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Is being nice a kink?


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I know this sounds stupid and I promise this isn’t some kinda humble brag, but I really can’t help at least trying to be kind to people in general. And getting kindness back does actually get me excited. I’m not talking about buying people stuff or serving them and stuff, but like having nice conversations and showing genuine respect and attraction.
I think it's a basic human requirement more than a kink as such to be honest.
I don't buy into the whole "be kind" schtick not because I don't believe we should be, but because I think it's something we should all demonstrate naturally by our actions where possible - rather than being told to, or because it's a hashtag.
I dont think its a secret that what makes a great submission great is a strong underlying kindness

Being nice is the bare minimum any human should be

No it is not a kink. That is a genuine piece of mind, in my opinion. I have a genuine praise kink just as many do, the thought of glorifying my person (if you have one) is such a desire because of the need for her (whoever she is) to know that she is my all through/by any physical, mental and emotional means. The kindness you give is a reflection of reciprocation from your soul and a desire for it to be reciprocated, therefore you always treat others how you wish to be treated. Some take this wrong and other look to manipulate this. For what it is worth though, it is not a kink you are just a very authentic person. It is very respected given that most dont know how to handle it. Never change that, you are a fading commodity.
From a purely personal perspective, Fet has been my life line to the real world. I have met some truly genuine gents on here. I lurve a great conversation, some of these have led to more over time, and others it will always be genuine chit chat about daily life. My partner is in hosp at present, and the guys I chat with regularly have been so supportive. Whether it be 'How is everything ' to helping me find some release with no expectations for themselves. Its a long day I'm hosp with no outside support. So getting home to messages of care & titillation late night is wonderful.
It's not that it's a kink, but it's a personality trait that most people on here are not looking for unless you're looking to guide a little.

Just being a guide for a little isn't enough. You need to understand their needs, their feeling, and their ***s. A lot of people just want to get physical with a little, and in most cases, that's not what a little needs.

A little needs genuine: love, kindness, compassion, hope, guidance, and nurturing.

You need to connect to both the little and the primary on an emotional, mental, and spiritual plain.

You need to be willing and understanding that you're most likely never going to be with them on a physical or sexual plain.

Your job it's to be the best daddy or mommy you can be to help ease the primary of any anxiety or stress they have because the little needs parental love and care.
Generally speaking, BDSM relationships I’ve had, even when *** was a stated desire, still began with being nice and having edgy but still fairly vanilla interactions before establishing all the attraction, security and emotion to explore the risqué. Being nice is a moral value that usually attracts more opportunity to connect with all people including kinksters.
Sounds like demi or sapiosexual
Could be I guess, if it sexually arouses you. If nothing else, it's a good way to treat people anyway :)
I wouldn't call it a kink either, I have also experienced this and i believe it's more along the lines of what you're genuinely attracted to, sex and kinks aside that's a building block to a loving relationship that i would be hard pressed to believe anybody wouldn't want in a LTR
I thought they called it a praise kink? I'm the last guy you should be listening to but the people that got me into my kinks definitely seemed to think acts similar to what you're describing fell into having service and/or praise kink applications.
I don't think those two equate: praise is what you give to your partner(s), nice is what you are. But I'm interested to hear from others
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