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Lost and unknown what to do

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Best advice I can give, learn to love being by yourself. Once you can be happy on your own, that's When you'll find someone
Thank you all for ur advice
This is where growth happens. All those uncomfortable feelings are actually good for you. People who avoid this stage end up moving on from one meaningless relationship to another.
Sit with yourself and your feelings. Do things by yourself. Hook up once. NOT TWICE
Enjoy this time alone, even though it's difficult at first, the last thing you want to do is get feelings for someone unwilling to be your partner.
Some time it's better to be alone that way, they not gaslighting you nd telling you your crazy cuz now you're in a room talking to yourself . Atleast you know the truth.......... that your fucking going crazy😵‍💫🤯 so yea from experience don't stay alone to fucking long lol
Get to know yourself. Use this time wisely. Prepare for your next chapter/relationship/whatever. Keep yourself safe. Enjoy yourself and learn from this experience. x
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