying about your age on here. Neither looks particularly good
And your suggestion of having "gone through" 2000+ people basically indicates you're not particularly choosy and will approach just anyone....and you're surprised you don't find your expectations are met?!

My main stuff started when I was 10 but I had access to internet when I was 8 lol.

Also going through 2000+ people is me being very choosy as I’m only looking for one kind of individual, I’ve already been there and done that where I’ve gone in desperation to accept anyone and everyone and that was even worse 😂 and I’ve known what I’ve wanted to look for since then so when I first joined up this community the first thing people said to me is know what you want and I was like great I’ve known what I’ve wanted since ages lol.

I’m not here to argue. Some people win some people lose, it’s just how life is it’s not meant for everyone. I reached the peak of my experiences back then and have been coming back down the mountain ever since. It’s time I get to ground level and continue on

3 hours ago, Slifer said:

My main stuff started when I was 10 but I had access to internet when I was 8 lol.

Also going through 2000+ people is me being very choosy as I’m only looking for one kind of individual, I’ve already been there and done that where I’ve gone in desperation to accept anyone and everyone and that was even worse 😂 and I’ve known what I’ve wanted to look for since then so when I first joined up this community the first thing people said to me is know what you want and I was like great I’ve known what I’ve wanted since ages lol.

I’m not here to argue. Some people win some people lose, it’s just how life is it’s not meant for everyone. I reached the peak of my experiences back then and have been coming back down the mountain ever since. It’s time I get to ground level and continue on

Sorry but I'm calling BS on that - just because you had access to the Internet at the age of 8 doesn't mean you had the level of maturity or knowledge to even start to comprehend what BDSM is - sure you may have (sadly) seen related porn but to knowingly search for it and interact with others in that regard? Nope, or even if you did you'd have lasted no time at all and got nowhere.
Contacting 2000+ people with a view to meeting them for kink is "being very choosy"? Even if your claim to have been doing that over the course of 12-13 years is true - that works out around one person every other day - in what world is that being choosy? Choosy means taking your time, only approaching people you think are a good match, getting to know them and establish if there's a connection and chemistry - not blindly messaging people every other day!!

1 hour ago, gemini_man said:

Sorry but I'm calling BS on that - just because you had access to the Internet at the age of 8 doesn't mean you had the level of maturity or knowledge to even start to comprehend what BDSM is - sure you may have (sadly) seen related porn but to knowingly search for it and interact with others in that regard? Nope, or even if you did you'd have lasted no time at all and got nowhere.
Contacting 2000+ people with a view to meeting them for kink is "being very choosy"? Even if your claim to have been doing that over the course of 12-13 years is true - that works out around one person every other day - in what world is that being choosy? Choosy means taking your time, only approaching people you think are a good match, getting to know them and establish if there's a connection and chemistry - not blindly messaging people every other day!!

Amen - Gemini - this individual forgets that he approached me as a new sub just a few months ago. Massive red flags and Uber needy. Possibly why he hasn’t found a Domme ( like there is 2000 on here anyway) . Fantasists, Fet is full of ‘em 🙄

54 minutes ago, MisstressStorm said:

Amen - Gemini - this individual forgets that he approached me as a new sub just a few months ago. Massive red flags and Uber needy. Possibly why he hasn’t found a Domme ( like there is 2000 on here anyway) . Fantasists, Fet is full of ‘em 🙄

New sub? lol

I’m not here to argue though but just a heads up 🆙 this app wasn’t made 10 years ago lol


OK Lets get this stop hijacking this thread and get back to the original topic shall we?


The most common negative trait I see in female Dominants is when they 'spit their dummy out' and "throw their title about" when someone disagrees with them. Thankfully not all of them, but some do it repeatedly as if they have some kind of god-given right to be obeyed. What's worse is when they do it to another Dominant or authority figure. Why they can't just show respect to everyone rather than trying to prove themselves is beyond me 

  • 2 months later...
A Dom should show respect for another Dom. I'm a female Dom and you know I've been disrespected by both females and males. Mainly men. All I'm trying to say is it's not just one side disrespecting the other it's both sides disrespecting eachother
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